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I will go ahead and assume Kentucky is going to beat South Carolina in football, since this is apparently what they do now.
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It’s been a bucket list item for me for years to spend a summer weekend in Saratoga. The track and town are supposed to be beautiful. Just a cool little town that comes alive for 6 weeks during the summer. There’s a few restaurants and bars all within walking distance of the track. It’s one of those places where you never now who you may run into at the track or post races. Athletes, coaches & former coaches, etc.

Got the call this past weekend. Bro in law has shares in a filly that is racing in the Saratoga Oaks on Friday, 8/2. Flying up early Friday mng and staying until Sunday. Going to be awesome boy’s trip. Can’t wait.
Non-conference slate is set, other than the Big 12 game.

Over/under on how many losses at the end of December: 1½?

Keep it coming, I say. Hope the 'Squad' keeps trotting out all these wonderful ideas like $50/hr minimum wage, open borders, ATKOT.

I mean, Dems have been lobbed a giant softball and all they have to do is not eff it up. A lot can change between now and November but their current nominees don't appear aligned with those folks in the middle of the road who can't stand Trump but don't want farrr left ideologies.

AOC is gross but Kirsten Sinema? Would. Maybe it's because she's a switch hitter?

- tried my hand at the Zacapa 23. It's better than the Havana Club de Maestros. Really nice.

- I'm not a hack but I'd be in favor of testing out a 12 hole golf course. I enjoy the game but it's too GD long. Don't LOVE it. Would rather be doing other shit with the fam

- Let's be honest; some of you all didn't go to one effing basketball camp growing up. OHH PIZZA EVERY NIGHT WAS THR BEST OMGZ!!1

- Huber lives one street over and I never see him, except in passive aggressive snaps with the *other* neighbors. Guess I didn't make the WOFOCO shitshow cut list. Gafffot. May need to reach out to llama sooner rather than later because Booker is too busy for me these days.

- Hayley Harmon, @UKRob 73 what's the latest? Funkycat or whatever, I see you.
Georgia Tech H & H. Lolz.

Nice little shot at Crean, recruiting play, get friendly with Pasner so he can take Tony B's place, and give the faithful a nice friendly road trip location in our favorite city. Not too shabby.
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Our non conference schedule sucks almost as much as the 12 hole golf course idea. But it’ll never change while Cal is here, so whatever. Just keep getting us in position in March and law of averages says we bust through at some point unexpectedly.
The Athletics “behind the scenes” series on college football realignment has been really good.
-I'd trade Barbee for Pastner straight up right now.

-I'm just glad to be on Geese's list somewhere, even if it's at the bottom.

-I dig the new Twitter look. Bookmarking tweets for reading articles later is a strong move.

-Man, I miss Anthony Kim. Loved that guy.
Nothing gets the juices flowing like playing Georgia Tech at the Hawks arena.

Tell IU we’re going to play them for the next 10 years in Indy and they can treat it like a home game for all we care.. Wearing their corny ass candy cane warmups and fight song blasting. We’ll give them what they want & own them on a neural court.
Seeing a top-5 program devolve into has-been status in real time is kinda fun. I don't think anything like this has really happened without some kind of major shift in the entire sport, a la the Ivy League schools losing their place in college football. UCLA had a 15 year run, but they never had the overall program, fanbase, history of IU.
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UKO's best post ever, probably.

I can confirm a Super Secret text has been going around questioning whether a certain GYERO poster ever really attended a Bball camp. Color me skeptical.
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Tech in Lubbock.

They played for the national championship last season but the real championship is when the Cayuts roam into the oil fields.
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How do you become a college basketball writer and get upset about covering a game during Feast Week? College basketball teams have played the day before Thanksgiving as long as I can remember.
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