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Hey Kentucky without Matt Jones is like the Connors without Roseanne. Good Luck.

You take a terrible show to begin with then can the main reason the show is terrible....only go up from here. But given it's Lex18...that station is awful, period.
If Matt will run on a platform of dismantling the current system, inviting a member of a royal family to take over as King whose sole purpose is to make sure average people can live and work in peace and never again be manipulated by the media into believing the latest political machinations are important for their lives at all, then he has my vote.
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-:joy: @ McGrath... and last election cycle dems were convinced she was the change we needed!!!! Lol, she's always been a robot and now a major coont for getting Matt fired.

-Angry Birds 2,those 2 movies being decent is the surprise of the year.

-Even for summer guy, yesterday was a bit much.

-Early reports from WCC-Euro Trip sound positive. No word on if he's ready to praise socialism or universal health care but I think he liked the scenery, food, and drink.

-Appears Payne was trying to figure out which guys were already being paid OR he's incredibly naive. Regardless, until something else comes out those actually explain our lack of top 5 guys. July 17 would've been right after the FBI stuff, right?

-Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 14 year. Shew, that's a damn fine whiskey.

-Leach report should be good listening this week :football:
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In a world where any candidate in that position would seemingly be perceived as the "likable one," McGrath is somehow still unlikable. She comes across as not having a single genuine aspect to her personality.

The MLB/LLWS game was pretty cool. It actually looked like players seemed to enjoy the game of baseball for a night. Also, its been 18 years since 16 yr old Danny Almonte fired a perfect game against those snot-nosed little shits from Florida.

Give me Louisville Portland all air over Riot Portland. Not even close at this point.

I like Kash as a rah-rah guy and a loose cannon maniac on the field, but I am a bit skeptical of him being a big time playmaking defensive leader. No disrespect intended- we're talking about a guy that played most of the season with some type of club on his hand- just concerned about the defense, thats all.

UKO plays his contrarian troll role in GYERO very well. Most dont agree with hardly anything he says- but he is still better at GYERO than a good portion of people that post on every page.

Not exactly a dark-horse pick, but I'll take Jalen Hurts to win the Heisman this year. For no other reason that it will complete a pretty cool story arc for him.

Enjoy the Highlands, Thomas. Looking back i wish I wouldve rented a place around there just out of school. Wouldve saved a lot of coin on cab fare or having to call Bonzo's dad at 3AM for a ride home.

My man "NoLifeShaq" is a nice occasional youtube view. He's a black dude that basically records himself watching music videos- and classic rock blows his mind.
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Oh mean the state of KY having the 2nd most powerful person in DC doesn't mean anything? Well hell, go Amy.

And FYI....Trump is the best POTUS in your lifetime, there little man. Enjoy while you can these next 5 yrs.
I’m a conservative. Trump is a dumbass. He PERSONALLY effects my job on a daily basis yet you don’t have to see that. And McConnell being powerful has really helped Kentucky hasn’t it? We are the second most depressing state. We have a high suicide rate. Poor people who have been FORGOTTEN across the mountains and other regions. People who were promised jobs were lied to. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You literally are watching our great state drown itself and yet you continue with this dumbass uneducated rhetoric
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I think it's a conspiracy. If you look close at her commercials, it's Matt Jones with a wig on.
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-My bet is Tommy’s working on a downballot 2019. Either AG or SoS

-Mags hasn’t pulled any punches against WLEX and McGrath today. I want to be Jalen Rose and say “don’t get fired” as I listen. Damn it’s awesome radio this morning though.
I hope you didn't miss the chance to give him/her the whole "Did you order enough for the whole class?" spiel.


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Not a McConnell fan, honestly anyone made their life and multi-million fortunes as "public servants" is maybe the greatest failing of the founding fathers after the slavery issue. BUT, that being said, the issues of rural Kentucky are far beyond anything McConnell can really affect positively or negatively and I know over the past 20 years, at least four different instances of someone on the bottom rungs of society who had an issue with social security, VA, etc. who called his office and immediately got a response and had their issue fixed so he kinda is like the Bryant HVAC of DC
Matt would actually probably crush it at state politics. The whole new party (i.e. Democrats with different branding) was never going to work. Get in office via the system, like Trump, then do what you want. Kentucky is never going to go for any of his more liberal positions, so it's a moot point anyway. Just focus on the concrete stuff to help his district.

