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Looks like that bill gave the government 72 hours to prove someone on the No-fly list shouldn't be able to own a gun and was competing with a bill that would simply ban anyone on the no-fly list from owning a gun period, that not one republican voted for. Both seem insufficient to me but at least it would've been something.

I really don't want to have a partisan conversation. Without knowing what happened on this bill or any bill in Washington on gun control, seems like they should've just passed it. But it's just ridiculous that we continue to sit here and do nothing at all.

Pictured: PTI(pit)
Skinny camo pants
Black non descript baseball cap
Black satin jacket

That’s what this asshole “country singer” is wearing onstage at the CMA show on ABC.

Chris Stapleton earning the “rebel outlaw” merit badge has never been easier.
Maybe the dissolution of families and societal cohesion at large, particularly in the name of individual "freedom", has contributed to young men of all colors acting in an increasingly violent manner*? It's just that cultural or societal reasons push white men towards singular events of mass killings, whereas black men tend to be pushed towards intra-community targeted murders.

*But MUH murder rate down, aside. It seems pretty obvious that the types of violent crime are becoming far more depraved and random. Yeah, maybe in days gone by feuds that today end in passive aggressive hostilities or lawsuits may have turned violent, but you also didn't have the number of mass killings, home invasion executions, torture/rape, etc.
-Don't know if it's the final answer but tightening up gun laws and erasing the aggressor from the media are 2 places to start. I see no reason people should be walking around, keeping in their house, brandishing at parties, shooting up schools with military grade weapons. There's no rational explanation for it. Want to shoot something like that? Cool, set up clubs at regulated gun ranges, own as many as you want and go shoot your heart out. As for the more important side, don't give these SOBs what they crave -> media attention. That dude in El Paso won. His little note and image are blasted across the world by every media outlet seeking to get it out there first. That's the motive. Just erase them from the face of the earth. I really encourage people to read Pinkerton's take on these things, especially if you're feeling down.

-Don't believe crimes are becoming more depraved and random. They're just being publicized more sensationally. Wall to wall news coverage, 10 part podcast going over every crazy detail, etc. People crave that stuff and love murder/depraved activities.

-Eli was a blast as usual. Was paired up with a great crew. Other 3 dudes played at about my pace and score, gambol'd the whole time with Harmon, drank dozens of beers, weather was fantastic. Other than the greens being awful the course was in decent shape. Great to spend a little time with Memmommie and the usual crew. Wild to see the young college grads are now the old guard with families. Things changed in the 5 years since I last went but it's till the same. The Saturday night band was fantastic.

-I should really play golf more. Think I'd be pretty good.

-Has to be the best I've felt on a Monday after the Eli but really sore.
Yes. And brother in law has a piece of a horse that ran in the Saratoga Oaks ystdy and won.

Place is really cool.

They have anything to do with the J. Render guys? We usually stay at Beaumont during Keeneland weekends and had a good talk with the owner there who has stock in her, too. Concrete Rose is the real deal.
-Props to drxman for a hell of a day at the lake. Great host, surrounded by great people, made for a blast. Had no idea we were getting into the raft up experience til we got there, that was quite the show. Respectful, organized chaos.

-Got to try some of krazy’s 5.5 yr DHB and have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Good for you, kk.

-There is just a profound lack of respect and understanding amongst groups of people in this country. It leads to hatred and contempt, and the mentally ill latch on to that and take action. Social media has exacerbated it because it’s far to easy to find like-minded people to encourage them, and to mute everyone who disagrees. People shouldn’t mute/block people for disagreeing with them. They should mute people for being idiots. Creating an echo chamber only worsens it, even if your specific echo chamber is warm and friendly. The stuff that really causes harm from the media is splashing these guys’ faces all over the place and making reference to their beliefs and manifestos. The other crazies out there search that ish out, find it, and share it. The lack of reporting on the victims and how their families and friends are impacted allows the rest of us to more easily gloss over it instead of being appropriately impacted by the tragedy.

Unfortunately I think mass shootings beget more mass shootings. It’s the way to make sure your voice is heard as you decide to depart this world. That being said, I wouldn’t be opposed to at least making it slightly more difficult for mentally deranged people to get a hold of mass killing instruments. They want to kill me with a bomb instead of a gun? Cool. At least they’ll have to put in some work that way.
For years, I've watched GYEROers hype NYC, and while I definitely believed it, I also thought it was affected by the fact that they were attending UK basketball games during those trips, and usually part of a larger crew. So when we left on Wednesday, I expected to like NYC. But I ended up loving NYC.

