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Waterworld really wasn't THAT bad. Had they not lost like $173 billion, or whatever, it would have just been another meh/decent dystopian flick. Certainly didn't suck, imo.
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Tom Leach said Cam'RON on the radio this morning then I lit up a cig.

Looked him up, saw he has a proper BallisLife mixtape with a nice soundtrack. Ferocious dunker, stupid long, wears proper fitting shorts, no glitter shoes, etc etc. Seems like a Calipari recruit.
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There was a time when I loved JFK and him in it. Since I've gotten wiser, it's hard to watch knowing Oswald acted alone and Oliver Stone was full of shit. I shouldn't hold that against Costner. He was good.

I also liked him in A Perfect World. It's a typical Eastwood effort, but KCos was solid. So maybe he wasn't entirely awful after 1989.
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Only one I'll consider is Open Range. Solid western.

Waterworld was HORRIBLE, contrarian guy. Dog won't hunt. Mad Max on the water lol it was nominated for several razzies for a reason.
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Only one I'll consider is Open Range. Solid western.

Waterworld was HORRIBLE, contrarian guy. Dog won't hunt. Mad Max on the water lol it was nominated for several razzies for a reason.

Mostly because it was far and away the most expensive movie ever, and failed to deliver on the incredible hype.
I will say this. I'd rather listen to that Robin Hood song over The Bodyguard song, even though I love Whitney. It's not often I pick Brian Adams over anybody.
New Tyler Childers album is very good. It’s not purgatory, but I didn’t expect it to be. Solid tracks all around. Anyone expecting this to be a mainstream sellout was mistaken. It’s not outlaw country, more mountain/folk. I really dig it. If you want to see a guy that’s sold his soul the past 7-8 years, look no further than Zac brown. I still buy his new music, and it never fails to be a huge, stabbing disappointment. One of my favorite things to do on Facebook now is shit all over him on the Zamily fan page. That f*cker got jacked up and started dressing like Indiana Jones and making techno music. What a bitch.

Oldest got all the ups and downs of baseball in a matter of a few innings yesterday. Started the game in left field. Made 2 ridiculous diving catches. Got up on the second one and beat his chest and gave the opposing third base coach the dikimbe finger wag. Never seen him so lit up. Nevertheless, they faced a 6-1 deficit in the 3rd inning of an elimination game. He stepped up to the plate and hit a bases loaded double. Ended up tying the game. Last inning, with the winning run on first they called the big lefty to the mound to try and take us to extra innings, but my dude just couldn’t get calibrated. Ended up walking the winning run in. He was really tore up, but after a long day of swimming in the pool and pounding cherry Coke Zero, he was back to feeling good again. Football assessments tonight.

Idk what to do about all the mass shootings, but I will say that it’s pretty sad that everywhere I go now, I always think about what would happen if one happened there. The movies, grocery store, ball games. It’s always on my mind. Something my parents probably never thought about. My kids practice active shooter drills in elementary school. My son is going to kings island with some buddies this week and I’m nervous about it. Idk. Just a sad state of affairs imo.

The McDonald’s Koozies are f*cking DOPE. Make fun of me all you want. But I can stick my large iced coffee in that thing every morning and no wet spot on my desk. Amazing. They owed us something like this once they took away the styrofoam cups.
-I'm all for being able to buy whatever gun I want that's legally allowable, but the first thing that should happen is a much deeper background check on who is able to purchase them. Bought a new AR just a few weeks ago and was in and out of the shop in 10 minutes. Should be more testing/training involved and required as well as a deeper background check just for the opportunity to purchase a firearm. Also happy to wait a week or two before picking my purchase up and I would like to think other gun owners would feel the same way to hopefully lesson the amount of these senseless shootings. Just WAYYYYY to easy as it is today.

-That being said, they can and should make it tougher for folks to purchase a firearm, but there's no way in hell they will be able to take what firearms are already in the general public's possession.

