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- Wife and I still haven’t printed let alone framed and mounted any of our wedding photos.

- “... but you don’t even like Florida or Miami. Why do you want to watch the game?” smh

- I’ll be spending my “fireworks” wrapped around my poor dog comforting him. No one ever said being a dad was all fun and games. I know BBdK feels me.
I’ve seen a couple of those articles regarding Chappelle too, wcc. What a flipping joke. Vice had a long article about it. Grow up kids. You can only make fun of white people or inanimate objects I guess.

Read he had a joke about rape at a random spot he did and some lady jumped up and said as she walked out, “That’s not funny! I was raped!”

Dave replies, “You know it’s not your fault you got raped, but it ain’t my fault either. Ta-ta bitch.”

Who’s going to a Chappelle or any comedians show and not expecting touchy subjects to be the butt of jokes? It’s literally what most comedians do, say shit you can’t say in public as a normal person in a real conversation because it’s touched up to say. In a comedic situation, it becomes funny because you know he’s JOKING.
-Crazy stuff with recruiting. With this staff, our facilities and now proven track record with putting guys in the NFL I honestly don’t know what the ceiling is with recruiting.

-O/U for Saturday is now 62. Wow. I just took the CATS -11.5.
If you get a erection getting a GD massage, I guaran damn tee you are known by the ladies as "Quick Nut". (poor dude in high school got nicknamed that by his ex when they broke up)

Not a chance in hell the storm system in the Atlantic gets anywhere near Key West. None.
I think Eddie Murphy said it best (on a recent comedians in cars getting coffee): “Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right.”

It’s actually a pretty deep statement the more you think about it, people now assume it’s their right to get offended and you can’t question their feelings, but just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you are right to be, you stupid thin skinned pussy, STFU and quit being a dramatic dumbfvck and ruining it for the rest of us normal people.

I’ve started drinking coffee now too, but only on my days off to keep up with my kids in the morning. Never had a sip until 2 years ago and it’s pretty funny how openly addicted everyone in society is to stimulants, because coffee might as well be half an addy in its effects on me.
I know the first few weeks is where a lot of gambol experts say they make their money- but I'm always afraid to pull the trigger having no clue what type of team will show up in week 1. Probably start off with a few money lines to try and just keep something in the account for the rest of the season.

We havent done a fantasy league in 3-4 years and I think everyone continues to be ecstatic not having to worry about that shit on Sunday mornings at the last minute.

Coffee is a habit. Not sure if it really even has much impact on me though.

The History Channel documentaries always deliver. The one about the Food that built America is pretty good- but not quite as impressive as the Men that Built America. Colonel Sanders literally removing his competition in the early days via a 12 gauge shotgun blast to the chest was a tidbit of info I had never heard before. To be fair, the victim was painting over one of the Colonel's advertising signs so it was justified.

Lot of folks seem to be talking about "feeling a touch of fall" in the air... i'm calling bullshit. There is still a lot of awful heat left in the forecast for at least another month.

I'll get in on Krazy's barrel pick if its cost appropriate.

South Carolina arguably the most important game on the schedule if we want to get to 7 wins.
- Bringing the lass to Lexington on October 12 for her first Kentucky football game against Arkansas. We’ve been together almost 5 years and this will be her first game.

Well, you have chosen wisely my friend.

Arkansas game, Keeneland, HOMECOMING, and my Birthday all in one day. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Mind bottled.

While it saddens me the passing of boating season, Fall is my next favorite (and would be my favorite if not for said boating season)

Hurricane parties are awesome. Memories...

Had some brown water last night with TMFH. Good catching up, love that guy.

Might do Rooster's for lunch. Those garlic wings are unreal.

Enjoying a fine Costa Rican Tarrazu at the moment.
How much is Rovell in on the joke? I'm wary to go too high on the percentage because he's obviously a lunatic, but I simply can't believe someone so freely makes themselves look like a straight up weirdo without knowing what's up (especially a media member who obviously reads comments on his tweets).

