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^Rack em. Few pointers: try skirt steak next time, August is always glorious, and the next 6-8 weeks are the best around these parts save the 2 weeks leading up to Derby.

-Wore a dirt spot in the back yard hitting balls. Hard to not get nostalgic thinking about all those hours spent playing ball in the front yard as a kid.

-After a solid 14 years I think WS and I have perfected the sauce recipe. Evolved from the family recipe with a few tweeks. Obvy that my meatballs are always on point. I can mix those things in my damn sleep at this point.

-Last cooking note, SV with sausage(Italian, brat, etc) is on of the best uses. Put those puppies in at 160 for an hour then brown in a cast iron skillet with butter. Perfect with no juice loss.

-Speaking of August weather :fire::fire: is on the way. High 90's the next 2 weeks.

-Love my local liquor store but their Scotch selection is non-existent so ran out to Total Wine.. been a dozen times but that place still amazes me. What a selection.

-Reds need to stay .500 through this stretch and then turn it on SD, Miami and Pitt for any chance at a run.
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Same here, only one local place in West Knox has more than about 4 different scotch brands. Total Wine came in last year and it's the only place I go now, just unreal at their selection.

Their cigar selection is pretty weak though.
I agree with the overall point, except ---> a bet is a bet.

-yep, thats why god made 2 dollar bills and sacajawea coins.

-segunda is staying in the neighborhood this year in lieu of schlepping to and fro to the gt magnet... im pumped, should simplify logistics. Her choice...but I'd be lying if i said i wasnt happy with her decision.

-this time of year is awesome. Lots of school projects are down to last minute...not stressful at all.


-wife insists on keeping an even tab with folks...more to making sure she doesn't "owe" anyone. Its taken her years to get comfortable with gifts/help from my old man, let alone a buddy picking up the dinner tab. Im of the though that i like doing whan i can for folks...i dont do anything i dont want to do and i assume thats the way everyone feels. Then again...i don't have a uterus.
I need to scale back but purchased a 250 stick electronic/temp controlled humidor 2 yrs ago.

Moderation is not a strong character trait for me.
I’m a morning person. Love to get up, get my coffee, hit the pavement for a morning run, shower and get to the office. I enjoy my routine and my space as I get ready for the day.

Nowadays it’s is all out CHAOS in the AM during the workweek. Lil Lass #1 is trying to dictate what she wants to wear to school including various editions of Disney princess dresses and accessories, the youngest is crawling all over the place while also trying to climb the stairs, there’s food everywhere in the kitchen and the 102 lb golden retriever is feeding off this helter skelter environment.

By the time I get in the car and fire up whatever sports podcast or local sports radio show I feel like the plane has almost landed and by the time I get to my office it’s relief.

I’m contemplating getting up 5:30 and going to straight the office, hitting the pavement around the office neighborhood and showering there (we have an office gym/lockeroom) so I can bypass the madness but it wouldn’t be fair to the lass. It sure would save my sanity though.
Fun weekend on the water. Had my niece come out and she had a blast. It’s amazing how kids just like to jump off the boat. We’ve gotten to the point it’s just accepted that nobody ties up on my port side. There’s a step to the top gunwales and the kids just jump like lemmings.

Anth’s meatballs are awesome.

Enjoy a nice cigar, just depends on the setting.

Excited for Chad, his mind must be exploding on this trip.

Wings on the egg again last night, lass loves it, little mix of jerk rub for me but mostly a more traditional rub for the majority.

Finished “The Boys” last night. Really liked that show, hope there’s a second season soon.

Peaky Blinders coming soon.
Monday Shorts

-Nice lil weekend. 36 holes, Casina, wife left town for a week. So blessed.

-That Seneca story is so sad. Some drunk driver flying through there at 50mpg and plowed through a golf cart, killing one and leaving another in critical condition. :mad::cry:

-The Cookies & Cream Premier Protein is delicious. Those things are a morning staple.

-Rozay album is :fire:

-That Josh Christopher dunk was nasty. :eyes: Come on down, fella.

-Seeing Chad bouncing around Europe is so weird. Happy for the guy.

-We need some rain, man. My yard is STRUGGLING. Rained every day in June, which sucked, but it basically hasn't rained since.

-:joy: Not sure Brooksie is the guy you want to "he can say it to my face" to, Bryson. I can't stand that little twat.

DeChambeau is taking a huge amount of shit over his slow play, as he should. That video of him taking 2.5 minutes to putt an 8 footer (which he missed horribly) had essentially every person in golf fired up. It's a shame the PGA Tour is too chicken shit to actually penalize guys for slow play. I guess the next best thing would be Koepka pulling DeChambeau's shirt over his head and punching him in the face.


