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Mashburned going all in on that guy and UK football is a pretty foolish move IMO. Not too late to get on the Juzang train tomorrow.
I mean, say what you want about Clay Travis, but this is hilarious. The Cubs in fact, are a bunch of hypocritical dbags
You misspelled the word “WORLD” and somehow wrote Cubs. Anyway, if you haven’t been paying attention to anything this has happened a BUNCH with cops, tv hosts and everyone else. It’s seriously one of the dumbest things I’ve seen.

Speaking of, that Doron Lamb was one racist sumbitch.
Mile Zero Songwriter Festival this week. Can’t recommend this weekend enough if you like this place. All the big songs (mostly country) sung by the people the actually wrote them instead of the performers you know them for. They mix in some really cool stories about how they came up with them which makes it a lot of fun.

Watched the guy that wrote Knee Deep by Zac Brown as well as My Wish by Rascal Flatts (along with 2 other of their big hits) last night for two hours with the Gulf of Mexico and a cotton candy sunset as the backdrop. Good stuff. Cole Swindell has a free show but that was going to be a madhouse.

Brad Paisley playing Saturday on Duval and randy houser playing at the amphitheater Sunday. Just live music and ice cold beer everywhere.
People are dumb. Several in here believe it's a racist sign as well. Just go back and research the Alabama drug bust picture conversation. If you don't know "gotcha" u dum.

Well, to be fair, it is a racist sign. But 99.9% of the time people use it, it has nothing to do with race. And most people have no idea it is a racist sign.
Dang, Johnny Jewzang is the 34th ranked player in the NATION? Watch out now. No wonder Jemurl left.
^So are bald white heads.

-The Rogers sitch is no different than UVa, Standford, and Nova putting 2+ years in on Juzang and we're scooping in with 1 month of work to recruit him as 7th-8th man. Football recruiting isn't fun to follow.

-Speaking of I love Juzang, he's not my fav(Maxey), but crafty smart ball player. Can he dunk? Not according to his highlights and I'm actually really happy about that.

-10 years in the making and I'll be eating at Jeff Ruby's in Lexington tonight. That's actually pretty great. Food around here is 10x's better than when I moved but still a long ways to go. Welcome addition to the 35 boring Dudley's spinoffs.

-Replaced the bottom bracket last night after years of creaking and clicking noises. Those damn BB30s are just a nightmare. Replacement bracket by the good folks at BBinfinite in and smooth as buttah. Giro starts tomorrow. Let's GO.

-Pink? She just looks like she smells bad. Like finish line of a marathon bad.

-Glenkinichie 12, shew. Hell of a whiskey. It's up there.
If you think about it too much it is kinda effed up my kids have been doing shooter drills since kindergarten. My youngest is hanging out tonight with a buddy he was assigned to keep calm while they hid in a closet during their drills a few years back. They’re still friends so I guess maybe that’s a positive I don’t know back to sports and Game of Thrones threads I guess
“Finish line of a marathon bad” is some A-Level humble bragging. That’s what I love about gyero. A common person would’ve come up with a smell like “gorilla dick” or “wet dog”, but here in Gyero, you gotta let people know that you’ve finished a marathon when dropping an insult. Absolute gyero perfection by one of The Godfather’s, anthonys735.
If you think about it too much it is kinda effed up my kids have been doing shooter drills since kindergarten. My youngest is hanging out tonight with a buddy he was assigned to keep calm while they hid in a closet during their drills a few years back. They’re still friends so I guess maybe that’s a positive I don’t know back to sports and Game of Thrones threads I guess
It's perfectly normal and cool that our children have to be taught how to avoid being slaughtered in the place they spend most of their lives imo
I don’t enjoy taking my kids to Mexican restaurants. Zero chance they’d behave well enough for Jeff Ruby’s. Hell, I’d stick out like a sore thumb in there. No, sir. I’ll stick to carry outs and pounding Naturdays on the couch.
Pure shooter >>>> Athletic dunker who never actually dunks, which we seem to get a lot of.

Cal is seemingly finally putting a premium on shooting/scoring over raw athleticism, you dumbasses should be thrilled about that; I certainly am. Shooting/Scoring is the hallmark of every one of our incoming recruits, except for maybe Whitney.
Saw a couple at Lockbox (mid 40s) with their under 6 year old boy. They sent back his herb crusted chicken and spaetzle or whatever it was because it was overcooked.

Probably should have dropped that guy a GYERO business card in hindsight
Taking your young child to a high end steak house is maybe peak GYERO.

/doffs cap

Office Lady “ Hey, how’s it goin? Did you have a nice weekend?”

JaimeAnth- “Yeah, not bad. Anth went for a nice little ride on Saturday and then we went out for dinner as a family & took G.”

Office Lady- “Nice. What kid friendly family establishment did you all go to”

JaimeAnth- ****screen zooms in & GYEROMAN alert flashes on the screen*** “We went to Ruby’s”.
Taking your young child to a high end steak house is maybe peak GYERO.

/doffs cap

No kidding. I was 10 when I made my first trip to The Precinct before a Reds game.

* I've been working ridiculous hours preparing for a shoot out in Seattle. I fly out Sunday (Happy Mother's Day!). Never been to that part of the country looking forward to my week in the Pac NW.

* Any of you Cincy area folks ever eat at The Diner back in the day? I loved that place as a youngster. I think it was right near where Sycamore Garden was.

* Well, we were feeling all good about signing the #10 football player in the country and then Saban looked at Stoops and said, "Hold my beer."

We could still get him, I guess, but whoever he "commits" to on 5/20 better strap themselves in for a long ride to Signing Day.

* Juzang, McDaniels and Blackshear would pretty much check every box on my Spring wishlist.

* A mallard has laid about a dozen eggs under an azalea right next to the steps on our front porch. That also happens to be one of the neighborhood fox's favorite chipmunk ambush spot. Could get ugly.

* Back to work.
Pure shooter >>>> Athletic dunker who never actually dunks, which we seem to get a lot of.

Cal is seemingly finally putting a premium on shooting/scoring over raw athleticism, you dumbasses should be thrilled about that; I certainly am. Shooting/Scoring is the hallmark of every one of our incoming recruits, except for maybe Whitney.

Oh I am so thrilled about that! I am so thankful Cal has changed the way he recruits!
It's just a matter of time till the brackets open up and our sharpshootin' superstars storm their way to #9!

It is gd football season, losers.
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