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The guys with the nets are terrible.
Go watch the full video, they're electrocuting them. The nets are for after they're dead. Very randomly in the background at work on Smithsonian Channel Wild Mississippi was on and talking about Asain Carp and this Redneck Festival in Bath County, Illinois... which I'm glad it's not Kentucky b/c I would have guessed it was from here.
Going to be an interesting next 23 hrs at GABP. I have been reading a ton and doesn't look like anyone knows what way they are going.

Half expect Roark to get traded in the middle of his start tonight. Truth be told I would like to keep him. Move Scooter for a reliever and Rasiel for anyone.
catsfanbgky? Overtime he posts I expect a scathing response from black mamba followed by a shitty slap fight.
Yeah, for a long, long time I fought the good fight trying to shame that dumb ass into stopping posting. Ultimately, I failed. There's two words I didn't think would ever come out of my mouth. I didn't think I'd ever be able to say 'em.

(deep breath)

(deep breath)

I quit.
The European college kids who go around every summer peddling educational children’s books door to door have ventured into Southern Kentucky this year and oh boy is rural Facebook handling it well.

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You get college educated Europeans? Where the F do you live?

Homeless black dudes peddling fake magazine subscriptions in my hood. Guess I should work a little harder and aim for a higher zip code.
Puig has been okay this year, but overrated. He’s hitting .230/.275 away from GABP. Trammell is a top prospect that’s hitting about the same overall this season, but with little power.

Bauer is arbitration eligible next season (I think). It’s actually a very good trade, I just would have preferred prospects over an ML player. Best case is he behaves, pitches well, then we trade him next year for someone way better than Taylor Trammell.
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That’s a horrible trade! Turr - eh - bull

I’ll pay my bets on Friday.

Unreal, and no my bet wasn’t going to win, but at least with Puig it was entertaining.

I wouldnt have traded either Puig or Trammel straight up for that basket case dipshit.
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Puig has been okay this year, but overrated. He’s hitting .230/.275 away from GABP. Trammell is a top prospect that’s hitting about the same overall this season, but with little power.

Bauer is arbitration eligible next season (I think). It’s actually a very good trade, I just would have preferred prospects over an ML player. Best case is he behaves, pitches well, then we trade him next year for someone way better than Taylor Trammell.

And worst case, they give him a Qualifying Offer and pick up a first round pick in the process.

The top of the rotation next year looks pretty nasty with Castillo, Bauer, Gray.

No excuses for next year now
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Yeah, sucks they got rid of the civic minded Puig and picked up a guy who’s evidently got character flaws. Watch out, Cincinnati!

Completely different type basket case, and one is the good kind.

Bauer is a mental midget, but you are right though that Bauer is Arbitration eligible.

Puig is 3rd in hits, 2nd in RBI, 2nd in HR and leads the Reds in SBs too, but very average!
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This isn't getting the attention it deserves. So you did a survey of people from the hoods of Baltimore?
Luckily for me, and us, there is this new thing called social media where people share videos. Sometimes you can go down a wormhole and waste too much time on there.
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