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Actually playing on the Web and reading 'dead wake.'

And yeah it really makes it hard to sleep but trying to cut 5-6lbs I picked up over the last 6 weeks and I had drank like every night for... well too long. Haven't been really drunk since derby but small dose frequency went way up.
Wow, so the cards are buying this up. Didn't think the smart fans would. My uncle who likes to talk trash but is typically self aware is all in on this not panning out into anything. Wow. This is going to be glorious. The butt hurt at the sanctions is going to be palpable.
Yeah, it will

Said from the beginning that the Deeners, the Rutherfords, the Capt. Suntans who are selling to that fanbase that this story is COMPLETELY made up, absolutely NOTHING happened and so they will suffer ZERO punishment or adverse treatment from this are doing far more damage than helping the situation.

If only they had a clue, apparently Pitino's tent revival speech (that only Cranktad listened too in its entirety) never once featured him saying "this didn't happen" should give them pause. Oh yeah, and Jurich has been hiding under his desk since the Fri afternoon phone press conference ought to tell them something.

nah, full speed ahead, any money changing hands was just McGee paying his gal's rent and meanwhile here's some more interviews from boring white players saying it is impossible any of this ever once happened over 4 years.
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This has to be the longest Jurich has been this silent ever during a football or basketball season, much less during a period when both sports overlap.

Working a 1/2 day tomorrow before driving up - going to be a slow 28 hours
The book has no hard evidence, it's all made up, this lady isn't going to admit anything when she's in court for racketeering, prostitution, human trafficking and hurting Pitino's feelings. Never mind if that happens they're admitting this went down, McGee or others will have to testify, etc. The thing with Skal is WAY worse, he graduated from Reach your Dreams!!(not true) and our wins will be vacated again when he leaves. Why would they get in trouble over 2 recruits that didn't even go to UL?

I also love the reoccurring comment, "what has UK done in the past 5 years that UL hasn't?" [laughing] I've seen it 5+ times now. For some reason our loss to Wisconsin in the FINAL F*CKING FOUR is a joke as well as is runner up banners.

They're in deflect mode and look for anything that might be a little hope. Their not prepping at all. Not even a little. Confident this is a dumb whore who is lying about everything but is also going to jail.

It still all comes down to one thing. Where the text messages that are incriminating in her phone from Andre McGee.

Ol' man Cady says yes and that they spent a lot of money and time with a forensic team who combed through the phone for weeks to verify before sending nearly a hundred page report of the findings.

Louisville fans continue to ignore this and have now resorted to having white geeks get on the radio and try to poke holes in the story as they are true Louisville Men who would have known.
From my experience, UL fans are either:

(1) too stupid to breed, or
(2) perfectly fine human beings who have fallen victim to the "Louisville bubble" mentality

There are no other kinds, as far as I can tell.
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Crank, those were all recreated, man. ALL of her texts were destroyed by a virus(hehehe yeah right) and she recreated all those texts from memory. He's a old has been and it's a first time publisher that setup an LLC because he knew this was wrong.
Cady also has a freaking checkered past. I mean, that cranky OLD SOB worked for the Lexington Chamber of Commerce.

Even Billy Reed has questioned his ability to follow simple writing techniques of checking facts and looking at the side of the story from Louisville people.

We trust Tom, Rick, James, Terrance, TWill, Luke, Steven, Bullet, Mike, Andre, Kenny....:eek:
I think my theory they haven't(they actually have they just casually forget Scooter McRay, Nate Johnson and Samaki) been busted on a big scandal so they don't have the sense of humility to keep them honest. UK fans assume the worst in most cases because of this. Sky is falling because we've been through the sky is falling. I guess it's because its a young fanbase and program they don't have the bad times to the extent we do. For all they know -> they've never been bad at BBall or Football (except that cocksucker Kragthorpe) and they've definitely never had problems with the NCAA.

They'll have that experience when this is all wrapped up.

BTW, these are the asshats that PTI was defending.
the iron sheik documentary on netflix is outstanding. olympic champion wrestler for iran and coach for us. what a character.
I'm pretty sure all of these Louisville fans became fans after 1998 or were too young to remember that they got into some pretty big NCAA trouble in the mid to late 90's.

I know this type of comment is a pretty common thought but is it really true? I mean you had a lot of the same issues going then that you do now. Economic unrest, unease with Russia, wars in places we shouldn't be, fear of nukes, greedy politicians, assassinations.

