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I eat steak about once every three months on special occasions - I think that’s what makes it so good - it’s a nice treat. I almost always wake up in the middle of the night sweating afterwards as well. Can’t imagine eating something that rich multiple times a week, seems extremely unhealthy.

On an unrelated note, anyone have trouble taking an extremely overweight nurse seriously? I mean WTF? What’s next, obese personal trainer? Poor financial advisor? Non-dork GOT watcher?

Watching pulp fiction on Netflix - 25 years later still holds strong. That Tarantino - big fan.

Going to Charlotte for Memorial Day weekend, never been. It’s going to be a heat wave with average high of 97 with 86% humidity. [sick]
I’m just going to say this one last time, and I’ll use small words so hopefully you’ll understand.

No it is not the most tender or marbled cut. I don’t recall ever saying that the sirloin was the best steak I’ve ever had. Eating a sirloin every once in a while doesn’t make you a bad person. It’s a steak, hit with some salt and pepper and enjoy.

Christ, no wonder Adrian doesn’t want to hang out with you.
Briefly worked at a gym in college and we had obese personal trainer, felt bad for the people who would pay $30 for a half hour session. Guy had no idea what he was doing but was a buddy of the managers, place was shady as hell.
Going to Charlotte for Memorial Day weekend, never been. It’s going to be a heat wave with average high of 97 with 86% humidity. [sick]

Anth checks NetJets to Charlotte for Memorial Day.

Ron nailed the steak take. 3-5 times per year in pure knife/fork form as a special dinner, but I go beef/steak often with Mexican, sandwiches, etc.

The best part of a steakhouse are the ambience & accompaniments, imo. Raw Bar, Wedge, Classic steakhouse sides ftw.

Don’t sleep on McDonalds steak for hungover breakfast on Sunday during football season. That bagel :fire::sunglasses:
Ron also breaks out in night sweats when he eats steak...whatever the hell that means. Safe to say he sucks at steak.
I think it’s more the ridiculous sides (almost always go with some sort of cheesy potato thing and a veggie with 8lbs of butter) and alcohol, but it never fails. Just started recently so it probably means I’m developing some sort of deadly GI issue I would guess.
He's always trying to graze a tiddy in those pictures. The hard cup of the upper waist. Great fundamentals.
It's the 'mundane crap that goes on for a page' that makes this thread unique...

I do enjoy the quick escalation, though. Went from steak cuts to "born on 3rd". Much like golf claims turn into "let's meet and you better bring the damn laser range finder" or other sports claims turn into "let's just meet and have our own Olympic games and SEE who has bragging rights!"

GYERO - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-had a 20 min discussion about the proper way to quantify and distribute gluten free wafers during communion at my monthly deacon's meeting last night. Presbyterians, gang.

-nothing wrong with sirloin. My favourite out to dinner "steak" is the shoulder tender at Cole's. Anyone can make a filet/ribeye taste good. Lesser cut=creativity/ability, imo.

-as a registered indy, primary day is boring. traffic is light and the kids got a rest so thats good, i guess.

-pissed about the lack of respect shown to me when you dicks were talking about construction/reno cred...i do fish in deeper waters, so i could see where you're confused.

-one of my foreman lost a nephew last night in a motorcycle accident. I know they're cool and all...but i will never understand how folks take that risk.
“Hey guys, my father in law and I are looking to redo the drywall in my 40,000 square foot office condo this weekend. Recs?”

“Rudd is your guy.”
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Lar needs to be hanging out with ladies his own age. Like Christie Brinkley who is 65.

Cool way to change the subject. I said, "I would go straight carnivore well before going vegan. Not even close."

Carnivore would include cheese... considering it's from a f*cking cow you dolt. Have fun eating plant based cheese and veggies with no butter. Sounds amazing.
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Ever since boat Dr. Boat became friends with Jeff, the Ruby’s talk simmered down, and now a few are outright attacking him over his steak consumption/knowledge of meat. Shameful.
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