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- Waterworld sucked but it has improved some over time.

- Saw a stat where there are an estimated 100+ million illegal guns in the US. Until those are off the streets any serious talk of gun reform is silly.
One possible side effect of all of these shootings is that I think current/future generations will be so put off by gun violence that our national gun fetish will eventually peter out. You're already seeing it with the NRA's financial struggles imo
With all due respect none of those other luxury items have the ability to injure/kill 60 people in under a minute.

I don't disagree one bit Anth. I have family in Dayton and a cousin who was near the shooting area just an hour before it happened. Now more than ever I'm more open to laws and procedures changing, but not the line in the sand that a law abiding citizen who is deemed sane can't purchase a certain firearm when there are already an estimated 15,000,000 of (AR-15) in citizens hands in the United States today. I'm not sure where it ends. Is it just guns that look like ARs? There are semi automatic Glock handguns that you can have a 30 round magazine for and 18 round 12 gauge shotguns. Those aren't ARs but could be dangerous in the wrong persons hands. I just don't see how the government will be able to ban one type of gun without banning all of them.

Regardless, I was once as big of a diehard as any NRA member but now admit that stuff has to change.

-How about them Wildcats? :(
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Semi auto handguns. Where do rich white people stand on those? You should never need more than say...6 shots? 10 at the absolute most?

Do you watch the news at all man? Probably go pick up an extra AK for my wife today.

Can’t send her to the store in this world unprotected!
Best way to solve a tough problem is pretend you want to do something of substance about it but throw up your hands in mock frustration and use lazy arguments about how it’s impossible. These kind of people don’t actually want a solution if the compromise to get it done negatively effects them personally, even in the slightest.


You can say if they don’t have guns they’ll use something else...okay, use something else. Guns are the absolute easiest way to murder dozens of people in a hurry. Maybe make it a little tougher on the people who are going to “do it anyway.”

Yes, gun violence in Chicago is awful. But it’s not a legitimate argument for having no gun control. A lot of those weapons are brought in from neighboring states with weak laws.

It’s not a coincidence that we have the highest amount of random mass murders and we also live in the easiest place in the world to get guns.

On the flip side, no one should be talking about taking every single gun away. Being able to own a gun is part of who we are as a country, and it’s not a legitimate strategy to ban them all and take them away.

But to act like some legitimate measures won’t at least improve the problem is lazy and stupid. Both sides must compromise more than they want to on this issue or it will absolutely never get solved. And being that the current state of this country is “if you believe the opposite of me you’re a dipshit loser racist/commie” I don’t hold out much hope for a resolution, or even a curbing of the problem.

The LEFT is going to have to allow people to keep some guns in some manner, and the RIGHT is going to have to recognize this is an improvable problem and they might get inconvenienced a bit and not be able to have everything they want.

Fixing a tough problem is going to make both opposing sides upset at how the deal worked out for them. No one will be happy, and then we’ll know we’ve at least made a step in the right direction.
With all due
Best way to solve a tough problem is pretend you want to do something of substance about it but throw up your hands in mock frustration and use lazy arguments about how it’s impossible. These kind of people don’t actually want a solution if the compromise to get it done negatively effects them personally, even in the slightest.


You can say if they don’t have guns they’ll use something else...okay, use something else. Guns are the absolute easiest way to murder dozens of people in a hurry. Maybe make it a little tougher on the people who are going to “do it anyway.”

Yes, gun violence in Chicago is awful. But it’s not a legitimate argument for having no gun control. A lot of those weapons are brought in from neighboring states with weak laws.

It’s not a coincidence that we have the highest amount of random mass murders and we also live in the easiest place in the world to get guns.

On the flip side, no one should be talking about taking every single gun away. Being able to own a gun is part of who we are as a country, and it’s not a legitimate strategy to ban them all and take them away.

But to act like some legitimate measures won’t at least improve the problem is lazy and stupid. Both sides must compromise more than they want to on this issue or it will absolutely never get solved. And being that the current state of this country is “if you believe the opposite of me you’re a dipshit loser racist/commie” I don’t hold out much hope for a resolution, or even a curbing of the problem.

The LEFT is going to have to allow people to keep some guns in some manner, and the RIGHT is going to have to recognize this is an improvable problem and they might get inconvenienced a bit and not be able to have everything they want.

Fixing a tough problem is going to make both opposing sides upset at how the deal worked out for them. No one will be happy, and then we’ll know we’ve at least made a step in the right direction.
nope, sorry. It, along with any other complicated issue, is a binary all or nothing choice.

