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* Game of Thrones thus far has been shit. Arya's entire character in that show has been the punky little child/brat, and I realize she's 22, but anyone who gained even the smallest amount of pleasure out of that sex scene is a sick touch. And the sitting-round-the-campfire scene was just stupid. It will get much better, but the first two episodes have sucked.

* This boat race to see who can out impress the rest of the crowd on their hatred for sportswriters has gone on way too long in GYERO, imo. I get it, many of them are self important tools. But how tf do you take in your daily sports info? Turn the volume off and watch YouTube highlights? Pick and choose the good ones, and follow their stuff. Not that hard, y'all.

* James Holzhauer = draggin nuts still. Aside from knowing all the answers, the way he plays the game is actually so simple that it's ridiculous more people don't do it.

- "search" for the daily doubles (roger craig was another one who did that, and figured that they're usually in the bottom middle of the board)
- start with the bottom and work up
- bet heavy on daily doubles to build a big lead
- time the buzzer to beat your opponents when ringing in

The gamesmanship is pretty simple, really.

* It's hard enough to win with one-and-done guys, but when you're now trying to win with one-and-done guys who just moved up a year (and yes, they moved up a year), that's just really, really hard to do. I'll happily take Juzang Clan/Juzinga/etc, but I'm not going to count on him being the difference maker that gets #9.

* Chase acting like he doesn't read sub-reddits all day long about GOT. :joy::joy:

Loser. IMHO.

* I'm not sure whether we should congratulate Billy Donovan, or criticize him. I mean, he's got Russell Westbrook, which means.....

- he should win 50ish games a year, then get an early exit in the playoffs
- he doesn't really have to coach, just get out of the way
- he probably isn't at much risk of getting fired, as his team is always gonna be pretty good

* Fake Tough Guy Power Rankings, GYERO:

1> KingLlama
2> NW50
3> CatintheFort
4> ladystarsista
5> tommyg
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* But how tf do you take in your daily sports info?

-from gyero of course. Not kidding.

-i hate llama as much as the next guy...but no way in hades am i dropping coin on airpods for my middleschooler. She loses everything. Cheapest possible earbuds available ftw. Gas station stuff. Dad needs that money for his sartorial "problem" anyways.
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Buddy of mine won Jeopardy Teen Tournament years ago. (/80P) Buzzer reaction timing was a big part of his success. His brother was even faster, at least in QR, though he never actually made it on the show (genius though).

We all used to play Contact Jeopardy as kids. Meaning you started face down on one side of the room and had to sprint across the room and tackle each other to see who got the trigger/card first.
So you wanted to tackle each other and instead of playing football you played a modified version of Jeopardy?


We didn't want to play just football. We didn't want to play just Jeopardy. So we played Tackle Jeopardy.

Good times back in 8th/9th grade.
I can confirm that it's Fortnite and Apex, running a very close 1/2.

As a gamer it hurts to get upset with my kids about playing video games too much, but I've never seen anything like it. Kids will get the shakes if you take it away from them for too long.
* Game of Thrones has been a total waste for two weeks. Last nights episode was just annoying.

* Arya = supermodel body. Who knew?

* Game of Thrones thus far has been shit. Arya's entire character in that show has been the punky little child/brat, and I realize she's 22, but anyone who gained even the smallest amount of pleasure out of that sex scene is a sick touch....

My boys are finally starting to wean themselves off fortnite. I haven’t played it more than 3 or 4 times this year. NBA 2k19 is big in my home the last few weeks.
If you don’t think Louisville was included in “these armpits of America” you don’t know the term “flyover country” very well.
I have been a single dad all week while wife is out of town and have done plenty of research, watched every snap from 2018 over, evaluated the roster etc.

I might be off but I think the 2019/2020 version of the your Kentucky Wildcats football team has the potential to be better than last season and once again face Georgia for the SEC East title.

The roster top to bottom is incredibly loaded.
You guys will see just how tough I am on Saturday morning....downing shots of pickle juice to alleviate the inevitable cramping that will probably lead to me lying in the middle of 3rd Street and being run over by a TARC bus instead of finishing the Derby Mini.
Why can't he lift his feet more than one inch off the ground?

It's like he has the beginnings of Guillian-Barre syndrome or something.
We played trampoline basketball in 8th grade. The timed spring jump was a great defense, as was tackling at the rim until 2 people fell off the trampoline and broke some bones.

Our parents got together and outlawed that quickly afterward.
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anyone else have this piece of shit game? What a junk pile. Looked amazing on the commercial tho.
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