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I support Mitch on this one, y'all. Yeah buying beers at venues are cool and all but let's face it 97% of people in this world are terrible and shouldn't be trusted. No way I'd want to take on that liability.

- Railbird was a nice little time. Childers was MEH, if we're being honest. Dude is a good musician, like his songs and all, but he's got a long way to go from a 'performer' aspect. Song annnnd CUT. Done. No jamming around. No ad lib efforts for the faithful. @BellyDancer told me he saw him at Forecastle and said he was pretty underwhelming and just looked miserable up there on stage. I thought he was just giving a cute take at the time but he nailed it.

Old Crow Medicine Show was unreal. Brandi Carlile came on with them for 'Wagon Wheel' and did a nice cover of Dolly's 'Jolene'. LSAT loved that.

Next year should be much improved from a parking/logistic standpoint. Maybe some better infrastructure for the food/drink vendors and it'll be fine. Look forward to it again.

- The W. Sixth Frontrunner Ale that debuted with the festival was really good. Shame they ran out of it on Sunday AM. :rolleyes:

- Ion Block Rocker birthday gift from the wife. LOVE IT. Mobile, cool, and loud. Took it to Keeneland for the tailgate this weekend and it delivered. Battery life is absurd, too.
It's more like, you can't justify the prices you charge donors if everyone has access. Negates the appeal of those areas and ability to charge much more or require donations for the seats/access. Specifically the new clubs they're currently trying to sell at Rupp Arena. That's the revenue stream they're worried about if he's being honest.

Good article by Tucker, as usual.

False. If it's about revenue, you can't tell me that revenue on stadium wide sales wouldn't be more than the lost revenue from a few donors who wouldn't participate. BS

And I enjoyed KSR and every single caller laughing at Mitch. The guys a touching bozo.
Buddy brought one of those speakers over to my throwdown a few weeks ago. Those suckers are badass. Unfortunately for him one of the rowdy patrons knocked it off my fire table and shattered the handle & dinged the rest of it to hell -- still worked tho. :sunglasses:
-2020 Solid year for away Red's game trips. Boston/NY/Toronto. :eyes:

-18 minutes apart -> "Good article by Tucker, as usual." ---- "I read the entire article by Tucker. Solid stuff as always by him":joy:

-Make sure to hike up to the top of the mountain to the castle in Kotor, was one of the highlights in our trip, as was sailing out of the port, that area is so beautiful it's almost fake looking.

-Haven't give Childers any attention and I probably should.
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Stadiums and venues around the country have had no problem with the “liability” issue for years. And if they’re not carrying significant insurance that’s a fireable offense anyway.

Don’t serve people that are hammered, don’t let people buy more than one drink at a time, must be present with your ID to get a drink, and you’re fine. But it’s not really about liability, it’s about that top button and what it stands for.
I've tried with Childers, didn't care for his new album -- he seems cool & I like a few of his notable songs from the last one - but like most other stuff from AMERICANA, it's just boring as hell to me. (Sturgill being the exception, worship)
False. If it's about revenue, you can't tell me that revenue on stadium wide sales wouldn't be more than the lost revenue from a few donors who wouldn't participate. BS.
False. I've seen a few of the projections and the suite/premium numbers are always higher than genpop, because they include the revenue and required donations(the big part), not to mention they're specifically selling brand new premium club access at Rupp for the first time this season. If they sell to everyone those things will be empty and they're the main part of the "experience" upgrade. IMO, they're going to let these other teams sell first to see if it changes their premium numbers and get a number of basketball season ticket holders locked into the Rupp clubs.

Has nothing to do with drunk people throughout the stadium.

Mitch is terrible with talking to the public. Always has been. He's handled this about as bad as you can.
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Stadiums and venues around the country have had no problem with the “liability” issue for years. And if they’re not carrying significant insurance that’s a fireable offense anyway.

Don’t serve people that are hammered, don’t let people buy more than one drink at a time, must be present with your ID to get a drink, and you’re fine. But it’s not really about liability, it’s about that top button and what it stands for.
Correct, booze is served in every professional and most college venues not to mention all other entertainment gatherings, concerts, conventions, etc.
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I read the damn article because I have an Athletic subscription and it popped up on my feed, not because of your recommendation. I’ve aways stated that Tucker is crazy talented and it’s apparent that gets the best access to UK players, coaches/admin and it’s not even close.

