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Trying to plan a beach vacation for July. Attempted to explain to the lass last night that a true vacation in my eyes doesn’t include our Tasmanian devil 2 1/2 year old and 10 month old baby. The point of a vacation is for rest & relaxation, not chasing a toddler around all day and changing diapers. Plus, they won’t remember anything.

Didn’t go over too well.
We are dropping off our two year old toddler at the grandparents house before our trip tomorrow, it was the wife’s idea. #blessed

We’ll still have my shithead 3 month old though. #notblessed
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Trying to plan a beach vacation for July. Attempted to explain to the lass last night that a true vacation in my eyes doesn’t include our Tasmanian devil 2 1/2 year old and 10 month old baby. The point of a vacation is for rest & relaxation, not chasing a toddler around all day and changing diapers. Plus, they won’t remember anything.

Didn’t go over too well.
We drove our kids all the way to Florida last year. They were 3yo and 20 months at the time.

Needless to say, the Norm family isn’t taking a vacation this year (and probably not in 2020 either).
Trying to plan a beach vacation for July. Attempted to explain to the lass last night that a true vacation in my eyes doesn’t include our Tasmanian devil 2 1/2 year old and 10 month old baby. The point of a vacation is for rest & relaxation, not chasing a toddler around all day and changing diapers. Plus, they won’t remember anything.

Didn’t go over too well.
IIRC, that’s when my wife clarifies it to be a “trip” not a “vacation.” Pretty nice of her to mom-splain, IMO.
Just read on SI....Greek Freak’s SuperMax contract offer in 2020:

5 years, $247 million. Holy touch.

Man, that’s a lot of rum.

This Chernobyl thing is solid.

Pleased to learn another Destin friend has bought a boat. There’s this little island there that’s OMG fun.
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Never had any doubt C-Webb would be great on television. If he can talk Tyra Banks into bed, you know that dude is cool as a cucumber, and smooth as silk.
The late 90s and early 00s were a magical time in America for smoking hot famous black chicks -- Tyra Banks, Toni Braxton, Halle Berry, Janet Jackson, Brandy, etc. All at their absolute prime and ridiculously hot.

Thanks, Obama.
Chili was my first true black crush, man she was just flat gorgeous - absolutely worshipped. MTV's Idalis wasn't far behind for lil BBdK. Had the Fever ever since.

-I love watching Malcolm Brogdon play. By NBA standards, he's about as much on a non-athlete as you'll find from the 2G position, but he's just lighting quick w/ his decisions & angles. Dude seems like he's always thinking 2 steps ahead, and just explodes towards the basket immediately on catch instead of doing the patented catch/hold/survey that every other player seems to want to do. Guys who lack the elite athleticism could do well by studying his game.

NBA ROY as a 2nd round pick, after being a 3 time ALL ACC, 2 time AA, Defensive POY, etc, etc. They really do get too cute sometimes when it comes to drafting kids, that guy was as much of a no-brainer to be a very good player as you'll find, imo. More times than not, if someone has that kind of success at the highest college level, they're gonna be a pretty damn good pro.
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