Won't do a whole trip recap, because many of you have probably already seen it on FB/IG. By the way, I usually wouldn't post to IG stories(or whatever they're called), but it's the only social media our daughter is on, so doing so allowed her to follow along. That's why I did it.

Wodie said it best a few years ago in here....NYC just has an energy around it. Even in the quieter parts/times(we stayed downtown in the Financial District, so late nights it was much deader) still had a bit of a buzz. It's infectious, really.

Packed about a five-day trip's worth of stuff into about 48 hours, so it was exhausting. But I can't think of a single part of it that didn't live up to the hype: the sights, the Yanks/Sox game, the food, everything. Even the weather was pretty near perfect.

Thanks to everyone for the recs. You guys were really helpful. Well, except for that d-bag Clark. All he did was DM me stupid questions. But everyone else was great.
Pinkerton is right in some points, but is far too keen to fit everything into his secular humanist idea that man is progressing towards fixing every problem. While things like medicine and education are certainly better and widespread on the whole, he fundamentally misunderstands too much to make his claims.

He never addresses the centralization of the state as the sole legal dispenser of violent justice since the 13th century. The "violence" or "murder" he categorizes from centuries past may well have included mostly acts of legitimate justice where no legal authority was able to step in. I'm not saying it's good that people had to literally seek their own justice, but it's absolutely not the same thing as what happened this weekend or someone breaking into your house and killing your family during a robbery.

That's your Steven Pinkerton hot take for the day.
Televised sporting events refusing to show streakers really cut down on streakers. Same concept could work, but the “News” makes a shit ton of money on reporting every possible detail on these shootings, so they’re going to keep doing it until they are made to stop, which won’t happen because of freedom of the press. So the “News” will snootily hide behind freedom of the press all the while the real reason they show every little detail is because they’re making a tons of money reporting on it.

You will NEVER convince me there aren’t “news” anchors and pundits across the country getting hard/wet anytime they get an active shooter notification. Same with weather guys and deadly weather. It’s their time to shine by God!
- Happy to hear Chase is hot now.

- We had 30 kindergarteners slaughtered and this country wouldn’t get off the NRA’s dick so not expecting much now.

- I love Childers but he can’t touch Sturgill. Dude’s on another level.

- Anyone watching Yellowstone with Kevin Costner?
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I'm not watching anything with Kevin Costner that was made after the 80s.

The TBT final should be good tv, basically Marquette vs. Ohio St. I bet Deiner brings it home for the Golden Eagles. F 'em for '03 though.
- Down Home so far has been a big hit. I know it’s not easy to tell someone you dislike their stuff, but seemingly everyone has liked it so far.

Oddly, I prefer the 5-1/2 yr.

Received a bottling system quote for what is deemed “long term planning”, and I hope it’s good for at least 2 years:grimace:

- A bit surreal walking into a liquor store and seeing my product on the shelf, and then to be there when someone asks the owner what’s the story on that bottle.........well sir there is the founder you could ask him!

- Wife was hospitalized for high blood pressure and the baby had a low heart rate. Jokingly I suggested she calm down, which had the opposite affect, and once again proving I’m an idiot. Shew, some people have no sense of humor.

Finally got her out of there in time for bed Friday night because she insisted on working her scheduled double shifts Sat/Sun.

Nice of her employer to allow her to take 3 hour naps in the middle of that shift, and fill in extra CNAs to do all the little stuff.

- It’s official, both Mr and Mrs Krazy are getting fixed.

- Walmart, Kroger, Meijer.......someone needs to start a school list drop off service where I can drop my kids list off and pick up the basket of garbage the next day.

- Had friends posting all about these recent shooters, and all that’s wrong with the world. Either we’re all doomed anyway so keep em coming, or ban everything seemed to be the general consensus.

Guns and Race, these 2 things doomed what was once the modern day Rome!
Dances With Wolves
For Love of the Game
Tin Cup

May reconsider, bub.

Reconsidered, I stand firm. For Love of the Game was a heaping pile of shit. Dances With Wolves was ok but should have lost Best Pic to GoodFellas. I know Tin Cup is popular among you golf enthusiasts but I personally would rather watch Weekend at Bernie's 2.
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- Wife was hospitalized for high blood pressure and the baby had a low heart rate. Jokingly I suggested she calm down, which had the opposite affect, and once proving I’m an idiot. Shew, some people have no sense of humor.


You never tell a woman to calm down if you want her to calm down, and you damn sure don't tell a pregnant woman in the hospital to calm down.

You really are Krazy. Soon to be Down Homeless Bourbon.
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