*And Willy, if you could put Koepka and DeChambeau's heads on this gif, you'd probably get about 5 million "likes" and "retweets" about now.
So it’s not the family environment, it’s the proximity to the field for alcohol.

K, milk toast.
Hope yall's weekend was as good as this dudes weekend.

[laughing] him falling out the window of some random house he invaded.
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He simply can't help himself. The people in the first row directly behind UK's bench are allowed alcohol but the people farthest away in the top row of the upper level aren't.

He needs to suck it up and tell people it's a reward for bigger donors.
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I think people would appreciate the honesty.

“Hey, we’re in the business of making money and the people who can buy booze paid us a lot more money than you mopes did. Last time I checked this was still a capitalist system, comrade. Go drink your white claws in the parking lot with AOC if you don’t like it.”
It's more like, you can't justify the prices you charge donors if everyone has access. Negates the appeal of those areas and ability to charge much more or require donations for the seats/access. Specifically the new clubs they're currently trying to sell at Rupp Arena. That's the revenue stream they're worried about if he's being honest.

Good article by Tucker, as usual.
It's more like, you can't justify the prices you charge donors if everyone has access. Negates the appeal of those areas and ability to charge much more or require donations for the seats/access. Specifically the new clubs they're currently trying to sell at Rupp Arena. That's the revenue stream they're worried about if he's being honest.

Good article by Tucker, as usual.
“We need to care more about keeping rich people happy, plebeians.”

I think the messaging needs some work but sure.
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I read the entire article by Tucker. Solid stuff as always by him and Barnhart actually lets his guard down and opens up about a lot of stuff going on in/around the athletic department.

Here’s what I found interesting regarding the alcohol debate. You can tell he’s totally uncomfortable letting the MASSES have access to alcohol sales bc it’s not a contained area and proximity to the field.

I guess the 55,000 or so uncaged animals so close to the field will be too much to handle.

Right now where alcohol is being served (in the suites/premium seats) and it’s for a small number of folks and it’s not in the masses and it’s not close to our field of play. That may work some places, but at this point in time, that’s not an area that we want to go. How I articulated that, if it came across not like everyone wanted, I apologize for that. But my goal in the whole thing was to say, “Hey, look, this is hard — these are hard decisions — and at the end of the day, there are responsibilities we have that we need to think about.” We’ll always take information and keep watching. I’m going to watch what everybody does this year in our league.
* wcc's come a helluva long way, and I still didn't like it. Same dude that went ballistic because Tango Sed Cantina charged a $10 cover back at the '05 New Year's Eve celebraish.

* Watched the Joe Rogan/Andrew Yang interview yesterday. Pretty interesting, as he basically spent 2 hours coming up with new and unique ways to explain that everyone's jobs are going to be eliminated by AI and robots soon........including radiology.


* Lass went to the beach this weekend with one of her besties, and stayed with another one of her besties. Left Friday night (3 hour drive), and they were back Sunday evening. Here's the list of food items they took with them....

- a dozen trader joe's cookies
- a bag of doritos cool ranch
- her mom's special homemade lasagna
- stacy's pita chips
- 1 pound each of turkey and ham
- a loaf of bread
- tostitos scoops
- french onion dip
- cheese, mayo, mustard, etc
- snack factory pretzel crisps
- 2 pounds of assorted buc-ee's fudge
- family size bag of peanut butter m&m's

I'm sure I'm missing a few items, too. Shockingly, they came home with leftovers. So I guess I'm eating gas station junk food 3 meals/day this week.

* I don't care how cute you think it is, the father/daughter dance breaking script and turning into a twerkfest/danceoff is played TF out.

* Dateline Friday night --> always good to see a teenager rocking his UK lid during the police interrogation at the station. Go Cats!

* Pergolas are great, if you want to spend a bunch of money to only get about 20% of the work done. sch. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

* It's pretty much just universally accepted the nobody ties up to my port side these days. #WWDT

* Criticize Mitch all you want, but in this day and age, he's opening himself up to a world of liability that none of us will ever have to experience. All it takes is ONE fatality, and you can absolutely guarantee his job and livelihood are on the line. This decision is about 1,000,000x more difficult than most give it credit for.

(although I still hate it, and the circumstances around it)

* Looks like I'm going to see The Art of Racing In The Rain Wednesday night. :cry::cry::cry:

That's gonna be one serious tear jerker.

* Bamidele Ali. Gotta be the most underrated badass sports name in Kentucky history.

* Haven't purchased red meat from the grocery store in god knows how long. Work on strengthening those palates, hosses. So much great food to get out there and experience.
- My wife now teaches in a different district and the kids go to a feeder elementary school there as well. My district hasn’t yet started back to school so guess what?


