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Actually hit their driver at a demo day this year and it was, as expected, complete trash.
So Wilson sucks now?

It was actually a demo day at a driving range in Evansville. Pretty much every manufacturer was there and I hit most all of them.
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Best thing to come out of the resurgence of OJ Simpson on Twitter is the resurgence of all those jokes that got Norm MacDonald fired from Saturday Night Live.

In his new book, OJ Simpson says that he would have taken a bullet or stood in front of a train for Nicole. Man, I'm going to tell you, that is some bad luck when the one guy who would have died for you...kills you.

After grisly photos of the murdered Nicole Brown Simpson were shown in court, OJ turned his head away and wept. It was at that moment he realized he would never be able to kill her again.
-I can get down with a good summer storm but we need to get them less often. Getting stuck in these cycles is the worst.

-Nice lil soaking wet caught in a storm ride yesterday.

-Verified that I'm in fact the #1 Dad. Got a shirt to prove it.

-Speaking of #1 Dad, real great stuff here. While playing the daily mind games required to trick my son into bathing I told him he, "smelled like a dumpster." Probably a bit excessive as it made him start balling. I apologized and he got more upset saying, "it's ok daddy you can tell me I smell like a dumpster."

Hopefully that doesn't cause issues in 12-15 years.

-Toy Story 4, eek.

-Hamilton was pretty solid, especially the 2nd act. Too long though, 3 hours in those little seats was brutal. Everything hurt. Old.

-Bar Vetti is a weird little place. Food was dope. Lou folks that haven't need to check it out.

-Good for Woodland, one of those guys that you knew would eventually get one. Love the Major winners this year. Let's get Fowler one and call it.

-Alright slightly less fat wop, close Blackshear tomorrow.
Nope, mine is safe and sound in Frankfort.

- Jesus Anth, trying to go GYERO on a 4yr old!

Lisa Smith writes books for angry parents, just in case you can’t stop being a bully.
I’m gonna see Toy Story 4, but I’m a little disappointed they made another one. I understand it’s a cash cow but the way 3 ended felt like such a good final chapter. Cheapens it now.

This weather is unreal. The 2 week forecast has rain every single day. Never seen anything like it. Absolutely ruining the summer baseball season.

Speaking of summer baseball, my son pulled the exact same cocky ass move in an all star game this weekend. Umpire just looked at me like “lol rly” idk what to do with the little rascal.

Oldest turns 10 tomorrow. Time really does fly when you have kids. Hard to wrap my head around it. He wanted to go to the reds/Astros game but WEATHER. Hoping it changes. F*cking weather ruining my relationship with my son.

Cracked black pepper sunflower seeds :fire:
Cracked black pepper sunflower seeds :fire:
GD right. Gotta be David's, tho. BIGS seeds are shit.

How's your 10 year old adjusted to kid pitch? My oldest just turned 12 and he dominated 9 and 10. He's struggled a bit this year as we have started seeing faster pitching and kids with good off-speed junk. He still bats around .350 (travel ball, he finished just below .500 in league ball), but most of that comes from Saturday pitching. Sunday pitching can be a beast.

We were runners up this weekend in Louisville. Beat a few decent Louisville teams (Vipers and Mako's). Team that beat us in the championship game is a team we smoked in pool play on Saturday. Ugh.

My kid gave up his first homerun ever yesterday. Thought he'd be devastated, but he just walked up to me and said "took long enough". Told him not to worry about it because we were playing on a 200 foot mickey mouse field. Kids were hitting bombs all over the damn place.
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That’s ok. We get such great weather year round it doesn’t really matter that May and June have been total washouts. In 2 1/2 months everything will begin to die again and we’ll begin another slow but steady death march to winter where we’ll maybe see the sun 8 times from November through March.
Just remember- there’s way more people dead than there are alive. Because we’re all dying in our own way and nothing really matters.

