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Mrs. and I had an event downtown last night and some unexpected free time so stopped in and sat at the outdoor bar at Ruby's for a couple drinks (no steak). I don't usually go for the hype on stuff like that, but man that guy knows how to do it right. Ended up getting a tour and those private rooms are something else, the bourbon and UK rooms especially.

Turned into late night LaRosa's, first time since opening here. Decent, had forgotten how sweet the sauce is, though.

McDaniels...meh. Never was really sold on him as a true post answer anyway. Seems like even EJ would be pushing him around in practice.
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- Feudal system always seemed like the best system. Indentured servitude ftw (actually, when you think about it, feudalism could be an allegory for capitalism).

- Had a capacitor go out on the HVAC unit yesterday. That makes the 2nd one in 2 years - 9 year old unit. What's up with that, Anth? I fear that our house was wired oddly when it was built. Quality home, but the electrical issues are a little concerning. Breakers trip fairly easy in certain areas of the house (during big usage summer and winter weeks).

- I feel like some of you are definitely sandbagging on your steak consumption. How could you tell the difference between medium rare plus and medium rare if you haven't had a few cow carcasses pass through your gullet? 3-5 steaks a year? Child, please. You ain't fooling me.

- Today would have been my mother's 69th birthday. May has always been a celebratory month for my family. Little bro on the 7th, dad on the 14th, mother on the 22nd. Throw in Derby, Mother's Day, end of school, graduations, Memorial Day . . . man. Things change, but good memories don't. I still love this month.

-McDaniels would have been nice. Blackshear is the one who meets the need, though. And Isaiah Stewart will be better than JM at Washington anyway. Book it. Wanted that kid pretty badly.

-Waiting for Rax to come in and explain the story behind his FB post last night. Seems to be some controversy in Jessamine County youth baseball right now. Just know that we've all got your back, buddy. Except Chad, probably.

-KET coverage of the returns was much more palatable last night without that one lady on it. Goodness she was always nails on a chalkboard. Jennifer something-or-other. Al Cross FTW.

-Every time I see a GYEROman on Facebook, it reminds me how terrible of a dresser I am. Even with the weight loss, all I did was switch from "Fat Tired Dad" to "Less Fat Tired Dad". Definitely need a wardrobe makeover.
Hump Day Randos:

-The last steak I had was in NYC @ Minetta Tavern w/ Tony, December 7, 2018. :100points: Btw, if that happens to be the last steak I ever have (it won't be), that's one helluva way to go out. Shew :flushed::fire: Everything about that place is perfecto.

-Here comes the heat. Still not brutal -- for the foreseeable future, you won't hear me complaining about any weather that doesn't involve rain.

-Bounced back w/ the ML win w/ the #North last night. LeBron is the best player in the world, KD is 2nd I guess -- but I'll hear arguments for Kawhi. He's not with those 2 yet, but as a 2 way guy & all around player he's damn close, imo.

-He's absolutely ridiculous, but Giannis is not better than (healthy) Anthony Davis. He really only has 1 move, albeit a mostly unstoppable one.

-Peaky Blinders is great, but it's almost too much work. I can't think of a show that's more difficult to follow between the accents and murky storylines. Have to read the recap after nearly every episode.

-In a bit of a golf rut, haven't really been playing all that much & game reflects it. Ready to get in the full summer groove as far as that goes.

-Need a new podcast.

-Anyone check the girl fight between Scout's Brian Snow & Dakich last night? :joy: That guy is something else man, his ability to get under skin is unparalleled in media.

-Wife is pretty upset about the lackluster Honeycrisp crop this year. In talking to a few buddies, it seems everyone is in agreement they just aren't the same this season, wonder why?

-Here's a cute doggie video for your morning:

I last played 18 holes in May 2018, iirc correctly. Which is weird for someone that enjoys playing golf. There isnt really one reason why- i've hit plenty of buckets in that time, but a combination of 2.5 hours of commuting every day, home renovations, increased travel, more hunting/fishing, and honestly some of the people i played with- I just dont really like.

A buddy of mine and I are hosting a bourbon tasting in the next week or two... I've done it before and just randomly selected 3-4 bottles but this time I want to put a little more effort. Preliminary thoughts are to do an initial bourbon flight with 3 glasses.... and then later in the night do the same thing with 3 different ones. Then also have some side cocktails in the mix in between. But picking which bottles to crack has my head spinning a bit. Most folks attending are likely to be novice- but I can't just put cheap swill in front of them and still look myself in the mirror.

Workout wise i've done nothing more than run for the entire 2019... the boredom has set in and its also already over 90 degrees here- so i'm in the market for something else to prevent further dog-dadbod.

