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You’ve got a man coaching up the street with St John’s & NYC Hoops in his blood who’s been to 4 straight NCAAs, dominates his conference, and plays a high octane style of ball....and you’re dicking around with Porter Moser & Ryan Odom? :confused:

It’s incredible how incompetent some of these ADs are man.

Edit: and there it is, he finally had enough. Good for him.

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Just noticed that Tyler Thompson mentioned in one of her roster articles that Brad could get some time at the 2.



It’s incredible how the media force Brad on us because of his Dad. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard any of them say anything other than “best shooter on the team” “may give them some minutes” or something at least positive. No one seems to want to come out and state that Brad has no business on a D1 basketball court. He’s a human victory cigar, nothing more, and it does him no favors to pretend he is anything else.
Just noticed that Tyler Thompson mentioned in one of her roster articles that Brad could get some time at the 2.



It’s incredible how the media force Brad on us because of his Dad. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard any of them say anything other than “best shooter on the team” “may give them some minutes” or something at least positive. No one seems to want to come out and state that Brad has no business on a D1 basketball court. He’s a human victory cigar, nothing more, and it does him no favors to pretend he is anything else.

^ This is based off something Tyler Thompson said? [eyeroll]

Take a chill pill, Chase.
Chase sucks, but Drew Franklin also did an entire article discussing Brad Calipari’s future. It’s pretty amazing.
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Chase is fine - a solid GYERO voice. Just gets too caught up in the Twitters and Reddits imo
What’s this about Richards? Was that a joke?

If Richards or Montgomery leave I’ll lose my shit. Get a hold of your program, Cal.
By the way- those paying attention may have noticed this inexplicable-transfer/OAD/grad transfer phenomenon isn’t just a UK thing. It’s flooded college basketball. These days, flexibility is as important as anything in coaching. That’s one place we’re the best- Cal has proven he can work with any and all rosters on the fly.

I mean, supposedly Top 5 Marquette loses two starters; UNC returns no one. Duke- you know about them. Even Virginia may lose their best four players- Diatke just entered.
Get pumped if you don't believe that Brad has dreams too.

I still can't believe they gave him a redshirt. Worst case scenario is he joins the staff next to tony barbituates barbee and joel, then we don't win a championship ever again.


Ej should have had alllll his minutes this year. The Nick Richards experiment is weird. I don't get it. Kid plays all year, then Cal basically benches him come tournament time. Which is great, at least he realizes Nick sucks, but to prioritize him all year and take away minutes from guys with more potential is criminal, and not in the spirit of DREAMS.
Richards is a perfect example of a guy who will get criticized for leaving early because he’s clearly “not ready,” when that’s actually his very best move. Let’s be honest — he’s not getting any better. Might as well get it over with and start making a little money somewhere.
I know at least 7 guys in this thread who are better than B-Rad, and those are only the ones that I've seen play. I'd rather Zan Payne get those minutes, and I've never seen him play.
Y’all know how I feel about steakhouses. At least Ruby’s has sushi. And their Dover Sole is good. Dudley’s over both though.
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Looks like St. John's is now looking at OK St's and Yale's coaches. What a debacle! Give it to Travis Ford and call it a day.
Super pumped for Ruby’s, can’t wait.

Dudley’s has stepped up their game. Always love that place. Funny to think I worked there 20 years ago.

Meh, was never trying to lure patients from all over the country. Wasn’t really worth the advertising expense. Although my ego would have enjoyed.
Yeah it was a joke, I don't give a shit about Felipe Lopez, Malik Sealy, or St Johns basketball and never will.
Those unis tho



This dude right now is amazing. He’s averaging about the same daily amount as the all time previous high. Something like $70-80k per day. Yesterday was $130,000.

What a baller.

Big difference when someone like that is on the show — they truly study the “science” of it. As a pro gambler, there’s no question he’s meticulously researched the odds of all kinds of decisions to put them in his favor.
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