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College freshman quotes are always the best.

"It's kind of annoying; it's really inconvenient," Arnett said. "We pay almost $300 for a pass for this parking lot and they're making us park somewhere else. I feel like they should have just scheduled the game for another day.

"I have a really hard major," Arnett said. "I'm a pre-vet major and I'm busy all the time, and this really affects our learning."
Don't watch any of those any more. Only people that watch that shit is olds. Like really old.

I won't be lectured about entertainment by you. Common knowledge your taste in anything but pizza and rap is awful.

Just not for me. I'm drinking with friends and cooking at that time. Haven't watched any episode ever. Don't plan on it either.
i totally feel for that arnett kid. parking inconveniences can make learning. so can binge drinking, skipping class, recreational drug use, refusing to buy textbooks, sleeping thru exams, etc.

learn not learning, dbag.
What do murder mysteries have to do with age? Please explain, poster who's named after a character in an awful/cheesy show (for 80% of it's run)

Learn Murder

An awful and cheesy show you've never watched. What were you just saying about about people who make bold claims without ever watching a show? Hypocrite.

And it's very well established that you are a complete weirdo, Dateline viewing aside. You do realize this right? Heck, I thought you were proud of it. Part of your charm or whatever. Who knew Dateline was a bbdk hot button issue. What a weirdo. Not Adam/Chief weird or anything.
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Yea Anthony I hear you. I like The Today Show and Modern Family. I'm too sociable to watch Dateline tbh.
@BestFansStLouis is pretty brutal right now.

Basically a whole lot of Chumps-esque anger.
It's fun until the fourth tweet, where you see a "real name Twitter handle guy" use the "N-word", click on his profile to marvel at the rest of it, and realize he is a UK fan from Owensboro who just tweeted to Matt Jones about Trump.

This is why we can't have nice things.
bernie sanders is awesome, in that "crazy old man who stands in the free speech area in front of the student center and shouts biblical verses at sorority girls while calling them whores" kind of way.

listening to him blabber and bark out rhetoric is very enjoyable, imo.
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Wow, so the cards are buying this up. Didn't think the smart fans would. My uncle who likes to talk trash but is typically self aware is all in on this not panning out into anything. Wow. This is going to be glorious. The butt hurt at the sanctions is going to be palpable.
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