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I cannot fathom waiting in a line and dropping $40 for Keldon Johnson to scribble his name on a 5x7. This is not Anthony Davis or MKG or even Devin Booker. I don’t get it. And I understood somewhat when guys transferred because they were recruited over. Cal doesn’t even recruit good anymore. Was baker really going to play any less next year than he did this year? Wtf? The roof hasn’t caved in but the motherf*cker is leaking pretty bad. We gonna address it or nah?
I cannot fathom waiting in a line and dropping $40 for Keldon Johnson to scribble his name on a 5x7. This is not Anthony Davis or MKG or even Devin Booker. I don’t get it.

I don't get it either, but I guess there's a market for it. I can understand an all-time freshman or nearly any 4-year guy, but two random one and dones that didn't accomplish anything? Hard. Pass.

*Personally I don't like autographs no matter who they are. If you aren't a child it is actually pathetic and embarrassing.
Now KSR gets to profit off of them too since they are using their restaurant. Pretty nice little cash cow squeezing in some more patrons who can grab an order chicken tenders while they wait in line for those late-1st-rounders.

I have no problem with KSR getting their scratch. If it’s legal and doesn’t ruffle feathers with the NCAA, more power to them.

Bunch of pinko commies in here.

Capitalism= Porsche’s and boats.
I'm not saying PTI is wrong but I can only recall a few of championships where the majority of the contributors weren't 3-4 year players.
I cannot fathom waiting in a line and dropping $40 for Keldon Johnson to scribble his name on a 5x7. This is not Anthony Davis or MKG or even Devin Booker. I don’t get it.
It's been an amazing, unforgettable run with these players. My brothers. It's hard to imagine that it could be over and I'm not going to wait in line for two hours to pay 40 dollars for a forgettable player on a forgettable team to sign an autograph and half-heartedly fist bump me. But, after careful consideration with my friends and family, I've decided it's in my best interest to eat a frozen pizza, jack off, and get to bed by ten. I'll always remember this incredible season, Big Blue Nation for life. It's time to chase a dream.
You also can't fault a 1st rounder for leaving.

I’m not sure about that. Is it a stretch to say that between the improvement in their game and the weakness of next years draft, that Johnson and Herro both could’ve been drafted 10-12 spots higher next year?
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As someone who has been to NYC- the Big Apple they call it- I can say it’s a cool town with a lot going for it.
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Recruiting Tandy harder seems like it would have been a good idea now.

Maybe even throwing that Johnson kid from Trinity a few looks

Both will have better college careers than Baker and won’t transfer in two years because they miss daddy
I'd say those guys are projected as high as they are due to the weakness of this draft. Doubt they'd be much higher next year even with a really good year. Pick 10 vs pick 20 based on current rookie scale might mean ~$6.5M over 2 years versus only ~$4M over 2 years.

They have to go and it stinks for fans for all of the reasons that have been noted.
Amazing what that guy is doing on Jeopardy. I'm not sure he can be beat. Gonna take a big time screwup on one of the DD's.

He goes for $10 million minimum. IMO.
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