We've had to put the pup on a strict diet including a dry/wet food meal that I have to get together everyday. He's systematically removed each piece of dry food, spit on the floor, and then attacks the rest like he hasnt eaten in years.

Lulz at Chumps- in what was believed to be his first non-psychotic message to a team/company/organization last night (United Airlines), only to turn around and take it all back this morning.
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- Had a capacitor go out on the HVAC unit yesterday. That makes the 2nd one in 2 years - 9 year old unit. What's up with that, Anth? I fear that our house was wired oddly when it was built. Quality home, but the electrical issues are a little concerning. Breakers trip fairly easy in certain areas of the house (during big usage summer and winter weeks).
Did you ask the tech? Hard to say without knowing more. Could be the electric side.
Hump Day Randos:
-The last steak I had was in NYC @ Minetta Tavern w/ Tony, December 7, 2018. :100points: Btw, if that happens to be the last steak I ever have (it won't be), that's one helluva way to go out. Shew :flushed::fire: Everything about that place is perfecto.

That's weird because you bitched about it the entire meal. TS.
- I saw Brax's Facebook post last night and all I could think was, welcome to coaching, sugar.

When drive-by posters start slamming you in this thread after they think they have some inside info from a disgruntled parent of one of your players, then you'll know you've really made it!

- Wasn't there when the tech finally arrived to ask about the A/C. According to the wife, he replaced the capacitor in about 15 minutes and left a name for a recommended electrician to come out and look if we wanted.
- KL, stick with the classics. Polos, buttdowns, khakis, shorts that don’t look like jams, Sperrys, loafs. Geesefeeder and Rudd are good resources for the classic look.

- The Deep South and the West Coast have always been the toughest places to pull recruits.

- BRax and I have repaired our relationship. Already offered to beat the shit out of the rival coach for him.

- Snow is my favorite college basketball geek sportswriter. Love that dude.

- Speaking of great sports media, Ryen Russillo is tremendous on the pod. Versatile. Can talk college and pro.

- Anniversary weekend. Probably hit Rhinegeist for old times sake at some point. Taking the dog and getting a cabin up in Hocking Hills later in the weekend. Anyone been?
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Humpday randoms;;;

- wlex just fired Lee Cruse, that's bullshit
- glad GoT is over so I can go to bed at 9 on Sunday's again
- Beshear vs Bevin #barf
- I probably average about .5 steaks per week, would eat more if they were cheaper and I weren't already fat
- speaking of fat, Frank's donuts about to open up in Lexington
- I'm so ready for this 3 day weekend
-KET coverage of the returns was much more palatable last night without that one lady on it. Goodness she was always nails on a chalkboard. Jennifer something-or-other. Al Cross FTW.

Agreed... An election night staple that provided some sneakingly entertaining commentary last night.
I last played 18 holes in May 2018, iirc correctly.

A buddy of mine and I are hosting a bourbon tasting in the next week or two... I've done it before and just randomly selected 3-4 bottles but this time I want to put a little more effort. Preliminary thoughts are to do an initial bourbon flight with 3 glasses.... and then later in the night do the same thing with 3 different ones. Then also have some side cocktails in the mix in between. But picking which bottles to crack has my head spinning a bit. Most folks attending are likely to be novice- but I can't just put cheap swill in front of them and still lo.

I would put your good bourbons for the initial flight and then cheap shit for your final flight after the cocktails when everyone is hammered and can’t taste anything anymore

I had the prime burger at Minetta Tavern that was absolutely amazing - it was a Sunday though and their Bloody Mary was awful - very disappointing.
There really isn’t much to it. We had all star tryouts this past weekend. A lot of parents of kids who didn’t make it took to Facebook to blast the league and coaches. I shouldn’t have responded, but I took some personal offense to some of their posts. Just typical youth sports nonsense. I’ll probably issue an apology later.
Been a minute:

Small experiment going on with my FB post. Waiting to get some serious ridicule, which will prove my point about some people being lunatics when it comes to politics. Both sides.

Anyone know someone that lives in Norton's Commons? The ideal of it sounds great, not sure about actually living there. Still have to sell my house 1st.

Work is a bitch right now. Worked last Sat and plan on this weekend and the next. #salary!

Ribeye 99% of the time.
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Don't you dare issue an apology. I'm serious. Pissing a few people off isn't a bad thing.

If you feel like you must do anything, just take the original post down. But, under no circumstances, issue an apology.

Although not necessarily my own personal philosophy, I've heard an older, well respected coach with over 600 wins say this regarding complaining parents/family members: F'em and feed 'em fish heads.
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