Or become a part of the new nobility when you invite our new King over. Whichever is easiest, Matt.

* Don’t recall what I shared before so may be some overlap on my below report

- Just returned from a Mediterranean cruise. First cruise and first trip to Europe for dogdad. For those unfamiliar, a cruise is a popular vacation or “holiday” as they say across the pond for those in the middle class. Essentially, it involves a large ship which acts as a sailing resort hotel taking guests to various ports in the ship’s home body of water. Our cruise involved the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas surrounding countries such as Greece, Italy and Croatia in Europe- a large continent across the Atlantic Ocean from the United States. Most of us who post in GYERO actually come directly from European ancestors who immigrated to the US. Crazy- I know!

Now, onto the cruise stops.

- Venice- possibly my favorite place I’ve ever visited. From water taxis to gondola rides to the coffee, inexpensive but outstanding red wine and delicious pasta. Couldn’t have been a cooler experience. We were there two nights, staying in a small boutique hotel a tad off the beaten path the first night.

- Split, Croatia- gorgeous place but hot, crowded and way too overly commercialized.

- Kotor, Montenegro- small formerly Soviet village in a bay surrounded by mountains. Relaxed. Quaint. Kind people. Delicious seafood. Took a personal boat tour- which was maybe my favorite overall part of the trip. Would like to go back.

- Curfu, Greece- stunning. The sights and water surrounding this place were ridiculous. Grabbed a gyro.

- Amalfi Coast- prettiest place I’ve ever been. Took a boat tour. Would love to stay in one of the less popular towns along the coast but Amalfi itself was pretty damn cool.

- The cruise itself was cool. Ate and drank whatever we wanted. Outstanding service. Good live music and entertainment. Now that we got a taste, would probably visit a few towns instead but I wouldn’t be against another Med cruise. Made things very easy.

- This and that:

~ Had some outstanding seafood in Kotor and Curfu. But basic pasta dishes in Italy were amazing and cheap.

~ Drank a shit ton of red wine but nary a hangover. Usually not the case. Obviously a higher quality of vino.

~ Italian women are stupid hot.

~ Pompeii was cool to see.

~ The true Italian pizza lived up to expectations.

- That Med sun is acute. From sun up to sun down just on you. Zero clouds. Hot AF.

~ Glad to be back- ready for my usual routine and college football in a few weeks.

~ Mitch has zero to do with Kentucky’s issues and guns have to do with gun violence. Got it.

~ Met some good Paducah folk with a son at UK, and another UK alum. BBN represent.
...honestly anyone made their life and multi-million fortunes as "public servants" is maybe the greatest failing of the founding fathers after the slavery issue.
Don’t blame the founding fathers.

Guys like John Adams were hard-working farmers that struggled to make ends meet. Plus, the founding fathers were renaissance intellectuals with scruples, unlike the complete moronfest that is currently established.

The people deserve the government they elect...
I miss the days when we just talked about crushing.


Who crushed some fine ass this weekend?

Who crushed a bottle of bourbon?

Who crushed a 20 oz fillet on their Big Green Egg?

I crushed a ton of food and ate like an offensive lineman at Ruby's Saturday. I drank like a sailor too, mixing bourbon and wine, back and forth with cigars in between which created an uneasy Sunday trying to recover on the couch. Wife wasn't happy with my hungover state or the fact that the smell of her frying bacon for Sunday morning family breakfast was just the ticket for me to purge my system. [sick] She will probably start talking to me again by Thursday.

Somebody crush something other than bad political takes. Thanks in advance!

I miss the days when we just talked about crushing.

I fought tooth and nail by myself to keep this shit out of GYERO during the last election- but no, the loudmouth rightees insisted on having a circle jerk in here every day. Genie’s out of the bottle now and GYERO is worse off. Some of these assholes post for only two reasons- to whine like little bitches about Calipari and to take potshots at the left. F’em.
Eh, it gets a little much every once in awhile but we're not in our 20's spending 3 nights a week in the bars. We're all pretty damn boring around here especially when we can't belly ache about our current FB or BB seasons.
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Nothing more interesting than stories of 40-somethings having sex with their wives. Come on, GYERO.

Get it together!
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