Go cats.
- Love the rain. [banana]

- Few things better in the summer than drinking some beers, running into old friends in the paddock at Riverbend before a big show.
GD right. Gotta be David's, tho. BIGS seeds are shit.

How's your 10 year old adjusted to kid pitch? My oldest just turned 12 and he dominated 9 and 10. He's struggled a bit this year as we have started seeing faster pitching and kids with good off-speed junk. He still bats around .350 (travel ball, he finished just below .500 in league ball), but most of that comes from Saturday pitching. Sunday pitching can be a beast.

We were runners up this weekend in Louisville. Beat a few decent Louisville teams (Vipers and Mako's). Team that beat us in the championship game is a team we smoked in pool play on Saturday. Ugh.

My kid gave up his first homerun ever yesterday. Thought he'd be devastated, but he just walked up to me and said "took long enough". Told him not to worry about it because we were playing on a 200 foot mickey mouse field. Kids were hitting bombs all over the damn place.

Nice. He’s done pretty well. Batting probably somewhere in the .350-400 range. Getting better at reading pitches. Excellent base runner. Pitching is coming along. He’s the only left hand-thrower on the team. Great velocity, just gotta get calibrated a little more. Throws tons of strikes to lefties. Little outside to righties.
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Sounds about right. Should’ve looked for me. I was there from 8:30a - 10:30p. What age group?
*Nice to seemingly have the whole roster in town already when Blackshear visits. Congrats to him on his 3 week vacation through the southeast.

*Fairly easy going guy but I wont stand for someone using corn as an ingredient in salsa.

*OJ joining twitter on the 25th anny of his murders was kind of an asshole thing to do. Not as asshole as murdering two folks- but still fairly shitty.

*So most NBA fans outside of LA will automatically hate Anthony Davis now, right? Thats how it goes?

*The Jefferson's Ocean wasnt bad... The gimmick was more to see if it could replicate similarities with ocean exposure as some of the scotch distilleries in Islay. It certainly wasnt as bad as some other marketing efforts or the bottles that added cinnamon and other stupid flavors.

*Walking across campus last week I asked a student if they were ok- as it looked like they'd been crying hysterically. She had apparently just dropped her phone and cracked the screen... making matters worse, according to her was that her mother didnt even believe her even though "I texted her like 3 screen shots to show her it was broken".... I didnt have the heart to explain how screen shots work so I just wished her good luck and went on my way.

*A lot of our collective attention needs to be on getting UL OUT of this college world series. And also on their pending notice from the NCAA.
Weather this weekend was actually pretty awesome Friday and Saturday. Just need some hot temps to raise that water temperature a few more degrees.

Thunder Run was pretty cool. It’s amazing how people still don’t seem to understand to stay out of the main channel while these powerboats are flying by at 100+mph...Darwin knew what he was talking about.

Tried that Pearl pizza place downtown where Limestone Blue used to be. Pretty solid pie. #Meatboy
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Yes, ma'am. I've killed Doyle Hargraves with a lawnmower blade. Yes, ma'am, I'm right sure of it. I hit him two good whacks in the head with it. That second one just plum near cut his head in two... It's a lil' ol' white house on the corner of Vine Street and some other street. There's a pick-up truck out front that says "Doyle Hargraves Construction" on it. Doyle said besides sending the police, you might wanna send an ambulance or a "hearst". I'll be sitting here, waiting on ye.
-Sounds like Keldon's stock is on the rise. That's great, apparently he killed the interviews, as you would expect. I'm skeptical of his NBA potential but get paid youngin.

-What kind of sick psycho "loves the rain[banana]"? I mean this with all due respect, go get f*cking pumped to death in a fire.

-Been up around 80MPH on a boat and that'll about do it for the rest of my life. I was less scared sky diving from an airplane where the pilot was sitting on a lawn chair.

-What's wrong with corn salsa? Poor take.

-Hotel recs near Wrigley? Walking distance.
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