I read the thing and then posted my thoughts without reading whatever it is you posted. Kudos to you for trademarking the take that Tucker delivers. Incredible but props.
1. Last I heard the Club sections had thousands on the waiting list, and Suites have had large waiting list since their inception. They still would be full if you allowed alcohol sales. So your projections are bullshit.

2. This isn't about revenue.

3. Zero chance UK has lost revenue projections on this. Mitch has always been against this.

4. IF UK had projections, ZERO chance they shared them with you. And trust me, nobody here buys that for one second UK was just dying to share their lost projections with you. GTFO with that sh1t.
I don't trust most of you to be able to drink responsibly like me, Anth, Adrian, 80, MCF, B$ or WS. (and a few others who have asked me not to be named on here)

I mean, go ahead and drink whatever you can fit in your overpriced pastel pockets but leave the ability to actually order drinks for the 1st 3 quarters to those of us mature enough to handle it. OK?
Believe the projections I'm taking about were in a recent article. I don't get inside info from anyone at UK nor have I ever claimed to. You all know the same people I do. Just reading the tea leaves and the timing of those new clubs at Rupp are no coincidence to this decision. Also, alcohol revenues from the beautiful hard working patrons outside of the snobby rich pompous clubs aren't as great as you'd think.

Top button is not just a fashion statement. It’s a way of life. One that upholds public relations blunders and stiffness. Don’t let the masses fool you. I can have a good time. I remember that one time I had 4 glasses of milk and 2 cookies after we beat Kansas to win the title.
I'm not sure what you've got to do to get your venmo shut down but I assume gross negligence is a factor. I bought a vehicle and sent the lady money with venmo without issue. I've seen multiple people use "drugs" in the description for their transaction. I've watched the same $50 change hands 20 times back and forth between my neighbors for "happy hour." Browsing right now one gentleman claims to have paid someone $11 for "Rat poison."

So i'm curious to what the final straw was for Krazy to get shut down.
My biggest bitch about venmo, it has basically made checks obsolete. I used to LOVE writing checks, solely for the fact that you could write whatever in the memo line....

For: " 2 nights with his old lady"
For" 1 dick stretching"

It has eliminated being a rascal, and that's not good.
My biggest bitch about venmo, it has basically made checks obsolete. I used to LOVE writing checks, solely for the fact that you could write whatever in the memo line....

For: " 2 nights with his old lady"
For" 1 dick stretching"

It has eliminated being a rascal, and that's not good.

You can literally do the same exact thing, but even better. Everyone who is connected to them on Venmo can read it.
I maxed my weekly amount 3 times this summer. I never used words ever, and only used emoji’s for every transaction.

I sent dK the email I was sent after trying to cause a stink and “speak to a manager”. Turns out that guy felt the same way.

I even tried to set my wife up with an account so that I could just use hers, no go!

Sucks for me, but I just finally downloaded the cash app so I certainly hope it works.
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Mitch being terrified of the proles getting oiled up reminds me of a bit I heard a couple weeks ago at the “Funniest Person in Cincinnati” semifinals a couple weeks ago.

The guy (last years champ doing a set during the tally) was a Kentuckian and did a bit on how when you’re far away from here, and people find out you’re from KY, they treat you like a pending wild man. At a party in LA: “Oh, I’m from Kentucky.” “...Kentucky? Hey, buddy, just stick to water, OK? We’ve got pretty nice stuff in here.”

It happened to me at the border last year: “Do you have any weapons? Guns, knives, pepper spray?” - “No.” ... “Where do you live?” -“Fort Thomas, Kentucky.” ... ... “You don’t have any knives or anything?”
-Haha, I always have a knife on me it’s very useful for daily things. The same people that say hey why do you carry a knife?, are the same people that always ask to borrow it.

-Just an FYI, you can’t use terrorism is the reason to pay someone on Venmo. I know from experience.
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Not sure I can think of anything dumber than making a Venmo payment for terrorism. I can only imagine what red flags Krazy must’ve brought up if terrorism doesn’t get you banned.
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