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-Chris Williams' brother was murdered for a gold chain. People forget that.

-Beastie Boys all morning.

-Threatening to fire our housecleaner has quickly become a favorite pastime of mine. Not to his face or anything, but with my wife. He's money... no way would I fire him. But it's remarkable all of the stresses that I can correlate to his services, which are a luxury. Doesn't even have to make sense, really. It's just effective.

House not tidy enough? Is ____ even worth it at this point?!
Kids misbehaving? What's the GD point of a housekeeper if the kids are just going to storm through here all day?!
Late for a meeting? I can't spend my GD time worried about keeping the house in order so it can be cleaned every couple weeks!
No food in the fridge? Maybe we should direct some of the housekeeper money towards groceries then... this is ridiculous!


-Only 75 more regular season games until the baseball playoffs.
I now feel for Vern the way you guys looked at me for my ignorant NBA take.

Anyone ready the B-Boys book yet? I got it back in the winter but have yet to crack it open. Been on an 80's wrestling kick and reading books about the territory structure, and death thereof.

Just received Outlaws of Cave In Rock (after reading another book on the Harpe Bros) for you W. Ky peeps and Above Suspicion for your E. Ky peeps.
I will always stand my ground when it comes to movie takes. I'm admittedly a film snob. I'm fine with it though. I know what's good.
What about your grass cutter? Is she on the brink of being canned, too?

That would be me.

-I'm sorry, I figured everyone had their house cleaned a couple times a month. No brainer.

-A "he," indeed. Married with kids. He just throws his headphones on and hustles all/air cleaning houses. Deals primarily in cash. I mean, I think he's on to something, frankly.
Eastwood has made some great movies but simplicity and no nonsense storytelling are his thing. He is not an "artist" in terms of his direction. Anyone seriously arguing for Tony Scott (or Ridley Scott for that matter) on a list of all time great directors needs to broaden their horizons. It's like putting James Patterson on a list of all time great writers.
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Eastwood has made some great movies but simplicity and no nonsense storytelling are his thing. He is not an "artist" in terms of his direction.

You are stating that an "artist" has to be complex in its final product....Clint's simplicity and story telling are what makes him an "artist" in his own way. Keeping it simple isn't always as easy as it appears.
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The 2 best Tony Scott movies are remakes, Man on Fire and Pelham 123.

Ridley Scott - American Gangster & Gladiator. Rest are meh.

Eastwood learned from Sergio Leone, the master of story telling with character development and amazing camera work
My 7 year olds all star season has come to an end. Good summer, all things considered. Went out with a bang, 4-0 final weekend, 3rd championship of the summer. Dude had a diving catch in centerfield that made the opposing yuppy fans from Lexington all in a tizzy. Snow-coned it in the glove, got up, gold chain dangling, and flipped the ball to blue. TFP. Sent them home to their quiet little Chevy chase cottages while the boys from nicholasville howled like caged coyotes.

My daughter made me the faggiest little bracelet of all time last week. Rainbow beads, little multicolored hearts, the works. Pretty awkward showing up on big commercial construction sites with this thing on, but I love my beautiful little princess and it makes her so happy everyday when she’s me wearing it so if anyone has a problem with it you can just get lost!!

KSR gripe: whenever Matt “reads a tweet” that is painfully obviously just a made up lead-in for something he wants to talk about.
Someone tweets in “Matt, I saw you this weekend walking down the road and it looked like you were thinking about the new Tyler Childers album, what do you think?” :rolleyes:

I liked the lion king. thought it was visually great and I liked the Timon and pumba characters just fine. I’ve seen much worse this year. The new dumbo was trash. Aladdin was ok. Toy story 4 was stupid. LEGO movie 2 was terrible.

CTE SZn starts this week :cool2:

KSR gripe: whenever Matt “reads a tweet” that is painfully obviously just a made up lead-in for something he wants to talk about.
Someone tweets in “Matt, I saw you this weekend walking down the road and it looked like you were thinking about the new Tyler Childers album, what do you think?” :rolleyes:

lolz. Yup. Painfully obvious.

The whole LeBron celebrating his kid's play "controversy" is dumb -- and basically just shows how ready everyone is for football season just so we can stop these ridiculously manufactured dramas -- but at least it led to this sublime use of the pejorative "beta:"

LOL at Hinshaw saying that Terry Wilson is going to throw the ball "35 to 40" times a game.

Piglet might have something to say about that, Darrin.
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Ridley Scott - American Gangster & Gladiator. Rest are meh.

I mean Alien and Blade Runner are classics and the director's cut of Kingdom of Heaven is incredible (I've never seen a director's cut transform a movie so much to correct studio interference.)

- I see drx posting Happy Birthday on my timeline 3 days after the fact. I’ll allow it. Especially since all of you other slapnuts didn’t even bother (except for Chad and Richie - those guys are true Wildcat pals).


I get about a dozen FALSE or Nopes on my timeline every year, so consider yourself lucky.
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