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I played 18 today, solo, with AirPods playing a Summer Throwback playlist on Spotify and it was :fire::fire::fire:.

I think most average golfers think it is too long because they are terrible at golf and hit a million shots and they are out there waiting on other hacks to hit their million shots so they can tee off on every hole.
Well if that is not the fire hydrant pissing on the dog, i don't know what is.

You are no slouch yourself. At least make a couple post of substance, might make your stupid little game ALMOST half ass bearable.
Also attended the Don Lane camps, was a summer highlight for sure. Time off the court was maybe even more fun than on. Still can taste that salty orange Gatorade.

9, 12, 18...whatever. Go 360.

Boys weekend at the lake coming up. We all are in charge of a meal, any guesses what I’ll be serving???

Summerhead here, but damn it’s stupid to think we aren’t enjoying this nice little break. Imstillinshortsandflops
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WTF are you escaping from?

I’m much too busy and important to bother with 18 holes, I can now only play putt putt

Stranger Things season 3 was by far my favorite, well done.

I’m actually looking forward to Kentucky football, like what in the actual hell is going on. Nice to see the ridiculous amount of money we get for being in the SEC is actually paying off

Ever since Justine, that tramp, made me feel like shit in my personal training session I’ve been eating much healthier - definitely overrated.
Work, people, the world for a bit. I talk to a thousand people a day and work an average of 6.5 days a week. Yes escape is good.
Random as can be...does anyone know of a nice RV area in Louisville? Have some friends making a trip to Chicago, making stops on the way and with kids.
It’s been a bucket list item for me for years to spend a summer weekend in Saratoga. The track and town are supposed to be beautiful. Just a cool little town that comes alive for 6 weeks during the summer. There’s a few restaurants and bars all within walking distance of the track. It’s one of those places where you never now who you may run into at the track or post races. Athletes, coaches & former coaches, etc.

Got the call this past weekend. Bro in law has shares in a filly that is racing in the Saratoga Oaks on Friday, 8/2. Flying up early Friday mng and staying until Sunday. Going to be awesome boy’s trip. Can’t wait.

You're in for a treat...there are a few bars/restaurants right outside the track and everything else is easily walkable.
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Not gonna lie, it’s amazing.

The feel of 0-70 in 2 seconds is unreal. I can’t even imagine that at 97.
I was almost killed on a jet ski. Did a donut out in the Gulf of Mexico. Completed about 180 degrees of that move. Another jet ski (being driven by a 12 year old thrill seeker) raced up behind me and hit me head on. Right up over the handle bars and into the crown of my head. Fun times. I think he might have been traveling 25 mph on impact. So 97? It’s probably fine.
Not gonna lie, it’s amazing.

The feel of 0-70 in 2 seconds is unreal. I can’t even imagine that at 97.

- Dang, Llama. You killed the thread.

- I’ve reached the point in my career where I get a kick out of hammering players with the blocking pad on finishing drills. At one point yesterday, I just threw away the cushion and started blocking/fouling the guys coming in for layups. It’s good fer ‘em.

- Ice Cube’s “You Know How We Do It” might be the best “head-nodder” out there.

- How did all of this flesh eating bacteria get into the Redneck Riveira? Who contracts it first, me or B-Rax?

- Forgot to mention I was a regular camper at Don Meyer’s camps at Lipscomb. Always a good time, even if we had to pack around a dang notebook chock full of motivational quotes they made us write down all week. I think the boys at Nevada Basketball bought the rights to the entire catalogue and now post those quotes, or some variation thereof, on Twitter.

- Weather.
So, weirdo Kyle Macy is an official ambassador for UK basketball. lmao. Great job, pal.

Can we fire Mitch for that? MJ said Dwayne Peevy made Kyle ambassador, but that's false. Kyle and Mitch are paternal twins.

Who's gonna be the first UK player to play in the Big 3. That league is dope.
Old school west coast beats feature true rhythm & harmony and allow the sound to develop. Dre and Ice Cube sampled a lot of old school R&B and piano riffs.

It almost sounds “slow” compared to this ultra hyper fast digital beat auto tune shit today.


You talking about west coast gangster rapping being slow and using actual instruments and harmony compared to the fast digital stuff those kids use nowadays is indeed full circle old. I mean I guess it was bound to happen but I guess we’re now old enough where Tupac and Biggie were the “good old days of good music and instruments and nice beats compared to the riff raff of today” which is actually pretty hilarious.
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