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I don't hate Reddit, I hate Chase. I just find it intimidating, confusing, and very weird. It's basically the most extreme people in the world on a particular topic within each thread, for which there is a thread about EVERYTHING.

I enjoyed the Serial thread a little.
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* if you had vip tickets to dashboard confessional, would you brag about it?

* season 2 of game of thrones --> done. mowing down a season a week. solid pace.

* curious what some of you wall street honks think about the news on friday about my company (sale/merger). i really cant comment -- but i know less than most of you anyways, in all likelihood.

* i hope this isnt too much to ask --> i REALLY want to see both of these teams at full strength in the nba finals.

* and, of course, the reds take 3 in a row from the scorching hot washington nationals. go figure.

* actually played lazer tag, yes, freaking lazer tag for a birthday party on saturday. it was a hoot. the first game was basically just our crew -- about a dozen people. the second game, there were about 50 little ninjlets in there with us. hysterical. thought about picking one of those f'ers up by the c-rows and using him as a human shield.
PTI(pti) having/paying for HBO is the upset of he century, TS.

-I have no clue what the actual implications of it would be here, but seems to be pretty terrible news for Louisville. I mean, Humana basically is downtown Louisville.

I assume they would maintain operations here in some capacity, but it's definitely not a good thing based on what I've read. (which all could be completely wrong)
Kimmy Schmidt cleans up very nicely. [smoke]

We ended up watching that some yesterday on a whim...not my typical kind of show, but it's a quick/easy watch, kinda cute I guess. Seems like a Chad show for sure.
- I hate Mondays. I especially hate co-workers who don't hate Mondays. At least it's nice and gloomy.

- Good hanging out with ABH and BBdK as usual.

- I love how sports media reports that something isn't a big deal thus making it a big deal. See: This weekend's Johnny Manziel story.

- That's it- I'm done with Dominos. What a shitty pizza. Just awful.
Yeah, it's even worse now after their "new recipe" and complete revamp than it was before. Just miserable pie.

Still would take it over Pizza Hut, though. If we are chaining it, it's Lil Cease 95% of the time these days.

-Seems like OTR grows by 100% every year...really impressive/cool area.
the johnny manziel story = [laughing]

the best thing to come out of stories like this is you get to see which media types are self-important d-bags, and which actually have some common gd sense.

btw, if someone is beligerently (sp?)/drunkenly heckling you, they deserve -- at minimum -- an open-handed slap to the face. i dont give a rip who you are.
the johnny manziel story = [laughing]

the best thing to come out of stories like this is you get to see which media types are self-important d-bags, and which actually have some common gd sense.

btw, if someone is beligerently (sp?)/drunkenly heckling you, they deserve -- at minimum -- an open-handed slap to the face. i dont give a rip who you are.

My favorite part…

The fan was about 20 yards away and Manziel threw the bottle in the fan's direction but not close to his body and more like a football spike, said the friend, who remembered the fan yelling, "Good throw, Johnny."
Was at a graduation party this weekend with a bunch of Humana honks. One guy at one point was top 3 at Humana. He said they had to stroke a check for $100's of millions for administering Obama care. Said they have been trying to find a buyer since then.
Said medicare margins are already slim, obamacare is going to destroy their profit margin.
Its going to be a huge kick in the nuts.
-Finished the garage cleanup. I really hate doing that type of thing but I've left the door open to "congratulate" myself on a job well done for about 3-4 days now. Looks amazing in there. No junky beer fridge surrounded by years of broken beer bottles, most of the tailgate gear is reduced.

-Manziel is a douche. Regardless if it's his fault or not, he's still a douche.

-Put some serious time in the saddle this weekend. Right at 100 miles for Friday-Sunday.

-Breastfeeding class this evening and birth class Saturday morning at 8a. o_O

-PHT was an institution. The clientele have always been questionable but man we used to punish those .50 Coors nights.

-Posted in the S&G thread but Lex folks, check out Cooper Bros butcher. Great place. Strange location but still cool people.

