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Water is HOT down herrr, finally got some rain to cool things off the last 3 days. It was the driest first half of the month in June ever. Airport recorded our rainfall at 0.000 on top of the sweltering heat from the hottest May since 1872 or something. Most of May was completely dry too, not sure if it rained at all.

Heading to KY July 12-15th just because.

100+ person Hunt tomorrow for Cummins. If it goes well, it will, the DMC already said he’d bring all the Cummins groups down here from now on. :smiley:

We have an event the next day for them as well for a big dinner.

Smashing life BRax style right now.

Pool for the last 3 hours, a few Whiteclaws and about to charge into work for a solid 4 hour shift.
Doc, Powerboat Boat week down here is my favorite week of all. It’s fantastic. Smokeshows, beautiful million dollar speed boats lined up at our restaurant, parties everywhere, $1000+ tabs, guys just living the best life throwing cash around, parades, the works, etc.
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- Have you ever gone 100 mph in a McMansion neighborhood at noon on a Saturday? Because I have. [sick]

- It’s not so much the rain to me as the mild temps and general gloom. Love me some upper 60s gloom. :grimace:
Doc, Powerboat Boat week down here is my favorite week of all. It’s fantastic. Smokeshows, beautiful million dollar speed boats lined up at our restaurant, parties everywhere, $1000+ tabs, guys just living the best life throwing cash around, parades, the works, etc.

Yup, the Destin poker run was always a favorite.

Cumberland gets pretty hype for them too. Thunder Run is at the beginning on the season but the big one is in September.

Some people got a whole lotta money. Unreal what those things cost to own and operate.
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Thunder Run was pretty cool. It’s amazing how people still don’t seem to understand to stay out of the main channel while these powerboats are flying by at 100+mph...Darwin knew what he was talking about.

Pretty sure Darwin was also talking about the people operating a boat at 100+mph on Cumberland.
Yeah, I’m not gonna say going that fast on Cumberland is a great idea. I know one of the boats can go around 180mph.

My boat cruises around 25mph, so it’s not too hard to avoid a big log (if you can see them. The biggest fear is the partially submerged log.)

People die every year in these poker runs. It’s not for everyone...

The boating community is like all demographics. There’s some good people, and also others you’d rather not associate with. I’ve been lucky so far.
Just wanted to check in as the resident tastemaker to point out that my wife bought me a weighted blanket for Father’s Day and it’s great. I look forward to your weighted-blanket lifestyle revelations over the following year. Please carry on.

If you’re keeping score at home, next up is one of those brainwave meditation headsets, IIRC.

...Commence austsim spectrum comments... now!
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Got my wife a weighted blanket waaayyyy back on Mother’s Day and now I have an indoor koi pond where my basement used to be so there’s that
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I'm constantly tired from running through the non-stressed young lassies' minds all day long (because they are fantasizing about having sex with me) so I don't need any of this autistic sorcery to fall asleep.
I spent $130 on my wife’s present from the kids to get her a home made pasta maker. My idea was that the $130 would save me from $50-60 dinners at Olive Garden 1-2 times a month.

Well, today my wife spent $88 on pasta goods for dinner tonight, and I have to stop for Parmesan cheese.

Silver lining, my 9 yr old diabetic son is really getting into cooking and being aware of things that help/hurt his situation.
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Got on a cigar boat at Cumberland about 15 years ago where the owner proceeded to drive(?) boat(?) 120 mph across the lake (according to him and it felt like we were going 1000). Had zero clue he was going to pull that shit, and hated every single second of it. I basically got as close to the floor as I could and hoped I wouldn't get thrown out with each jump. Zero enjoyment unless you like the feeling that you're about to die doing something that is dumb as shit.
I mean when Olive Garden has the order one, take one to go, you just have to. The unlimited free bread sticks is just icing on the cake ?
I spent $130 on my wife’s present from the kids to get her a home made pasta maker. My idea was that the $130 would save me from $50-60 dinners at Olive Garden 1-2 times a month.

Well, today my wife spent $88 on pasta goods for dinner tonight, and I have to stop for Parmesan cheese.

Silver lining, my 9 yr old diabetic son is really getting into cooking and being aware of things that help/hurt his situation.
Whoever's doing this is awesome. Kudos.
That’s ok. We get such great weather year round it doesn’t really matter that May and June have been total washouts. In 2 1/2 months everything will begin to die again and we’ll begin another slow but steady death march to winter where we’ll maybe see the sun 8 times from November through March.

That’s why Stoops came here. At least silver linings in those clouds.
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Uncooked pasta is notorious for how expensive it is.

1400 a year at Olive Garden is money well spent imo, that’s probably Boats weekly expenses at Tony’s/Ruby’s tbh
My idea was that the $130 would save me from $50-60 dinners at Olive Garden 1-2 times a month.

Well, today my wife spent $88 on pasta goods for dinner tonight, and I have to stop for Parmesan cheese.

Going 70-80 mph in a boat is fun as long as you’re driving!! If you’re riding not so much. Bugs are a bigger problem at that speed than logs. You can see logs but hit a bug and you’ll shut it down with a quickness. Having a Saveface is the only way to go...especially when it’s below 40 degrees.
Almost forgot, Asian Carp is actually more of a problem than all of the above. 20-30 lb fish hitting you at even 20 mph can put a hurting on ya.
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