-Wife out of town this weekend so I'm going to bach it all weekend long. Boat, when are we headed to the lake? Maybe we can hang with Sweetness?

-Im in with Anth about playing more golf. Now through the rest of the year, I'm pretty much able to play when I want and have been able to hit the course every week recently. If anyone wants to play with a very average to poor golfer with a great playlist for the bluetooth speaker, give a brotha a call.

-Fun evening at the Castle this past weekend, but they for sure need to pick up the drink service. Sure, Mixologists have their place. Some folks just need that mint smoked and cherry smashed and infused with mango before adding it to a drink with the perfectly hand cut piece of ice, but the masses just want their f**king drink with a quickness. a Mixologist could never keep a bartending job at Applebee's.

-Orlando for the rest of the week for meetings. Not a place I hate to visit more for business. Tolls, traffic, humidity, & just a bunch of mehhhh.

-When it comes to Karaoke at the podunk little bar I frequent in Versailles, Ive seen a million faces and Ive rocked em all.
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Has anyone ever been to Bourbon on the Banks Festival?

Do any of you plan on going this year?
That's the problem. Who the F needs an AR.

It's not who needs an AR, its whos purchasing it. Who needs a 1000 HP Sports Car, a 12,000 square foot house, a knife collection, or one of those leather face masks with a zipper where the mouth goes.... I don't care who buys or does what as long as they are responsible (drugs included) and it doesn't affect my family or myself. Bad people are going to do bad things if they want to and Europe is a prime example of that even with extremely strict gun laws. If you're going to put a dent in this stuff, you have to make it tougher to get guns in general and ARs in the first place and as a gun owner it's surprising to me just how easy they are to obtain.

For us, we use ARs to kill coyotes and other predictors to the livestock at our farm, we target shoot, and yes if the shit hits the fan, they are a form of protection. When out at the farm, if something happens, it would be 30 minutes before law enforcement could show up (that's if you even have cell signal which most places don't), so you have to be prepared for the worst to protect yourself and your family. Some want to solely look at and blame all gun owners, even the majority of which who are law abiding individuals instead of looking at options to make purchasing them tougher. Regardless, something has to change and I think most gun owners know that.
Yellowstone is pretty good. The one issue I have with it to this point is that Neal McDonough is in it and I've found him annoying since his days in Justified. He never quite fits in the role hes playing, imo. That is offset by the recent casting of Kelly Rohrbach.

Went to Knoxville for the weekend for a buddy's 40th birthday. Friday night ended up at a karaoke bar called Marie's- which seemed to not only allow smoking, but apparently required it. Watched a guy named "Smudge" take a bump of something and then get halfway through Purple Rain before his legs gave out and he had to be helped off stage. They had $2 tall boy PBR's and a 2-drink minimum. We asked if our designated driver also had to buy 2 drinks and "Yeah you just have to buy them and give them to someone else" [laughing]

Did a lake outing on Saturday with a big group. Not sure i've seen any group love something more than lake/boat guy loves a day on the water. Its always a good time but I just down think i'd have that in me every weekend.

I believe a villain tried to do this in an episode of Scooby-Doo
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I dug Costner in the Highwaymen on Netflix. Harrelson and him on the road hunting down Bonnie and Clyde. Solid.

Finished Good Omens on Prime and it was great. Then started The Boys and 2 episodes in so far it is incredible. Karl Urban may be #1 man crush right now.

My sister lives in Dayton so when you hear news about a shooting there your mind immediately goes to the worst thought possible. People suck.
Ah yes. I remember reading about how all the early pioneers could only deal with coyotes with AR's.

If it means you have to go to a single shot rifle just so the rest of us can go to a store without worrying about a lunatic coming in blasting, then quite frankly F your AR.

I'm all about liberties but this one has gone over the edge. There is no conceivable reason in day to day life to have an AR, and its quite apparent they are easy to get so just ban them period. If these guys had to use a single shot with the risk of someone actually having a chance to shoot back then maybe these ridiculous acts would stop.
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