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-im boring af these days, not much opportunity for blackmail. She's a bright gal...please give her a raise so she can help out with the impending "elder care" situation.

-played tennis yesterday (7am to beat the heat) for the first time in a while. Holy crap am I getting old. Everything hurts.

-espnu radio on xm is *key* for a college football. 5 weeks, gentlemen. Anything less than 8 reg season wins will surprise me.

-eppings carryout Saturday. 6.5/10.

-kpop is all the rage at casa de rudd. Help.
-Opted for a Prime Day electric pressure washer with mediocre reviews and $107 off then I'll pay someone to do the heavy lifting on the driveway in the spring.
-I know people have been saying pressure washing is awful, but count me in on putting some podcasts on and spraying the driveway or whatever for 4 hours a great escape and mind numbing bliss.

-Also, count me in on 12 hole courses. I like to play but it takes so long and I’m terrible. I just like to sip domestics and hangout with the boys. I always said after 13 I didn’t really care anymore and was ready to be done. 12 sounds perfect.
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- for 4 hours a great escape and mind numbing bliss.

WTF are you escaping from?

I’m much too busy and important to bother with 18 holes, I can now only play putt putt

Stranger Things season 3 was by far my favorite, well done.

I’m actually looking forward to Kentucky football, like what in the actual hell is going on. Nice to see the ridiculous amount of money we get for being in the SEC is actually paying off

Ever since Justine, that tramp, made me feel like shit in my personal training session I’ve been eating much healthier - definitely overrated.
Finished the new season of Last Chance U...kinda
Boring until the last 30 minutes.

Man it was hot this weekend. Glad
I was in the water most of it.

I like the new Vette.

You guys and your holes...
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Catch and release beaver hunting randos:

* Went to Florida on an unplanned vacation. Late one afternoon / early evening dolphins swarmed the beach right as the sun was going down. It was awesome to watch them streak by and dance out of the water. People lined up to video and enjoy. Beautiful.

* I'm quite sure God and mankind don't give a single shit whether roguemocha prefers the game of golf shortened to 12 holes, but thanks for informing us. Noted.

* If Touchdown Terry breaks the huddle in his first play wearing a 22 jersey, he's rocketing up my favorite QB list. There's Tim Couch, then there's Woodson and The Throwboy, then there's Bonner and Johnson.

For a bad football program, we've had shockingly good QBs over the years.

* I don't know where people are seeing the ladies in one pieces because in St. Pete Beach it is basically a race to wear a g-string. Which is awesome.

- Finally some awesome weather. Yesterday’s drizzle and this morning’s cool is wonderful.

- :joy: Poise sure isn’t something these Last Chance U JUCO coaching staffs do well. They handle in-game adversity about as well as I do with UK basketball.

- I don’t personally have a problem with LeBatard. He’s okay. Not a huge fan but not bad. But these sportswriters once again mistake their “platform.” You don’t have it because you’re so awesome that people care about every opinion you have. You have this platform because people love sports and you’re decent at talking sports. And I know, I know- it’s so unfair your company doesn’t let you talk politics on THEIR air but welcome to the real world. If you don’t like it, go work for someone else. ESPN played the political game under the last regime and it wasn’t good business.

- So pumped for Stoops’ encore. I don’t know what to think. That secondary is concerning but like what we have most everywhere else.

- Top 5 Most Valuable Sports Franchises in the World:

1. Cowboys
2. Yankees
3. Real Madrid
4. Barca
5. Knicks

- For the first time this summer, excited for some movies- the new Tarantino movie is supposedly awesome and also wouldn’t mind seeing the Lion King.

- Europe in a few weeks. Thanks for humoring my questions. A few more:

1. Should we make some dinner reservations (Venice in particular) or wing it?

2. Do I need to adjust my wardrobe at all to not look like yank trash?

3. Only “excursion” locked in is the Amalfi Coast and Pompeii from Naples. Other than that, may do some blue cave/grotto boat tour in Greece.
Only “excursion” locked in is the Amalfi Coast and Pompeii from Naples.
Capri is definitely worth it if you have a day to spare. Pompeii was cool, loved all the history as that's my bag, but it will likely be 100 degrees+ and packed. Probably not as neat for a couple as strolling around Capri or Anacapri. JMO
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-Thought of Richie this morning when I took the dog out this morning and felt the crispness in the air. Sure enough, he had already tweeted about it.

-So many question marks with this football team. It's a good year to have a softer schedule. 8-4.

-There are certain sportswriters who I really enjoy following on Twitter, but man....I hate it when they start humping their "other sports": Dan Wolken on tennis, DeCoursey on soccer, etc. I'm not saying they need to stay in their lane, necessarily, but it's just hard not to mute them when they take deep dives like that.

