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-deathproof/grindhouse, all the kill bill stuff is terrible.

-jackie brown is fine.

-pulp fiction is good but *vastly* overrated.

-really like django and inglorious bastards.

-loved reservoir dogs as a youth...hasn't aged well, contrived/self-indulgent...not original as it was a remake of some Japanese movie iirc.

-havent seen hateful 8. Will watch the new one as i like pitt.


Congrats on the worst post of the year. Good news is you’ve got 5 months left to top it, although that will be a tall order.
- Pulp Fiction is not *vastly* overrated. Ridiculous.

- Went by my sister's new house tonight and the neighbor and his wife were there chatting. This guy:

The funniest thing is that Tarantino fans usually omit Jackie Brown, and that is probably his best movie, but the acting performances and Elmore Leonard’s story were so good that it would be pretty hard to screw up.

Tarantino is fine, but he’s more of facilitator than he is a story teller.

That’s what I think anyway.
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I get that but...he’s been a fantastic story teller for a couple decades. And he doesn’t give you the same ol shit Hollywood does. Did I watch Aladdin? Yes. Toy Story 4? Yes. Lion King? Going this week.

But at least he switches it up.
I'm not sure formulaic is the way to describe Tarantino. However, he certainly has his own style. He's one of the most identifiable directors of the past 25 years. The only way he could be considered overrated is because he set expectations so high with his first three films (Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown).
- Not sure where this has come from, but my 9 year old son is obsessed with obtaining and wearing a gold chain necklace (/NoUKO?) He went as far as asking us to take him to a pawn shop with his own money. Kinda confused and I don’t know what else to do but blame BRax and his kids.

- The euphemism “On-Air Talent” is probably the best example of sports journalists’ self importance that I can think of. When was that moniker invented?

- I bet most all Waffle House cooks have seen some things.

- I see drx posting Happy Birthday on my timeline 3 days after the fact. I’ll allow it. Especially since all of you other slapnuts didn’t even bother (except for Chad and Richie - those guys are true Wildcat pals).

- I really like Tarantino films. Is that ok?
- Not sure where this has come from, but my 9 year old son is obsessed with obtaining and wearing a gold chain necklace (/NoUKO?) He went as far as asking us to take him to a pawn shop with his own money. Kinda confused and I don’t know what else to do but blame BRax and his kids.

Maybe he read SAE's basketball story?
He probably is. Not sure that makes him good though, considering the garbage that town pumps out.
I recorded "One Crazy Summer" and "Bad News Bears" the other night. I figure I'm fine with letting the boys watch the first one, but I'm somewhat on the fence about the second one. Seeing their reaction to a 10-year old dropping the N-bomb and having a chuckle over children drinking beer would be fun, I guess, but it would also require me to have a Danny Tanner Talk with them, which is a lot of work and generally accomplishes nothing.
I like Tarantino. His films are entirely his creation, with the exception of Jackie Brown. I do prefer his earlier stuff. Inglorious Bastards, Django Unchained, and Hateful 8 were good but I've only seen each once. Any time Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Jackie Brown and The Kill Bills are on I have to stop and catch a little bit.

Pulp Fiction is a classic, so many great sequences, namely The Bonnie Situation. All of the main characters are great but the lesser roles of Eric Stoltz, Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, and of course Christopher Walken are what made the movie. I will admit that he screwed up two of those roles with the casting of Kathy Griffin and that chick from SNL who played the daughter of the owner of the junkyard where Winston Wolf disposed the car. Both roles were brief, thankfully, but they did cheapen the movie.

Jackie Brown is my favorite though. Samuel L. was fantastic. The scene where he's trying to get Chris Tucker into the trunk is one of the funniest in film history. Bridget Fonda's bare ass was a pleasant surprise as well.

Definitely Team Tarantino here!
Seeing their reaction to a 10-year old dropping the N-bomb and having a chuckle over children drinking beer would be fun, I guess, but it would also require me to have a Danny Tanner Talk with them, which is a lot of work and generally accomplishes nothing.
If there are any social functions your wife drags you to consistently that you can never get out of, having kids who drop the N-bomb might solve a lot of problems
Clint Eastwood always delivers. A true American icon, imo.

As a complete Eastwood fan boy I will have to disagree. I have seen just about everything he has done from Rowdy Yates to the present. I'll throw out his early B Movie roles, pre Fistful of Dollars.

Play Misty for me was embarrassing
The Beguiled, meh
Paint Your Wagon [roll]:rolleyes:. No reason to do a musical.
Most of the stuff in the early 80's was just laughable.
I blame most of these turds on Sondra Locke because he was with that ugly hag during this period.

But the rest are :100points:. He gets about a 85% success rate.
Re: BNB, I went to college briefly with Tanner. Pretty much how you expected him to turn out at 21, not very tall, height stunted by smoke and heredity. You can imagine, everyone called him Tanner, derogatorily.
-Bad News Bears :raised_hands:

-So not only did Rogers unofficial but he stayed with Beau Allen's family the whole weekend. :oops:

-Tarantino stuff is fine, just not really my cup of tea.

What's everybody's one rep max on bench?

Didn't max out but this morning: 175 x 15, 175 x 15, 195 x 9, 215 x 5 with a set of push ups b/w each. Ding.

-On a roll right now, boiled salmon with hoisin/sirachi glaze, quinoa with mushrooms and asparagus last night. :sunglasses:
I actually enjoy the latter Tarantino films to the earlier ones. Bastards, Django, and Hateful 8 were my favorites.
Academy Awards don't mean shit. I could fill up 3 pages with all the screw ups they've made. Eastwood is an icon, no doubt. But he's just an average director.
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