Either confiscate all guns or arm the masses to the teeth. Those are your only choices.
Bunch of gd liberal dope smoking queer pussies around here, if ya ask me!

<— loads AR15
<— alerts fellow militia member pro America patriots via ham radio
<- waits for someone to unknowingly step on lawn
I don't disagree one bit Anth. I have family in Dayton and a cousin who was near the shooting area just an hour before it happened. Now more than ever I'm more open to laws and procedures changing, but not the line in the sand that a law abiding citizen who is deemed sane can't purchase a certain firearm when there are already an estimated 15,000,000 of (AR-15) in citizens hands in the United States today. I'm not sure where it ends. Is it just guns that look like ARs? There are semi automatic Glock handguns that you can have a 30 round magazine for and 18 round 12 gauge shotguns. Those aren't ARs but could be dangerous in the wrong persons hands. I just don't see how the government will be able to ban one type of gun without banning all of them.

Regardless, I was once as big of a diehard as any NRA member but now admit that stuff has to change.

Your change isn't really about's more about accountability. Change is admitting you have no need whatsoever for the type of guns you have mentioned.

"law abiding citizen who is deemed sane".....deemed sane by whom? As long as it is a legal transaction, then that is out the window.

And it is irrelevant as to how many are on the street have to start somewhere, just like new rules and regs for auto manufacturers in terms of emissions, mph, etc.
Best way to solve a tough problem is pretend you want to do something of substance about it but throw up your hands in mock frustration and use lazy arguments about how it’s impossible. These kind of people don’t actually want a solution if the compromise to get it done negatively effects them personally, even in the slightest.


You can say if they don’t have guns they’ll use something else...okay, use something else. Guns are the absolute easiest way to murder dozens of people in a hurry. Maybe make it a little tougher on the people who are going to “do it anyway.”

Yes, gun violence in Chicago is awful. But it’s not a legitimate argument for having no gun control. A lot of those weapons are brought in from neighboring states with weak laws.

It’s not a coincidence that we have the highest amount of random mass murders and we also live in the easiest place in the world to get guns.

On the flip side, no one should be talking about taking every single gun away. Being able to own a gun is part of who we are as a country, and it’s not a legitimate strategy to ban them all and take them away.

But to act like some legitimate measures won’t at least improve the problem is lazy and stupid. Both sides must compromise more than they want to on this issue or it will absolutely never get solved. And being that the current state of this country is “if you believe the opposite of me you’re a dipshit loser racist/commie” I don’t hold out much hope for a resolution, or even a curbing of the problem.

The LEFT is going to have to allow people to keep some guns in some manner, and the RIGHT is going to have to recognize this is an improvable problem and they might get inconvenienced a bit and not be able to have everything they want.

Fixing a tough problem is going to make both opposing sides upset at how the deal worked out for them. No one will be happy, and then we’ll know we’ve at least made a step in the right direction.
shut up bitch
Yes, gun violence in Chicago is awful. But it’s not a legitimate argument for having no gun control. A lot of those weapons are brought in from neighboring states with weak laws.

Given the most recent 4-5 year history of shootings in Chicago, that makes it a very legitimate argument. It is an epidemic. And it also dispels the leftist rhetoric of "white supremist" given the race data of these shootings that the left so conveniently ignores week after week after week.
I assumed Huber was referring to these coyotes
The left isn’t trying to take everyone’s guns. That’s a dumbass strawman. The gun issue falls on one side. Nobody GAF about your hunting rifle or keeping a handgun for protection.
Now if we can just get them to realize profiting off the media glorification of these issues is just as big of a problem as the weapons.
I switched to Cope pouches to help me ween off. Feel like a big puss but it’s cutting down my habit quite a bit. Was up to 25 cans at the apex, now about 6 cans of pouches a week.
Like to cut that in half over the next month and be completely done by Fall.

Hard habit to kick
Was up to 25 cans at the apex, now about 6 cans of pouches a week.

25 cans per week?

Good Lord, that's a $500 a month habit.

Was rocking along just fine with snus for about 9 years, then picked up a can of Skoal one day because they were out of snus.

Big mistake.

That stuff is so much better than snus and now I'm back on the Skoal train again.

Luckily the world is going to end in 12 years so it doesn't really matter.
Yeap it was expensive. More like $700 when I lived in FL.

I basically do it now sitting in the office. Habit.
I switched to Cope pouches to help me ween off. Feel like a big puss but it’s cutting down my habit quite a bit. Was up to 25 cans at the apex, now about 6 cans of pouches a week.
Like to cut that in half over the next month and be completely done by Fall.

Hard habit to kick

lol that's impossible.
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