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Why does Michelle Pfeiffer keep getting mentioned in new songs? Two songs back-to-back on the radio had a Pfeiffer reference...I mean she was a decently atteactive marginal actress 25 years ago.
Yeah big props to Mitch. He has presided over a billion $ empire for 20 years, and is putting a fraction of football money back into the program. 5 years AFTER he gave us the highest paid women's coach in the SEC.
The guy is terrible. Call me a hater, I don't give two shits. The guy has done a pretty mediocre job with what he has.

Never understood what Pope thought him and ice man had in common, I see it now.
It's pretty easy. Just need a chair, some rope, towel, and bucket of water.

Be happy to show you sometime Willy.
Rob is the biggest pretend fan on GYERO, TS. It's purely a social & rubbing shoulders affair for him.

At least Harris legitimately follows the programs/sports hard core in addition to all that stuff.

Your boy Farrington finally due for that breakout, Rob?
The Korean Baseball League has their bat flips on point. Its like a contest over there.
T-Rav, my cousin, went to the Playboy Halloween party. Dr. Boat, you should ask him about it. It was expensive, but he's a bachelor and what else does he need that $ for? That's what I told him. You know, Travis does a really good job being a bachelor and being a little cheesy about some things, but not quite as over the top as Bob. He also was in the Air Force and just retired at age 41.
So, he's like really retired? Has no other plans?

Dude definitely lives a fun/active life...kid is EVERYWHERE. You'd think he lives around here, but he "lives" clear across the country. It's definitely Impressive.
Yes, he is really retired. He's going to do something part-time once he decides what that is. He has some rental properties as well.
T-Rav, my cousin, went to the Playboy Halloween party. Dr. Boat, you should ask him about it. It was expensive, but he's a bachelor and what else does he need that $ for? That's what I told him. You know, Travis does a really good job being a bachelor and being a little cheesy about some things, but not quite as over the top as Bob. He also was in the Air Force and just retired at age 41.

We have discussed it before. He needs to step up his cheese game.
The Korean Baseball League has their bat flips on point. Its like a contest over there.
Woo boy - about 15 "unwritten rules" violated right there. That kind of cool fun shit wouldn't be tolerated in MLB, by God. When you hit a homer, put your head down, mumble an apology to the pitcher, and run around the bases as fast as you can - otherwise you're getting a fastball to the ribs next time up.
Woo boy - about 15 "unwritten rules" violated right there. That kind of cool fun shit wouldn't be tolerated in MLB, by God. When you hit a homer, put your head down, mumble an apology to the pitcher, and run around the bases as fast as you can - otherwise you're getting a fastball to the ribs next time up.

There are several EPIC bat-flip videos out there where the dude flies out. Awesome.
How hard is it to be FIFA president? Or NFL Commissioner?

"Here's a product that, despite evidence that it's a front for a corrupt, larcenous, morally bankrupt collection of oligarchs more likely to abuse the public trust than simply sit back and make money honestly, people will consume even if they can't afford clean water. Media companies will pay you billions if you simply do nothing and let the game be the game. Your job is to not screw it up. And if you can do that (or more accurately not do that) we will pay you millions, to say nothing of giving you international prestige. You in?"

Sepp Blatter/Roger Goodell: (chokes on drool)
Yep, having UK football season tickets for 20 years is definitely a "bandwagon" type deal. I've always heard people say ...."the Dallas cowboys, LA Lakers, Yankees and UK football"

Thanks SAE, so Mitch is putting 1 1/2 years of UK's total budget to football after 13 years? Huge props, what a cavalier bad ass. Mad props for that trend setting dweeb.
Tom Jurich spends that much a year on frucking seat backs.
UL, has built a stadium, expanded it, upgraded it and is now expanding again, all in the time UK is doing one upgrade.
I'm guessing the way you slurp barnhart he must be an SAE. Phi alpha brah!
So, I went to lunch at a Chinese buffet today. A guy sitting at the table across from me, probably in his late 70s, just randomly leans over to me and starts telling me this long-winded joke. Basically, he tells me that a friend of his bought a new truck and took it back to the dealer because the radio wouldn't work. The dealer told him the radio was voice operated. His friend tries it out, saying "country music" and country music plays, then he does the same thing with 50s rock and roll, and it plays 50s rock and roll. A car then pulls out in front of him and he yells "son of a bitch!" and over the radio he hears "this is your President speaking."

He gives a 5-second pause and says, "I'll be glad when that porch monkey is out of office."

I go back to eating and he interrupts me again, several times, telling several stories, the two most notable being:
  • His friend Bob, an Uncle of Johnny Depp, was a sniper in Vietnam and shot off a "Gook's" face from 600 yards.
  • He also told me people called the troops baby killers, but it was because of the Vietnamese. They would put a baby on top of a bouncing betty, and when one of our soldiers would pick it up, the mine would explode, killing several people. He said because of that they started shooting any babies they saw that were laying on the ground.
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It was very strange, and I'm pretty sure the guy had some early stage dementia or alzheimer's.
We never used racial slurs or killed any babies while experimenting with enhanced interrogation techniques.
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Had a crazy old man stop me at a market place wal mart and say to me, and this was in all caps, "I SAW YOU. HA. I SAW YOU WATCHING HIM TOO." *points at black guy shopping* "THAT SP**K IS GONNA TAKE THAT BLENDER. HE THINKS HE CAN GET AWAY WITH IT, DOESNT EVEN KNOW WERE WATCHING HIM. IVE BEEN FOLLOWING HIM AROUND FOR 10 MINUTES WAITING FOR HIM TO TAKE IT."
At this point I just kind of laughed, parked my full shopping cart near the pharmacy and gtfo. Moral of the story: old people are crazy, and racists.
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Man. I was just about to shoot BBdK an email to that address too. My grandmother is laying in the floor not breathing and I thought he might have some advice for me.
I try to avoid mainstream sports media douches and try to claim ignorance to all their terrible, terrible takes.... but I will not be sad if someone walks up to Colin Cowherd and beats the shit out of him with a tire iron.

What in the *hell* is his obsession with John effing Wall? It's beyond creepy at this point.
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