- You can say what you want about Mitch, but everyone in this thread knew what his decision was going to be regarding alcohol sales and he stuck to his convictions. He knew the backlash but did it anyway.

- Being a housewife seems like a cool gig. I’m digging that life right now. Not sure what the fuss is about.

- In a discussion with a fellow coaching buddy and classmate of mine about Tyler Childers. He seems upset that people are jumping on the Childers bandwagon and thinks he and his podcast buddy should receive “credit” for liking his work before everyone else. That seems strange to me, but I think there are very many people out there with the same mindset regarding music/trends. Went so far to say that it feels like plagiarism. I mean . . .

- I still find original lemon-lime flavored Gatorade to be just fine. No complaints from me.
“Why you shouldn’t laugh at monkey jokes” or “Why you shouldn’t consider running for office if you’re on a TV show”?
Shorts (... while the lassy gets prettied up for dinner ...):

- I mean, 2005 was 14 years ago, PTI. Of course, my tastes have evolved since I was 26.

- I will say this- when traveling, if it’s not “authentic,” I have no time for it. Cannot stand tourist trap bullshit anywhere. All my favorite travel experiences have featured behavior that is at least somewhat normal to a local- Boston, SF, NYC, Venice, etc.

- Venice was absolutely amazing. Stayed at a little boutique motel the first night. Pretty residential area 20-30 minute walk from St. Mark’s. Cheap, delicious dinner and wine. Best pasta I’ve ever had. Couldn’t believe how reasonable the prices were. 32 euro for two meal, 5 glasses of wine and two coffees. Unbelievable.

We did do a gondola ride- and it was completely worth the expensive price tag. But best parts were the little random cafes- pasta, coffee, red wine. Can’t say enough about that place. And no typically awful wine hangover either.

- Currently in Split, Croatia- beautiful but didn’t enjoy the city as much. Too commercialized. Not Fishermans Wharf bad, but still.

- This Mediterranean heat puts Cincinnati to shame. All err just beating down on you. Worst part of the trip.

- Were some Clark Griswoldian moments at the pool today. Have never felt so old.

- Kotor, Montenegro tomorrow. Hype about that place.

- Tonight featuring a choice of filet or lobster and some live music.

- goodnightnow
Nice weekend, and had the reds not screwed up yesterday it would have been perfect.

- Friday I scrambled to cut the grass, catch up on yard work, wash the cars, and book a 4 day trip to visit family in Jacksonville for a celebration of life for my great nephew at the end of the month.

- Saturday took the big boy’s to the distillery because they are sooooo curious as to what I’m doing with bourbon. They loved it, almost to the point I should be concerned except they are already smarter than I am so I’m actually excited for them.

Watching them listen and take all the education in like a sponge was something else. My oldest is a natural at school stuff, but our 7 year old is just like me in that he cares about what he likes and doesn’t even bother with anything the fact that he is into the bourbon stuff is cool.

And their questions, man!, everything from how to grow the corn, to mashing it up, to recipes, to aging etc equals, I’m in trouble!

- Cleaned the whole house Saturday night, my god I’m in quite the dog house! Headphones in, kids locked in their room, and made spaghetti(wife’s favorite home meal).

- Sunday I took the family to Boujie Biscuit. We had been trying to go for weeks but it just hadn’t worked. Needless to say from all the build up from EVERYONE, it was a disappointment.

- F a Venmo, mine was shut down on likely business activity for.......please make sense of this......sending money to people.


- Fantasy Football drafts:cool2:

- Sounds like Deps in Ft Thomas wants a meet and greet for me to sign some bottles. Still not over the bottle signing thing. If these people knew my life story.........LMFAO!!!![roll]

-So nobody has a solid Railbird thought or take away from the weekend? Didn't go because the lineup did not excite me, but looks like it was a success as some pictures Ive seen shows some fields that were simply packed. Congrats to the organizers. I was fairly sure it was going to be a huge flop and it appears to have no been.

-I go to a dump bar in Versailles that's maybe only a couple steps up from the dump PTi drinks at in N.O., but not far. Saturday was the typical ish fest of power drinking beers, gambling, and bad karaoke but I accomplished my finest moment, drinking every Country Boy Cougar Bait they had in the damn place. Mind you this is a bar and a drive thru liquor store in one with plenty of beer supply..... Waiting for my ring: Cougar Bait Drinking Champion 2019. Mom would be so proud.

-I don't care how Mitch spins it, us po folks not getting our beer during the football game is some solid dog ISH.

-My little baby boy starts Kindergarten in 2 days. Damn wheres the time go.
St Marks square at night was my favorite part of Venice.

Last time we went to Europe was around Labor Day, man it was toasty. If we go back in November I’ll take the cold.

Lass is interested in a Berlin/Budapest/Vienna trio.
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