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Very aware. Not advertising most of them either, doing mostly spot shows.

Coco is good, just not top 5 good. His podcast is $ though.
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Saw Jeselnik in Louisville last winter. Amazing but walked out of there feeling like I needed a shower. Makes Chappelle look like kid gloves.
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Funny thing about Jeselnik is he is a nice guy off stage. He adopted that dark humor because it pays.

Weird thing about comedians, the ones that are dark and dicks on stage are usually easy going and down to earth off stage. The nice/clean comics are dicks off stage.

Gaffigan is pretty clean and a nice guy off stage but listening to him on podcasts he drops F bombs left and right. Pretty funny seeing those guys outside of their target audience.
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I think certain people desperately want an alternative to Chik-Fil-A because of the whole Southern Baptist/gay deal, but at the end of the day Chik-Fil-A is the GOAT and even my snowflakey liberal ass will happily admit it. When TEH GHEYS make a comparable chicken sandwich, I will gladly give them my business. Until then, praise Jesus and gimme some nuggets with that combo.
I know I should be better than this but damn if I don't get stuck on 3-4 "how things are made" videos that Facebook obviously has realized I like. This dude building swimming pools by hand out in the jungle gets me every time. That or someone making anything out of wood, metal, etc.

Why yes, I was just thinking about making a welder out of an old microwave!!! Thanks for the video.
Whether or not a joke is offensive and whether or not it's funny has nothing to do with the subject and everything to do with whether it tells the truth, and who is being mocked. A joke mocking a disability with a tired, known truth isn't funny. A joke mocking the treatment of the disabled or the experience of being disabled with a rarely recognized truth can be very funny.
If we take away anything from GYERO today its to make certain you know the degree of recognized truth when you're mocking the disabled.
-buying shit from China/se asia is nearly impossible to avoid...especially if you have kids, but it *is* possible to work towards not supporting these abhorrent labor practices.

-i liken it to practical conservation/environmentalism. Not gonna compost/spend hours sorting refuse/install a greywater system...but i can cut down on single use plastic/water use etc. Baby steps.
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Politics never, EVER, enters my brain when purchasing fast food, or pretty much any other product.

And quite frankly, neither does child labor in another country.

The sales agree, across the board.

Doesn't cross my mind either but eats my parents up. :joy: I'm always thankful when the Lib mob crosses Trump supporting businesses and I get a bunch of packages from said businesses. Huge score when they boycotted LL Bean so tell your peeps to hit up Bonobos or Brooks Brother when they get a chance. This wardrobe switch is expensive.
but i can cut down on single use plastic/water use etc

I prefer to throw my trash in the street. If I didn't, the local low-level inmates would have to stay locked inside all day. My litter gives them a chance to get out and get some fresh air. I'm a magnanimous MF'er, what can I say.
Did my annual trip to the mall today. Was on the lookout for fleece vests and button downs...not quite the popular look this fall it seems.
- Popeyes sandwich is good, but Chick-Fil-A is better...not close.

- "My name Leonard Washington. Where I'm from? A little town called NoneYoGatdamn Bidness."

- Crushing the new job so far. Really digging Louisville.

- Office full of hottie dental assistants next door...that profession has always produced some world class "fun" chicks from my experience. Going to scope the scene a bit more this week.

- Skyline for dinner, chilitos on deck.
As of right now we got 8 folks interested. I do not have email for Geese or Ribsandwhitebread.
Just got my Titanium Apple Card, it’s interesting. But apparently can’t carry put it in a money clip without destroying it.
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