Reading a few books from the early 1900's got me thinking, man they had all of our same concerns(war, poverty, politics, economy, healthcare) except most were just magnified because was just harder. They were literally starving to death. Dying of tooth aches, cholera, polio, tuberculous, the flu. There was no infrastructure. Banks were closing and corporations folding overnight. Took days to travel regionally.

I know Twitter is pretty evil but no thanks. I'll take the technology and medical advancements of today. Even over a decade like the 60-70's. Pubic hair has a lot to do with that as well.
with any crazy scandal like this, don't you immediately believe the accuser?? we're not talking about an isolated incident here, but rather years of documented interactions. it would be easier to create the next fictional george rr martin fantasy series than it would be to make up this elaborate ruse.

a bunch of their players and at least one coach banged some whores. it happened. deal with it.
Has anyone looked at the coaches that would have been there during this and after McGee to see who lined up the Blakeney deal. That should be pretty easy detective work.
Wednesday Randoms:

- It's been 8 years since we knocked off LSU? :cry: Time flies when you're on the internet.

- "Yo- guys, I have this 43-year-old prostitute whose rent I am paying. She has some fellow hooker friends. Figured I'd invite them to the dorm where they can dance for you fellas and the recruits in their swimsuits. No funny business, though! Just dancing and the bikinis stay on! I mean it! These confirmed hookers I am bringing to the dorm will NOT engage in any R-rated behavior!"

- Meyer on Fox:

"He reminds me of John Wall in a lot of regards," Meyer said. "Better shooter than John at the same stage. He's probably not as explosive at the rim. And it's tough to say he's as fast as John, but he's right there. ... They both have a great feel for the game.

"In Kentucky terms: He's a lot of John Wall, with Brandon Knight-type shooting."

- HOT TAKE ALERT :fire::fire::fire::

Watched the USC 30-for-30 last night. Look, I enjoyed it. I enjoy ALL of them, but it's almost like the College Football docs are all the same. Reminds me of "Gangland"- you seen one, you seen them all. After seeing 30f30s on Miami (two of them) and SMU, I'm not sure a USC one was really necessary. There are more interesting stories out there.

- Embarrassed to admit this, but up until about a decade ago, I thought collegiate was spelled and pronounced "collegiant."

- Those Kardashians really know how to pick'em. I can see why so many women idolize them.

- So, US soccer sucks again or nah? I haven't been on my Twitter lately. Are the Millennials burning couches? Do we need a new coach? Are we still about to take over the world?

- Man, pretty jealous of UK Student this week. How awesome will tomorrow be? Like your normal AWESOME college Thursday x100. One of the great revelations of college had to be what a wonderful day Thursday is.
The entire Cubs team may be on steroids (at least Arrieta), but they're young and fun to watch. Tons of energy.
If youre taking attendance tomorrow or Friday, GTFO. This type of thing may happen once every decade moving forward. A day off from linguistics isnt going to ruin American education any more than it already is...
with any crazy scandal like this, don't you immediately believe the accuser?? we're not talking about an isolated incident here, but rather years of documented interactions. it would be easier to create the next fictional george rr martin fantasy series than it would be to make up this elaborate ruse.

a bunch of their players and at least one coach banged some whores. it happened. deal with it.

Right, because the simplest explanation is usually that someone speaking out of the blue is telling the truth, not suddenly inventing a lie. Occam's Razor. All things being equal, what's the simplest explanation.

Explanation 1: A whore woke up one day and said "I'm going to make up an elaborate lie, implicating my old boyfriend and his employer, involving multiple moving pieces, both whores and non-whores, who will need to be able to corroborate this story, forged records, forged texts, and sneaking my whores into the dorms for set-up pictures that will look like we were putting on shows... so I can make about 20 grand and probably be brought up on child-trafficking charges."

Explanation 2: A guy said "I bet we can get an edge on recruiting if I get some whores for recruits."
Cell phone. When we go to bed it's to go to sleep. If I had any form or TV in there I'd be up until 3a every night.

We have two functioning televisions in our entire house. There is one in the living room and one in the basement. I never take my computer or tablet to bed. I sometimes mess around on my cell phone, but that's it.
anth was a pre med major. per his college application.
Yeah, young dumb an ambitious. That lasted exactly 1 semester. 18 year old Anth may have actually been my best over all year. Crushed school, did a ton of community service, smoking hot girlfriend, made state wrestling, had an excellent final summer before college.

Didn't your grade school rival go to MIT and you end up with a business degree from UK?
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