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We can all use Google, dumbass. Now GTFO and STFO.

You are still terrible. And NEVER post about anything. The best way to get me not to post, is do not run around chasing me, inviting me to. But this is the last time i respond to you, but here you go. I WILL NOT QUITE POSTING BECAUSE YOU TRY TO TELL ME TO. Quit wasting your time typing @ me, it will not work.

Sorry to clog up GYERO for the regulars. I posted something of substance and did not just post to troll. The way i see it, it is a public message board, there was a topic discussed and i posted about it. Years ago i made some bad post at regulars in here ( I did not quite understand GYERO then), I was wrong and should have been called out. If something posted is bad or stupid, it should be called out, but what Mamba does is far worse.
I normally don’t watch CNN, but this is fun. Sour grapes galore.

22 months, 25 million dollars, all the resources in the world...all based off a hoax.

Can’t wait to see the investigation into those who launched the witch hunt. Somebody ain’t been telling the truth to get the FISA warrants, and that’s a crime.

It is pretty funny. Lots of distraught people. Haven't seen this much angst since 2016 election night.

(You'd think those people would be happy to learn their President didn't collude with Russia). :oops:
Mueller Report, Hillary’s emails, Whatever-gate Clinton scandal, Judge Kavanaugh’s beer consumption and high school yearbook, Clarence Thomas sprinkling his pubes on a Coke can....

....what a ridiculously stupid crock of shit politics is.

Here’s a good place to start: just realize these goofballs are all a bunch of petty, fake, self serving, manipulative, scurrilous asswipes. Save the blind hero worship. Then go from there.
Trust me, there’s a lot about Trump that is difficult to stomach, but overlooking some of his personal shortcomings, he’s not doing a terrible job.

I think there definitely was collusion, but on the part of the FBI, justice department, Clinton’s, Brennan, Clapper, and likely the Obama White House.

They fed opposition research they obtained from a foreign spy they hired ( that was completely unfounded) to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. That’s a pretty big red flag. Pretty ballsy too considering a high ranking federal official had to sign off on the information.

^This warrants an investigation as much as the rumors of collusion on the Trump campaign.

It’s also somewhat concerning how Mueller flipped the burden of proving his innocence on Trump...well I don’t have enough to charge him, but I’ll just dangle this out there and hope maybe Congress runs with it.

The media can EAD as well. Congrats, two years of huffing and puffing the hype, now where are you. Discredited. Dishonest.

Ready to move on.
Jeopardy James with 74K tonight. And he had some stiff competition though they both missed the easy final question. Think there was only one miss between the 3 before that.
Looks to be a lovely weekend of rain and a high of 41. Spring!!!

My boy Seth posting pics from the bourbon room at Ruby’s...looks awesome. Can. Not. Wait.
323 Democrats running for President and not a single one worth a broke dick. That party is a hot mess. Biden and Sanders stop the polls? Let that sink in for a minute.
Imagine watching this Republican party and talking about the Democratic Party being a hot mess. But best to keep GYERO unclogged with this kind of bullshit.

- Cincy cuisine sucks but you gluttonous braggarts sure like to drool about our shit.

- Spring Keeneland- always a shady bitch. Perfect April until the Saturday I want to show off my fair state to some Michiganders then 45 and rainy. smh

- I will get drunk and have fun tho.

- Michael Lewis’s new podcast is infuriating.

- GOT is the second best - possibly third - TV drama of all-time. Only competition- The Wire and Friday Night Lights.

- I’d elect empathetic, smart, straight-shootin SAE to political office over anyone else in GYERO. Showkiller after that. Then, Misterface.

- So in February we rescued a kitten from our next door neighbor’s tree. She was probably 6 months old, scared and bleeding from her vagina- likely chased up there by a raping tomcat. Sweetest cat ever, follows me everywhere, social, loves my dog. BUT she has now been in heat 3x!!!! WTF. Had no idea cats went into heat every couple of weeks. We have a spay appointment set already but good lord.
Rising from the dead.


I realize there's room for doubt, agnosticism, and even atheism in today's world, but being an arrogant dick merely for the sake of has never been defensible IMO.

I'm also quite sure that faith gets a lot of folks here through some pretty awful shit sometimes. On Good Friday, try to have some respect for that at a minimum.

- Wifey just got out of the hospital following (per MaxPowerrrrrrrrrr) "busted gut" surgery. Everything went well - the problem will be keeping her from immediately resuming her crazy type-A lifestyle of trying to run/manage everything in sight. She is not the type of person who will use this as an opportunity to Netflix binge (like I would do).

- Because of the surgery, I was effectively running the house, taking care of kids, etc. Per my children, she is better at it. Agreed!

- On the plus side, I really made some progress on Super Mario Odyssey while sitting in the hospital being a 42-year-old grown man.

- Doing a lot of reading on mindfulness meditation, Buddhism, etc. lately. It's interesting - lot of good ideas there even if you're not into the spiritual aspects of it (kinda like most religions, really).

- Bat Cats are crushing it PING.

- Hiked Raven Run last Sunday with my oldest. That's a great, underrated part of Lexington. Out in the sticks but completely worth the drive.

- I hate all of you.

- As far as "this party" or "that party" being a mess, please recall that the Republicans had 456 people running for the Presidency in 2016, ultimately nominated an orange reality show star, and won. Probably best not to get too confident about anything these days.
Enjoy your cat vaginas and winter temps this weekend Chad. Any top 3 mention that doesn’t include the Soprano’s is erroneous.

Puppies sent UCL.

Congrats to UKO on becoming a grandpa.
-imagine sticking to lurking.

-the amount of growth/money being spent on capital construction projects right now is astounding...across all sectors. Halcyon days.

-saw dr boat at church. Didnt realize mom boat was in the choir. Told my fellow usher "I met that guy on the internet."...left it at that. Got a funny look, what evs. The music was outstanding.
IMO, part of faith is believing something that may or may not be explainable or something that could or could not happen in technical terms.
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