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-Almost a full English/Canadian fry up (save the beans) on the bbq by my FIL. Pretty f-in good, tbh.

-Thanks for the breakdown, Matt. I thought you gave away your decision to not run when you said you would go to the Republican convention again (but qualified it). Good luck in your decision process.

-If you’re ever driving to Loyalist, Ontario, the extra 30 mins to drive through and cross in picturesque 1000 islands is worth avoiding driving with Canadians on 12 lane highways for hours on end.

-Also, the instant you enter Canada. I recommend saying “Siri, play Rush Essentials,” and letting it rip until your wife changes it to “The Hip” I almost made it all the way through YYZ this time.
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If you didn't want people to think the book was about Mitch, seems like it was a misstep to put his name in the title and his image on the cover.

That being said, I think you make a lot of good points. The one thing every person who is complaining about Matt's politics has in common is that they're apparently all regular listeners. Ratings can't discern between love and hate or both.

The television show was the same thing. I guess WLEX must not be hurting for shows that win awards and get great ratings, so that's good for them. But to me a conservative approach to running a television station would be to trust the viewers to tell you if a person is doing a good job or not. Money talks and bull sh*t walks. Isn't it the more stereotypically liberal decision to decide what's best for your viewers despite them voting by tuning in or not?
That’s fantasy land, but something like that needs to happen eventually to redirect both of our national parties whom have gone off the rails.

I'm down. I'm a registered Independent and have longed for such a scenario. Let's start it up. I say we call it the Clay party, as in Henry and Cassius, 2 of our state's finest exports. Compromise will be our foundation. Our state motto is the rock upon which that foundation will be built.
If it's your dream then get after it, book and/or running. Fair to say you already realize the possible consequences. If Lou Brown can lead a ragtag Cleveland Indians to the pennant in 1989, why not?

Expand on the layout of your book. Interesting concept but 120 stories sounds really tough. I will suggest Krazkats when you make it to Bullitt County. You're going to want that in there for sure.
Speaking of krazykats, that f’ing guy just got another license in the bourbon world that lets him buy full barrels without a 3rd party:cool2:


I told my old manager when he pushed me into sales that doors kept opening in an odd way that comforted my issues with a straight commission job, and honestly every time something bad is about to happen(slow month or back charges for non pay) something twice as good seems to follow. I try not to get overly religious karma is on 1.

Take that same mentality/luck/fate and multiply by 10 with Down Home.

120 stories? Please! Maybe I missed something but I could knock that out before lunch.
If you didn't want people to think the book was about Mitch, seems like it was a misstep to put his name in the title and his image on the cover.

That being said, I think you make a lot of good points. The one thing every person who is complaining about Matt's politics has in common is that they're apparently all regular listeners. Ratings can't discern between love and hate or both.

The television show was the same thing. I guess WLEX must not be hurting for shows that win awards and get great ratings, so that's good for them. But to me a conservative approach to running a television station would be to trust the viewers to tell you if a person is doing a good job or not. Money talks and bull sh*t walks. Isn't it the more stereotypically liberal decision to decide what's best for your viewers despite them voting by tuning in or not?

Simon & Schuster doesn’t give you books unless they think they can sell. Having the name of the book (and graphic art) showcase the most unpopular (at least numerically) politician in the country as a feature helps make that happen. I like to think I matter somewhat in this state (on a good day)...I matter not at all nationally. Mitch makes the book marketable....and he will be an important feature of it.

As for the argument that i do more for the state in the role I am in, that is kind and not absurd. But I also think it downplays what is possible. Just what I have experienced in the last month or so alone (most of which I haven’t been able to share yet) suggests that there are opportunities beyond that which a normally “Jr Senator” would get. We shall see if that is correct, but I don’t think you can underestimate what the dislike of Mitch does for the platform of a challenger.
Jones is too liberal to win a statewide election, especially when Trump will be at the top of the ticket against one of the loons on the other side. And there will be lots of UL Democrats who won't vote for him because of his show. Running will also hurt his business model (already has). Can't honestly see why he's even considering it.
There’s a real problem when voters take into account a politicians university loyalties.

I almost always vote independent for Pres because I want there to be a change and a third party or more, it’s much needed.
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There’s a real problem when voters take into account a politicians university loyalties.

I almost always vote independent for Pres because I want there to be a change and a third party or more, it’s much needed.
I've always done the same thing until the most recent election. The two party system sucks.

I don't know if you noticed or not, but we have a president who played a billionaire game show host on TV, we had a president who was an actor, governors, senators, and congressmen who were baseball players, football players, basketball players. One was a writer for SNL. We've done way dumber stuff than people voting for or against Matt because he's a Kentucky fan.
Simon & Schuster doesn’t give you books unless they think they can sell. Having the name of the book (and graphic art) showcase the most unpopular (at least numerically) politician in the country as a feature helps make that happen. I like to think I matter somewhat in this state (on a good day)...I matter not at all nationally. Mitch makes the book marketable....and he will be an important feature of it.

