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Get to Louisville today. Been a little busy finding a place, packing, etc.

Gonna be Matt's campaign manager?

-Anyone ever had a planter's wart or whatever? Have quarter sized one right on the middle of my right heel that appeared out of nowhere a few weeks ago, basically feels like I have a marble jammed in there...awful. Add that to the list of my ever-increasing list of nagging issues. /old

beats a taint boil.
Dropped my kid off at volleyball camp at UK earlier this summer, guy was telling about the towers. Said they can't figure out a way to demolish with out tearing up shit all around it.
Willie, I think I now work about a 1/4 mile down the road from you (in a non-descript office building where every other business seems like a front for the CIA/FSB, etc. - town’s full of ‘em.)

Let’s grab lunch at JGumbo’s like a couple-a fat, bald assholes sometime.

Best GYERO post in ages.

I'm in one of those work 80+ hours a week modes right now, but the meeting I am preparing for is August 28th, so I will be free after that.

That same strip JGumbo's just moved in to also has Durham Grill. Fantastic gyros , if you haven't tried it yet. Basil Thai is good, too.
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Matt Jones doesn't stand much of a chance but I guess crazier things have happened.

If he loved Kentucky as much as he says he does wouldn't his political savvy be better used in state politics? What can he really accomplish for KY as a democrat in DC?
Underrated sidecar - HAPPY MEAL :)

Imagine this extra bs August without big time SEC Football on the horizon. Johnny Juzang please save us from this hell! :rolleyes:

They should give those towers to the football team and let Joanna and Chip come in there and renovate them something out of this world. Barn doors everywhere. Complete works. Write the blank check, Mitch.
-its likely a large utility tunnel.

-watched *my* reds beat the cards in person last night. Aquino is a *big* youngster. Pumped for 2020...and not giving up on 19, just yet.

-woodland arts fair on the docket this weekend...dry for once. its another annual reminder that football season is upon us. Giddyup.
Doesn't look like any of the new buildings are very tall. Kinda disheartening as I would have liked to have seen a UK 7th Floor Crew.
"Almost zero damage" is what you say to your mom after you wrecked the living room playing ball in the house.
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Friday short takes>>>

- there is a maze of utility tunnels around the part of campus where K/B towers sit

- Euclid was hopping today, will try not to take that route again until mid December

- having a Target a block out my front door is a game changer

- bought a flat bed F350 from the construction company, new towpig for the farm

- last weekend without college football for the next several months

- state fair tomorrow with the youngin, definitely having a pork burger rom the KPP while there, Jojo said he wanted popcorn and a milkshake

- start early with livestock > 4H exhibits > flea market booths > county exhibits > junk food > on the way back to Lexington by 2pm... that's how you do it son

- finally started watching Stranger Things, love it

- out
My daughter just started 3rd grade and I think just finally figured out the real reason for the active shooter drills. I’ve done my best to keep her shielded from all of that shit, but it couldn’t last forever. Last night when I put her to bed she was talking to me about how she was worried that would happen at her school and she’d get shot.

It’s really a GD f*cking shame elementary school kids have to do active shooter drills. I mean, it’s completely necessary, but it’s depressing as **** and makes me angry.

My daughter believes in Santa Claus and fears getting shot at school. F*ck this world.

Happy Friday!
Learn “plot to Ghostbusters 2”

-Instead of the Statue of Liberty, a 300-foot janky wooden sign comes to life and starts plodding down Avenue of Champions. Panic ensues. But not for Richie, who watches with bemusement from the top floor of the Hyatt, raising his glass.

-I understand the active shooter drills. It's a necessary evil in this culture. But what got me was when yesterday, my girls told me that even if the fire alarm goes off at school, they're not to leave the classroom until it's verified that it's an actual fire and not someone pulling the alarm in the hopes of picking off the kids as they congregate outside the building. THAT was depressing.

-Actually had the urge for about an hour this morning to join a fantasy football league. But then I remembered that would mean I'd have to pay attention to the NFL. No thanks.

-An 8-5 record seems right to me. I think they drop one they probably shouldn't drop. But that moves them to a lesser bowl, where they take out their frustration and wallop someone in Kash Daniel's finale.
-Speaking of the State Fair. My wife decided to raise 6 chickens about two years ago. Chickens+coop construction+feed....I'm probably in it for almost $2000 or so. She decided to enter a dozen eggs into the fair this year.

She won the pastel egg division and then the overall best dozen. So we get a cool Kentucky shaped trophy, a blue ribbon, and a big purple ribbon. Pretty cool for her.

-I brought the 4 month old border collie to work today to work on his socialization. I anticipated him being a holy terror but so far he has just slept under my desk all day.
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