I've considered this - that he's just playing all of us and laughing all the way to the bank. But, I really do not think that is the case. I'm sure he knows he's a dork, but honestly don't think he has the slightest clue how far past that he actually is.

He's the most unapologetically weird/creepy/awkward dude in Media, and I'm not sure it's even close.

[eyeroll] So you are trying to tell me he doesn’t know how ridiculous this looks? Short shorts to boot. No way he’s not in on the joke, he has to know how ridiculous he looks
-That Kelvin Johnson pick up is insane. Keep everything together and you'll basically be starting all 4* or better on the D next season. That's how you take a step up the SEC ladder.

-Sounds like he may be bringing another guy with him him from the LSU 2ndary.

-Coffee is amazing. Started about 10 years ago on espresso, quit for a couple years, had a kid so started drinking 2-3 cups per morning with fresh ground beans. Excellent habit. Only drawback is keeping the teeth from staining.

-Cal swinging for Clarke, Green, Christopher, Boston. :scream:
You're getting worse with each successive post, which is actually impressive considering how terrible you were to begin with.

This coming from a guy who made his internet message board handle of another dudes junk. I have ignored your last few ignorant, not funny post, but a man can only take so much stupidity until he responds. Maybe take the hint several on here have gave you, you are worse than me, your little jab bullshit is not funny. At least post something of substance so every post is not recycled, childish, trash. Serious question, are you 18/19 years old ? Do you have mental issues ?
Waiting for a friend at airport in Santorini catching up...

- Greece is wild.

- Santorini is breathtaking.

- everyone is thin and beautiful.

- Driving a car through back streets and alleys in a small town in a foreign country where google maps/Apple maps don’t really work and no signs in English after a couple glasses of vino at midnight...relationship stress test for sure.



There are certain places in the journalistic universe whose reactions you can set your watch to. After reading that Ringer piece, you won't believe that Chappelle was just telling jokes out there.

No sacred cows in comedy anyway. If you're talented enough, you can make a joke about any taboo subject and get a laugh.

The insane woke left of today is no different from the crazy evangelical right of the 80s and 90s. Bunch of humorless scolds, the lot of them.
The absolute worst thing in GYERO is Black Mamba responding to every single post catsfanbg makes. None of them are even remotely funny. Please f off.

Actually, the worst thing is catsfagbgky predictable response to his response...all Mamba does is ensure he keeps posting though, so I agree he's the main culprit.

-The iced coffee scene in Greece is :fire:. Frappe & Freddo Espresso all/air.
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Whether or not a joke is offensive and whether or not it's funny has nothing to do with the subject and everything to do with whether it tells the truth, and who is being mocked. A joke mocking a disability with a tired, known truth isn't funny. A joke mocking the treatment of the disabled or the experience of being disabled with a rarely recognized truth can be very funny.

It's stupid when people can't recognize the difference between the two and consider them the same. I haven't seen the new Chappelle yet, so I can't say what I think, but the basic rules of comedy are the same as the GYERO rules. Have a take and don't suck.
Actually, the worst thing is catsfagbgky predictable response to his response...all Mamba does is ensure he keeps posting though, so I agree he's the main culprit.
In true actuality, I only post in response to a catfag post, and even then not to each and every one. My standing offer is that I'll quit posting in GYERO as soon as catfag does. However, being the stubborn dumbass that he is, he defiantly refuses even though he knows he sucks.

What the hell happened to the GYERO Catpaw used to know? Y'all have run far better posters from the thread. It's sad knowing you've lost your fastball.
I rarely advocate blocking someone because it can mess up flow of the thread but BlackMamba literally brings nothing else besides posts about catsfan. You don't miss anything of substance.
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They couldn't handle Jelselnik. One of my favorite comedians. Huge standup fan.

Top 5 right now, in no order:

Chris Porter
Chad Daniels

Louie is all time favorite but, well you know.
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