-Mariano Rivera is one of those guys who I never appreciated while he played, but reading all this HOF stuff from this weekend only reinforces what a stud he was. And not many players have ever had a better home finale. When Pettite and Jeter come to remove him from the

-Love seeing GYEROkids succeed in sports. When you guys post pics/video of your kids, it gives me ALLTHEFEELS

-No soft drinks since NYE. I'd stab a guy for a Diet Mt. Dew right about now.
* ESPN also hired Rush Limbaugh to sit in the NFL studio.......and then feigned shock when he made an offensive social commentary statement.

But that being said -- these people are employees. You can use your 1st amendment privilege all you want, but you can still get fired for being a vocal pain in the ass.

* Speaking of which, two idiot cops in Gretna, LA (that's what you're looking at if you peek across the river from the French Quarter) got fired for posting and liking a FAKE NEWS story about AOC. Headline:

"AOC on the budget: 'We Pay Soldiers Too Much.'"

The timing was particularly bad for Rispoli: He'd just completed social media training when he shared a fake news article about Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, saying: “This vile idiot needs a round...and I don’t mean the kind she used to serve.”

Rispoli, a 14-year-veteran of the police department, appeared to be alluding to Ocasio-Cortez’s past as a bartender. The article he shared, headlined “Ocasio-Cortez On the Budget: ‘We Pay Soldiers Too Much’” came from a satire website called “Taters Gonna Tate.” The website proclaims on its “About” page that all of its content is fictional.

The website's founder claims he intentionally posts Onion-like, completely fake satire stories for the express purpose of "catching" idiots (aka "taters") sharing his stories as if they're real, then getting pissed off and popping off on social media. :joy::joy:

I can only think of like 9,000 times I've seen this happen, although it's usually in the fashion of a meme. Good. Let's thin out the herd a little bit.
Capri is definitely worth it if you have a day to spare. Pompeii was cool, loved all the history as that's my bag, but it will likely be 100 degrees+ and packed. Probably not as neat for a couple as strolling around Capri or Anacapri. JMO

So another Tulum basically?
So another Tulum basically?
Never been to Tulum, but just looking at what's there, Pompeii probably isn't that touristy as far as resorts and chintzy souvenirs and whatnot go. Probably better preservation and tours at Pompeii as well, but it was definitely crowded when I was there and definitely the hottest place in Italy I visited. Rome was insufferable and Pompeii was even worse than that.

It's honestly not that bad, just depends on what your goal is, I suppose. If it was the wife and me I would play the romantic card and chill out in Capri, maybe take a little boat tour around the island, scope all the yachts, sip mixed drinks, try to find a hole in the wall restaurant, take in a cool sea breeze, etc. If it was just me, I'd go to Pompeii and nerd out at the encapsulated remains of an ancient Roman shitter or whore house
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Hey wcc:

- do you prefer business class premier on emirates air, or first class select on qatar?
- what's your favorite credit card with unlimited monthly spending?
- better backcountry skiing? chamonix, france, or whistler, bc?
- which european city has the best haberdasheries and clothiers for a custom made suit?
- kobe or wagyu beef?
- finer beaches -- turks and caicos, or bali?

Thanks a bunch, pal.
That AOC chick absolutely tears the Trumpers up for whatever reason. She marcus change her name to Trigger.

There's just certain people who are easily triggered by ANYTHING. Like, they sit around all day scouring the internet looking for the faintest reasons to be pissed off. I guess that's the whole point of that guy's site. I mean, if you get fired from your 14-year job for commenting on killing a congresswomen based on a completely fake satire news lose.
* Best part about late July is the lineup of football shows: Last Chaince U, QB1, Hard Knocks. By the middle of August I'm jonesing for football so bad I'm watching Browns' practice reports on the NFL Network.

* Some people definitely overreact to AOC, but she's such an easy target. She's young, she's attractive, she's radical, and she says insanely stupid things on a regular basis.

* Either everybody but UK fans is wrong about how good UK will be this year, or UK fans are way too optimistic about how good UK will be this year.
Heard “We Didn’t Start the Fire” somewhere a few nights ago and it’s stunning how awful that song is and presumably always has been.
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Represents NY
Minority that many probably think is foreign born

AOC is basically the polar opposite of middle america Trump supporter. I both like her because of the way she shakes up the establishment and disagree with her 95% of the time.
-We can take a pretty large step back and still win 7. Schedule is just too easy. 3 paid wins, UL, Vandy, and Ark gets you to 6 minimum. I just don't think we get swept by Mizzou, USC, UF, UT or MSU.

-AOC is awful, just like her nemesis. It's ridiculous this is what our government has turned into BUT not surprising because it's government.

-Speaking of that, since we're in a reality TV government, we should move the next election to a Bachelor/Survivor type of competition. F*ck campaigning and fundraising, let's do some physical tests or figure out how to not get booted off the island.

-Not quite interested in football just yet. Gimme a few more weeks of boring summer. 2nd week of August and we'll be [insert cheesy UK PR slogan for this season].

-Diet Mt Dew? Heck off, Todd.
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