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Halloween sucks imo.

Ah, man, this couldn't be more wrong. Think of a young LB dressed up, hitting the streets of Benton, raking in a haul of candy. Or buying 100's of dollars of candy to give out to the youngins. Hell, dress in some scary outfit and scare the ish out of the kids ringing the bell. Give them some Peanut Butter Cups and send them on their way. Just make sure you have the good shit so your yard doesn't get TP'd like Mrs. Lawerence
Tom Leach hate is the GYERO Man hot take that I'll never understand. He isn't Don Fischer and he isn't Paul Rogers, but he's still very good and better than who most teams have doing play by play - just not Indiana and Louisville.

He also probably knows as well as anybody where the best steak in Lexington is. Or anywhere else. Or any other food, anywhere else.

Agreed. I like Leach, he's better for football but he does a good job, isnt super annoying, tells you what's going on, and I just don't see what else you want/need in a commentator.

My biggest concern with Leach is that he's going to have a heart attack on the air when he gets worked up(I'm serious), and that's going to be really traumatizing to hear someone die live on the air. Had to take some hazmat thing for volunteer firefighter training shit back when I first got out of school, and in it was a recording of a cop suffocating to death after inhaling some chemical coming from a truck accident because OMG he didn't look at the hazmat label and put on proper SCBA before rushing to help the guy driving who has also suffocated from inhaling the same chemicals. It was seriously F'ed up, and I still hear that poor guy struggling for air at times.

The same training gave me a large saw used to cut open triangle holes in houses to vent the smoke and let me go to town, with zero instruction other than the veteran guys laughing at me trying to get the fugger going.

I get why that had to be in there, but foch man, I'd say the giant house cutting saw just handed to me is a much larger threat to my health than some random ass chemical that a couple guys died from in Texas after a truck accident years ago. Makes me cringe just thinking about the noises dude was making. Eff whoever thought that was a good idea to include it, way overkill. I'd have rather found a body all cut up by Mexicans than listen to that shit.
Happy Halloween

-Who cares how favorable the schedule is. Who cares how ugly the wins have been. Who cares if Tennessee is an atrocity. The Cats are 6-2 with three more winnable games left. It just feels good to be getting 'dubs.

-Stephen Johnson is literally all we've been asking for at that position for some time now. Competent. He does nothing particularly great, but you know he isn't prone to shitting down his leg at any given moment. Guy loves to compete.

-My dad is a Tom Leach hater as well. He grew up with Cawood so Tom never really stood a chance. I think Leach is fine but I admire anyone who calls games on the radio because there's no way that's an easy craft to master.

-GAMBOL: having an electric CFB season. 26-10 picking ATS :uzi:

-I crush those mini Halloween boxes of Nerds during this time of year. Also, the mini Butterfingers are better than the full size version. Candy Corn sucks.

-Scantily clad lassies have been out in full force: Halloween parties, Instagram, etc. Great time of year. A little sad it's about over.

-Nancy from Stranger Things :fire::fire::fire:
Leach is fine. I like him a little
more with football than basketball.

Dave Baker tho.

Uh No.

Hardly listen to the pre game anymore. I could handle him with Oscar some but with him and Rex singing it's rare that I keep it tuned in once ksr is done with their show.
If your still in your 30s and don't like Halloween you've screwed up somewhere. Still lots of fun parties, wife and her friends are still hot and showing it off whenever they can, you can be lucky like me and have a 25 year old sister in law with lots of friends, some have little kids that are dressing up in cute outfits and excited as hell to dress up and get spooked easily, I mean what the hell is not to like. If your in your 50s and your kids are too old to even trick or treat sure I get it I guess but not like a "holiday" when we're still young that is pretty much centered around slutty outfits, chocolate, and parties just means you're a loser.
- God bless you, Barry. Glad babes are still letting it eat during Halloween.

- God bless you, Max. Enjoy your Halloween with your kids.
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If you don't have kids and you're in your 30s, Halloween is sort of cool and sort of a hassle, I guess. It mainly just makes me miss college and my 20s when Halloween is bar none the greatest holiday there is (with July 4 a close second).

God I miss Halloween parties with way too many people crammed into some grimy college flophouse and the lasses getting their one day a year to out-flooze each other without judgment.
BBdK posts that as if he won't be scouring the depths of every nook and cranny in the entire World Wide Web tomorrow morning looking for the best annual spank bank material.
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It's not the nice upperclass jimmy Nash neighborhoods that get flooded, it's the Ball Home, middle-upperclass neighborhoods. Mine turns into a zoo on Halloween. Cars line the street, folks are out cruising in golf carts and side by sides. I bet I get 300 kids tonight. Love it.

I never understood the whole razor blade in candy deal. Like, wouldn't it be super obvious if someone tried to shove a razor blade into a snickers? Like, it would be open, first of all. Then there would be a razor blade protruding from the actual candy bar. Just seems like wayyy too much effort to try and slice a kids esophagus open. Plus that would be f*cken mean as hell.

Trick or treat > chili > ice cold domestic beer > World Series. This is peak Rax family right here. Happy Halloween everybody
Before every decision I make, I be sure to ask myself:

"Would Adrian approve of this?"

Just went and smashed all my pumpkins. Thanks for the advice, man.
From what I hear, Doug E Fresh and Keith Sweat absolutely crushed it this weekend in Birmingham. There are rumors that Shabba Ranks showed up at a club late Saturday night and really set the place off.

Our suburb is a residents only trick or treat area.
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