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Wow, hell of a day on the lake fellas. Had about 20 boats tied up, hot as balls but water was perfect. Everybody was cool, just enjoying the time. This is the America I love. Freedom, peace, pursuit of happiness for all citizens.

Matt, you’re one of the best candidates on paper, but more importantly on your feet, your party has seen in a while. Good luck in whatever you choose to do, I’m sure you will be successful. I look forward to your book. And if you do shock the world, please don’t join the squad. Those people are morons. Please represent us in a manner befitting. And stay out of my wallet.

As for the TV show, it peaked on Oct 12 of this past fall.

This Down Home bourbon tastes good. Stay thirsty my friends.
If I were Matt, any skeleton I have, I get out in front of it. Team Mitch will find out anything he doesn't want the public to know.

Worst case scenario, there's something that would not only derail his campaign, but also alienate BBN.

Best case, there is nothing and let the games begin!

Side note, I'd be much more likely to vote for him on the state level than nationally. He has a genuine interest in Kentuckians and could build a coalition to put OUR most vulnerable first.

Washington couldn't give a shit less about this little "flyover" state of ours.

-registerd indy. Right-libertarian lean.

-Voted for a gay dem mayor *every* time he ran. Voted for Chandler for house once. It'll take someone special for me to vote to send a dem to dc. See below.

-The national dem party went too far left/banked on identity politics and abondoned their working class base....they more than the reps are responsible for trumps ascension. Can't tell folks they/the country they love are responsible for all the country/worlds ills and expect them to blindly back you "cause thats what their daddy did" or the union rep told them to get in line.

-populism is pretty popular around the globe right now...for good reason.

rudd Johnson is RIGHT!

Neatly and eloquently summed up my position on all of it.
I honestly don’t get what is so bad about Trump.

It seems that people hate him mainly because he lacks the DC filter because he’s not had decades in politics to shape his image/past/positions.

If Trump haters honestly think that he is somehow morally inferior to the careerists in DC, then well, you’re naive at best, but it’s more likely that you’re just stubborn (or too stupid to know any better)
Gee- bunch of republicans who were born into an area of a bunch of republicans and who’ve never considered any other way and embrace Donald F’ing Trump think Jones is a fool.

Well F off.

You live in Ohio, stay the F out of our politics.
I honestly don’t get what is so bad about Trump.

It seems that people hate him mainly because he lacks the DC filter because he’s not had decades in politics to shape his image/past/positions.

If Trump haters honestly think that he is somehow morally inferior to the careerists in DC, then well, you’re naive at best, but it’s more likely that you’re just stubborn (or too stupid to know any better)

He’s an asshole, an idiotic lunatic, a compulsive liar, and a HORRIBLE businessman.

America picked the wrong billionaire for President. Should have gone with Cuban.
I honestly don’t get what is so bad about Trump.

It seems that people hate him mainly because he lacks the DC filter because he’s not had decades in politics to shape his image/past/positions.

If Trump haters honestly think that he is somehow morally inferior to the careerists in DC, then well, you’re naive at best, but it’s more likely that you’re just stubborn (or too stupid to know any better)

He’s almost like an independent who hates both parties and career politicians...

Kind of what the “I’m independent I hate all parties and the system!” folks pretend they want.
He’s an asshole, an idiotic lunatic, a compulsive liar, and a HORRIBLE businessman.

America picked the wrong billionaire for President. Should have gone with Cuban.


Like I said, your reasons could easily apply to all of the career politicians in that cesspool.
Just a reminder:

Majoritarian, first-past-the-post electoral systems where each side is fighting to get just slightly more than 50% of the electorate almost always result in just two legitimate parties. There are few "laws" in political science, but that's one of them.

That's the system we have, so everyone talking about how we need additional parties has to recognize that it's simply not going to happen without constitutional reform permitting double ballot voting (one vote for your district, one vote for the national party you support) and proportional representation.

As much as that's needed, it's an impossibility in our current political climate, so stop acting like you have more than two legitimate choices. You don't. Sure, you can vote for a third party candidate if you want, but you're not really supporting them as much as you're punishing the legitimate party that's most closely aligned with your views.
That article used the phrase 'tend to' then had an entire section of counter examples.

For me I dont really care if the 3rd party is viable, just wish the nut jobs on one side would be the ones to have the third party then I would likely align with whatever moderates are left. Im sure there is no possibility of that happening though.
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Gee- bunch of republicans who were born into an area of a bunch of republicans and who’ve never considered any other way and embrace Donald F’ing Trump think Jones is a fool.

Well F off.

Oh mean the state of KY having the 2nd most powerful person in DC doesn't mean anything? Well hell, go Amy.

And FYI....Trump is the best POTUS in your lifetime, there little man. Enjoy while you can these next 5 yrs.
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You need to stick to running up mountains to find Gandhi. Political topics are over your head.

For more than a decade you (an avowed UNC fan) have posted on a Kentucky forum with (seemingly) the only goal of just being a dickhead to people who are legitimately trying to enjoy their fandom and pass the day.

I'm not sure you are in a position to give anyone psychological advice.
KY kid fell apart late. Suspect putting.

1. Reagan
2. Trump
3. Clinton

The other 6 you can put in a hat and draw names.
UKO is that weird family member that no one can stand. A mercy killing has been discussed but can’t justify the waste of a bullet so you just laugh as everyone rolls their eyes at him!
He’s the cousin’s ex who keeps showing up anyway and is maybe giving eyes to a niece but the smart folks in the family just ignore him.
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- Got to Louisville Friday, been digging it.

- My place is in the Highlands, ventured out on Bardstown last night with a Bumble match. Fun times ensued.

- Cousin in Prospect smoked some pork today on his Egg, perfection.

- Hoping to get to a tailgate the next few weeks before campaign crunch time.

- Some of my NC crew is heading up mid-September to check out the city.

- Couple Claws and heading out in a few to check out the Sunday evening scene.
The national Democratic Party had years to come up with a viable candidate in their bid to take down the second strongest person in American politics and this is what they managed.
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