-FINALLY made it out to Jean Farris after years of talking about it. Pretty difficult place to eat and drink wine b/c it's 15 miles outside of town on country roads but the setup is awesome. Gorgeous out there. Food and wine were both pretty good.

-MCF told me about this but Beaumont Inn just recently received a James Beard Award for American Classic. That's pretty substantial. Is it the first one for a Kentucky restaurant?
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A neighbor works for Cooper Brothers. Every single neighborhood cookout/gathering for the past year has included stuff from there, and every single bit of it has been incredible.
Glad the Pelicans made the call to go with Gentry instead of boring ass Thibs, who would have ridden (rode?) AD into the ground with stupid crazy minutes per game (see: DRose). Dude straight up told their management that AD was being tragically underutilized on offense, which is absolutely true to anyone that watched one single game this season. Really was amazing how impressive his offensive numbers were despite not running much through him. I can't imagine what he'll do now with a legit offensive system with faster tempo and better spacing for Jrue/Tyreke.

Very good news for the Brow.
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Serious question that BlueKel brought up on The Twitter. Where will all those cougars/people/trash go now?

I mean, those are the two biggest bars in the state closing simultaneously (that I'm aware of), with a very unique/loyal clientele. Surely to be a boon for someone....I wonder if they'll all get together and "decide" on what their new bar will be?
Great time at the concert last night, can cross that off the list now.

Didn't really get any pregame in. Once we got to Cinnci the lass was "OMG ITS SO COLD IM FREEZING" "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME IT WAS GONNA BE SO COLD" "I NEED TO GET WARM CLOTHES OR IM GONNA DIE"

So fortunately we made it to the show before it started.
MCF told me about this but Beaumont Inn just recently received a James Beard Award for American Classic. That's pretty substantial. Is it the first one for a Kentucky restaurant?

Best thing to happen to Beuamont was that Harrodsburg went moist about 8-10 years ago. They have a side bar that has a great bourbon selection. Best hot brown ever but I can only eat that thing about twice a year.
porters wasnt even a cougar den, imo. it was the star wars cantina -- as a friend used to call it. literally have 2 of every species in the proverbial bar-hopping planet in there. bikers, fat chicks, aas, foreigners, old folks, underagers, strippers, druggies.....such a weird place.

now, brennans? THAT was a cougar den. great place.
What else closed? O'Malley's Corner?

I'm assuming they'll just continue the push downtown to 4th. Although PHT was a weirder/rougher crowd than just your standard Cougs.
Cougars was too generous, yes -- but you know who I'm talking about. Redneck Whores is probably more appropriate.

<------- worshipped O'Malley's for a certain kind of night. I batted .996 there -- that's not impressive for that place, just fact. Was nice to know it was always there if needed.

Bar/HAND/Martini complex as well.

That crowd can't catch a break...
Went to Johnny's Hideaway in Buckhead Saturday night. Best dance club I've ever been to. Special.

Glad PHT is being redeveloped. That corridor of Baxter needs it.
right next door to pht is a crumbling building, an empty parking lot, and a now closed injun-owned gas station that was usually about 40% more expensive than anyone else in town. i mean, that HAS to be developed at some point, right? seems like awfully valuable property to just sit there and suck.
Cougars was too generous, yes -- but you know who I'm talking about. Redneck Whores is probably more appropriate.

<------- worshipped O'Malley's for a certain kind of night. I batted .996 there -- that's not impressive for that place, just fact. Was nice to know it was always there if needed.

Bar/HAND/Martini complex as well.

That crowd can't catch a break...

No doubt. BAR/HAND was a special night but damn that place was always fun. Getting my fake and having access to that place was one of the biggest developments in my life as a 19 year old.
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beer snob friends down here ask me about 2 things quite often:

against the grain
bourbon barrel ale

very surprised to see how cult popular agains the grain has become. see it on tap on occasion here. i mean, they started (if im not mistaken) as a brewpub attached to a baseball stadium. figured that was doomed, but i guess not.
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