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Norton’s Commons is awful. If you need details on why then I could fill 2 pages of GYERO with grammatical errors and mispellings, but I won’t.

Depending on when the tasting party is I might be able to help although my product is not a Rye. It is a 6yr straight from the barrel 121.8 proof bourbon. The proof may change once I blend them all together, but the one barrel we proofed was HOT!

I might get 160 bottles from my 12 yr barrel, but that is not a guarantee yet so I would not be able to provide that.
Talking about the houses....not restaurants. Of course you both know that.

If you need Coronado recs, let me know. Multi time visitor here.

Going back this summer to visit Granny. A more detailed report reviewing similarities and differences between NC and Coronado will follow.
Simple question- please list the best 10 day Euro trips (cities/countries only). tia

We might go against conventional wisdom because we like to spend 9-10 days traveling a country/area and not so much jumping to specific cities. We spent 3 days in London and then 7 randomly driving around Scotland. We’re driving around Ireland/Northern Ireland for 10 days this summer. The same with Italy, Spain, etc. For us, you feel less rushed, see the small towns as well as the cities and get a good feel for the country.

Of course, the drawback is you don’t get to mark as many cities off the list and that’s tough if you might not have another chance for a while.

For DogFather in September.

We’re actually skipping Oktoberfest. I’m sure it will sound stupid, but I’ve been unimpressed (relatively speaking) with what I’ve seen online.
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Guess I should have asked for feedback.....


Can be /is cliquish depending on your POV. Way overpriced based on $/sq ft. Is kinda cool from a walking, dog friendly kind of place.

Not enough restaurants but Karems is solid from a sandwich place - met Issel, Pratt and Dampier in there last summer. Verbana is solid for breakfast/lunch.

Sold our house so we’re there in a condo for 3 months. Nice in the summer with concerts in the square and amphitheater.

Still overpriced but the finishes are good. No yard though.

That work?
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Not ready to throw money down, just getting feedback.

I'm not a "big yard" guy so having a small back patio area doesn't bother me. Also, the ability to take a golf cart to eat, shop, and Y is intriguing.

Parts of the subdivision reminds me of Coronado....minus the bay and ocean views.

Price/sq.ft is outrageous
Seems like a cult
Traffic sucks
15 minutes past English Station

Hell, may just move back downtown, buy a block, and put walkways between each shotgun style home.

Pushing $400/sq ft in some houses in there these days. Most around $300 for new construction. The key has to be the neighbors you get. I know people that left it all together due to shitty neighbors. The convenience has to be awesome.
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Reasonable minds can differ, but 10 days is not long enough to try and fit in both London and Paris and a third city. Both of those cities need a lot more than 3 or 4 days IMO. If you're dead set on three different places, I would recommend either London or Paris and then two other reasonably close places, like Amsterdam and Copenhagen.

I did Prague, Vienna and Budapest (along with Berlin) in 2016, as those three are easily connected by 2-3 hour train rides.

Leaving on Friday for what will be my 11th or 12th trip to Europe, with a week in Ukraine followed by a week in France. Personally, I prefer a little more immersive experience, so I'd recommend not trying to cram in too many different destinations.
Reasonable minds can differ, but 10 days is not long enough to try and fit in both London and Paris and a third city. Both of those cities need a lot more than 3 or 4 days IMO. If you're dead set on three different places, I would recommend either London or Paris and then two other reasonably close places, like Amsterdam and Copenhagen.

I did Prague, Vienna and Budapest (along with Berlin) in 2016, as those three are easily connected by 2-3 hour train rides.

Leaving on Friday for what will be my 11th or 12th trip to Europe, with a week in Ukraine followed by a week in France. Personally, I prefer a little more immersive experience, so I'd recommend not trying to cram in too many different destinations.

I can’t be the only one dying to know what this guy does for a living.
Meh. ukguy78 takes 5 International trips per year all over the damn world - good for him.

London/Amsterdam/Paris is a perfect 10-11 day intro to Europe for someone who’s never been, isn’t likely to be a regular visitor, and wants to cross a few places off the bucket list. You could certainly cut Amsterdam, but I wouldn’t.

Lengthy/immersive trips are for the places you love enough to return to multiple times, imo.

Sure, 4 days isn’t enough in London or Paris, and neither is 40. Same could be said for any great American city, but that doesn’t stop anyone from a 3 day trip to NYC, nor should it.

Different strokes for everyone, but The aforementioned trio was perfect for us in that same situation - probably the best vacation of our lives. (We saved a travel day with an overnight cruise from London to Rotterdam, was dope)
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I can’t deny Bbdk’s intro trip to Europe isn’t solid. I know you’re just a brah from Wilder, but Europe is a pretty magical place. With many different countries and different ways of life separated like states here. Maybe get some clue of what you’d like to see. Try to know more.
Definitely take Norton Common recommendations from someone from Bullit County.

And KK should remove Norton Commons from his pie hole

J/K kind of.

Pushing $400/sq ft in some houses in there these days. Most around $300 for new construction. The key has to be the neighbors you get. I know people that left it all together due to shitty neighbors. The convenience has to be awesome.

Meh. ukguy78 takes 5 International trips per year all over the damn world - good for him.

London/Amsterdam/Paris is a perfect 10-11 day intro to Europe for someone who’s never been, isn’t likely to be a regular visitor, and wants to cross a few places off the bucket list. You could certainly cut Amsterdam, but I wouldn’t.

Lengthy/immersive trips are for the places you love enough to return to multiple times, imo.

Sure, 4 days isn’t enough in London or Paris, and neither is 40. Same could be said for any great American city, but that doesn’t stop anyone from a 3 day trip to NYC, nor should it.

Different strokes for everyone, but The aforementioned trio was perfect for us in that same situation - probably the best vacation of our lives. (We saved a travel day with an overnight cruise from London to Rotterdam, was dope)

The man is asking for recs, and that's what I gave him. Less is more. Remind me again how worn out you were at the end of your first overseas trip. Pretty sure you said you basically mailed in the last stop since you and L were toast. Just saying I'd cut one and focus on two places. 10 days is not that long when you're losing a half day at best, full day at worst on travel.
We’re toast at the end of every Euro trip, that’s just part of the deal. Our 10 days didn’t include travel, we allow 2 days for that.

-Moving on, Maybe a week in Ukraine to get immersed in Eastern European culture, Chad?

Pierogi, Alex Len museum, etc
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If we go to Europe, Greece/Italy seem to be the early favorites.

And I’m from Claryville, dickwad.
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