As for the argument that i do more for the state in the role I am in, that is kind and not absurd. But I also think it downplays what is possible. Just what I have experienced in the last month or so alone (most of which I haven’t been able to share yet) suggests that there are opportunities beyond that which a normally “Jr Senator” would get. We shall see if that is correct, but I don’t think you can underestimate what the dislike of Mitch does for the platform of a challenger.
Fvck it - This state, as a whole, is clearly conservative. If you get to DC will you vote for what Kentuckians want? That is certainly not the current Democrat agenda. It seems like Democrats vote in a bloc about 99.99% of the time. How can we believe you when facts and the current environment suggest otherwise?
Fvck it - This state, as a whole, is clearly conservative. If you get to DC will you vote for what Kentuckians want? That is certainly not the current Democrat agenda. It seems like Democrats vote in a bloc about 99.99% of the time. How can we believe you when facts and the current environment suggest otherwise?

You can believe whatever you like. Having seen your posts here and in the past about me, there is probably nothing I can say that will change your mind...and that is totally fine.

I won’t bore everyone here with my campaign yapping. I think people are tired of politicians and would like someone to be honest with them and who is a real person. Maybe I am wrong. Only time will tell.

Either way if I pull the trigger I will have fun doing only live once and it’s a lot more exhilirating to be in the game than on the sideline criticizing it.
The big problem right now is Mitch is crushing it, and the democrat party has jumped off the deep end.

To suggest Mitch should go at this particular point in time is suggesting that this state needs to support the democrat agenda, and that would be bad for the state and country.

Same thing with Bevin. To suggest Bevin should go, and the state would benefit more from another democrat clown like KY has had for decade, is nonsense.
You can believe whatever you like. Having seen your posts here and in the past about me, there is probably nothing I can say that will change your mind...and that is totally fine.

I won’t bore everyone here with my campaign yapping. I think people are tired of politicians and would like someone to be honest with them and who is a real person. Maybe I am wrong. Only time will tell.

Either way if I pull the trigger I will have fun doing only live once and it’s a lot more exhilirating to be in the game than on the sideline criticizing it.
I'm not asking you to change my mind. I've made it clear I think you'd be much better in state politics before moving on to the national stage.

I think it is a question you will have to have a very good answer for now and in the future.
Just what I have experienced in the last month or so alone (most of which I haven’t been able to share yet) suggests that there are opportunities beyond that which a normally “Jr Senator” would get.

Anyone who takes down Mitch will be the most popular person in the Democratic Party and will be promised the world and they would likely get it as long as they’re willing to play political games and put the party first.

You’ve repeatedly said you’re not going to do that though. they’re willing to play political games and put the party first.
I think both parties, but especially the Democratic party is ripe for renegades to wrestle power from the party establishment. Say what you want about AOC, Omar, and Tlaib, but they're an example of democrats' dissatisfaction with the current DNC leadership. They have power that the Democratic establishment didn't want to grant them. Pelosi can't stand them but she's forced to contend with them. Trump has power that his party was absolutely not trying to give him at first, people like Cruz, Mitch, and Romney did everything in their power to stop him, and he basically forced them to accept him by succeeding. Say what you want about Trump, but I think he proved that Americans of both parties mostly despise career politicians even in their own party and outsiders have an opportunity to tell the political elites to gtfo that they've never had before.

If Matt actually took down Mitch, he'd have the pull to tell the Pelosis and Schumers to kiss his ass a bit, and they wouldn't like it but they'd have to accept it. For all the talk about what a liberal Matt is, he's pretty moderate from a national perspective compared to the rest of the party. He'd pull the party closer to the center. In short I think there's a lot of room for upheaval within the party right now and if Matt says he would do that, the opportunity is there.
House majority leader isn’t like the World Heavyweight Title though, beating Mitch doesn’t automatically make you one of the most powerful people in the world. Truth is even if Mitch did lose Republicans will likely still control the Senate and the new Majority Leader will be someone who does whatever Trump wants.
Let's talk about something important. Is there anything we should be worried about with these Kenny Payne text messages?
Given our noticable whiffing on big name top 5 recruits lately I would like to think it is because we aren't playing ball with these shady types.
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Let's talk about something important. Is there anything we should be worried about with these Kenny Payne text messages?
Given our noticable whiffing on big name top 5 recruits lately I would like to think it is because we aren't playing ball with these shady types.
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-Speaking of the State Fair. My wife decided to raise 6 chickens about two years ago. Chickens+coop construction+feed....I'm probably in it for almost $2000 or so. She decided to enter a dozen eggs into the fair this year.

She won the pastel egg division and then the overall best dozen. So we get a cool Kentucky shaped trophy, a blue ribbon, and a big purple ribbon. Pretty cool for her.
Buenos huevos
-registerd indy. Right-libertarian lean.

-Voted for a gay dem mayor *every* time he ran. Voted for Chandler for house once. It'll take someone special for me to vote to send a dem to dc. See below.

-The national dem party went too far left/banked on identity politics and abondoned their working class base....they more than the reps are responsible for trumps ascension. Can't tell folks they/the country they love are responsible for all the country/worlds ills and expect them to blindly back you "cause thats what their daddy did" or the union rep told them to get in line.

-populism is pretty popular around the globe right now...for good reason.
Well GYERO sure turned to shit for the weekend. Think i would rather talk about the Wisconsin loss than politics. Enough, move on. If Matt runs, he either wins or loses, no need talking about this depressing shit. About to get in my car and drive until I find some of Krazy's Down Home Bourbon and over spend to get drunk to forget it all.
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