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Can’t imagine the shit he’ll get for golfing with the hyper intelligent, classy family man who pulled our country out of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression.
Don't forget he also used the NSA to spy on us in the most abusive misuse of power by a president since Nixon. He also increased spending x fold.

Good old revisionist history is fun.
Don't forget he also used the NSA to spy on us in the most abusive misuse of power by a president since Nixon. He also increased spending x fold.

Good old revisionist history is fun.

Yeah revision back to 2008, you ungrateful MFer.
Dumb Fs like you are the reason we have Trump.

I remember election night vividly. It was like beating Louisville on their home field with their Heisman fumbling the game away in the final minutes and crushing any national title hopes.

Just a glorious victory against all odds and a giant middle finger to the liberal elites. The schadenfreude was unrivalled.

You ran such an awful candidate she lost to Donald J Trump. But she seemed like a good person.

When he wins in 2020, oh boy.
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Okay, think we’ve arrived at a consensus. Thx.

How about this early peek at some beautiful Kentucky fall weather on the Friday eve of football season? It’s not bad.
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You’re right- my bad for commenting that:

1. the president of Harvard Law Review is very intelligent

2. That the guy who’s been married 17 years with two daughters and nary a scandal is a good family man

3. The guy who was president while we were at our worst financially and left us in much better shape

I can see how that would cause all you frothing Republican idiots to get pissed. Really incendiary stuff there. You guys are GD nutjobs and can get F’d. :cool2:
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It’s not often someone perfectly fits their comparison in sports, but Aquino = Eric Davis is spot on.

During a game a few nights back they even compared swings and they are eerily similar.
She was a Virgin in her freshman year,
A virgin with her conscious clear,
She never hecked or pecked, or fooled around,
She was the idol of every college girl in town,
Until she met that man from DTD,
Then she lost her ole virginity,
And now she’s a whore in gay Paris,
And the mother of an SAE, the dirty bastard,
The mother of an SAE, the MF’er
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Once their 8 years are over, the presidents of my lifetime have all been pretty F’ing cool. It was badass seeing the 3 most recent Commanders In Chief hamming it up at the last Ryder Cup.

So yeah, when you get a shot to play 18 with the immediate past president, you jump all over it. That’s cool as hell.
She was a Virgin in her freshman year,
A virgin with her conscious clear,
She never hecked or pecked, or fooled around,
She was the idol of every college girl in town,
Until she met that man from DTD,
Then she lost her ole virginity,
And now she’s a whore in gay Paris,
And the mother of an SAE, the dirty bastard,
The mother of an SAE, the MF’er
25 years since you were in college, Bob.
Saturday Reflections:

-Richie will put it much more eloquently, but how about this weather?! It was downright “chilly” at last night’s high school game. Saw some fleece and a few blankies. PEAK WEATHER! My Saturday morning run was awesome.

- Got through the first full week of Year 21 this year. 20 years ago this August I was barely 23, teaching classes of 14-16 year old kids. The first “blue jean Friday” I almost got in trouble for being out in the hall during my planning period. An older teacher thought I was a student. 20 years in and no one makes that mistake now.

- My wife, Lord love her, can’t listen to an entire song all the way through. Never has, never will. Used to be a pet peeve of mine but it has become sort of endearing now in a weird way. It can be a song she loves, but as soon as it hits the bridge ———-> NEXT.

- Rediscovering the band, TOOL. Never cared much for them when I was in college. They had their own following and I didn’t really care to fit in to that group.

They’re fine. Most of their stuff sounds all the same to me. “Schism” is cool. A bit unsettling but it’s a very neat and complex song. Pretty meh on everything else, honestly. The 90’s/00’s version of Rush?

- Cats go 7-5. The schedule is favorable, and that ornery redhead has recruited depth all over the field. This could be the year that we become the feisty program that’s always a thorn in every contender’s side. Stoops has changed the culture. He is responsible for that. But I’m 43 and it still doesn’t feel like we can just reload after a year like we had.
Tool isn’t for everyone, but it is masterful. Also wasn’t super into them back in the day but have really developed an appreciation. Seeing them live with Rudd this year was epic.

My own personal top 10 (in no particular order)

The Pot
The Grudge
46 +2
Hooker with a Penis
Push it
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