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I also wear different clothes in the winter than I do in the summer.
I actually don’t for the most part. Maybe add in a thin hoodie or tobaggon just for funsies. :sunglasses:

-Fantasy Fest is finally over but not really since tonight is Halloween. There will be topless gals and tutus galore again tonight just as there were last Tuesday night at Tattoos&Scars.

-The weather this week has been ridiculous. Low 70s all week, humidity has completely died, feeling like fall finally. Perfect.

-Parrotheads in town this week. Shewee, that is one old and FAT!!! group of terrible humans. Cheap, demanding and annoying. Great clientele, looking forward for them all to be underground in 4-6 years and never hearing a terrible cover of a cheeseburger in paradise or whatever.

I mean, I’m happy they’re all out enjoying themselves and the “meeting of the minds” community they have and whatnot, but I won’t miss them coming down here.
*May put on the chicken suit tonight. The boy wants to wear my old Peter Griffin mask and act like we are fighting in the front yard. I'll do my part as a good Dad and encourage inter-species fisticuffs.

*Decorated the house for Halloween for the first time. Don't know why....Halloween kind of fits the exterior of the house.

*Like I said before about UK football, I'm #allin. Don't even bother bringing up my #allout post, because that was before I was #allinagain. Making my first football game in over 2 years this weekend. Have two tickets and so far, I'm rolling solo.
Lisa: want to go? Nope
Noah: want to go? Nope
Olivia: want to go? Nope
Alright then. Bunch of assholes.

*Thought A735 was on #teamcleanshave. No?

*Still cracking up at Willy only because I've been there....lots. Something about the wifeless/childless nights out...shew.

*I'm off IPA's for a while. I'm blowing up and they are the major reason. The calorie count in some of those mofo's is nuts. Miller Lite only for Dad.
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-hope she's ok because I laughed out loud.

-I'm on team shave when it's needed. Can't do it every day. This length is annoying the shit out of me and is being shaven today. Trainer is trying to get me to do no shave November. Can't do it.

-game was actually a blast last night. Really like these guys. They have a long way to go, and the pieces are a bit wonkie, but there's definite potential. Keeping Alexander off the court is going to be difficult. Knox is so much better than I thought. Diallo looked great. Washignton is one of my favorite guys under Cal already, stout PF with sneaky athleticism and a nasty streak.

-guess we know won Cal's whipping boy is. Gotta rebound if you're going to play big guy.

-Vanderbilt was right in front of us. Regular shoes on. No limp. Jumping up and down. Looked fine.

-Halloween is great. Adults dressing up for 2 or 3 weeks leading up to it is weird. Going as Man in the Yellow Hat and Curious George. Caint wait.

Side note: Man in the yellow hat is kind of a dick. Rips CG out of the jungle. Let's him smoke. Throws him in a cage. Takes him and shoves him in a zoo. SMH.

-very worried about Saturday. Classic letdown scenario. Makes the season special vs limp into gratuitous bowl.

-Candy corn is awful. Disagree and you're awful. GTFO.

-WCC posted the McNair PC article but it was perfect. I'm so sick of this outrage pissing contest.
Candy corn is awful and terrible at the same time...


... for some reason if you put it in a bowl with some peanuts and eat it like that it’s actually tasty. Makes me wonder if we all haven’t been doing it wrong all along.
-Someone mentioned seeing Joey Diaz recently, dude is a riot and according to his latest he’s either moving to Colorado or Lexington. If he does the latter, Lexington is in for a tremendous addition.

-Some FB chick friend in Lexington recently posted that finding religion again has made her and her husband realize how much evil Halloween brings into the house. They are no longer celebrating Halloween as it’s against gods will. Way to ruin your kids October folks.

-Candy corn is indeed disgusting.
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Whatever, guys. Pretty sure we all have countless stories about people being driven to Satanism by celebrating Halloween. Who among us hasn't dabbled in the Ways of the Dark Lord after dressing up as Scrooge McDuck and eating a bunch of Skittles?
You up for a D&D Ouija board blowout later?
*Nice weekend setting up. Guns N' Roses Friday and then the game. Double up-drunk.

*Speaking of evil. I used to have a GNR shirt with the cross and skeleton heads on them. It drove my Grandmother nuts. She called a preacher and was told to take it outside and burn it. She didn't...but man.

Btw...bought the same designed shirt for Friday night. Sorry, Granny.

*Candy corn is awful because it's neither corn nor candy, Randy!

*Lots of grey in my beard...tons. Not Jim Gray, though.
Jim Rome should've done a segment on Valentine's Day but he's a loser that's probably never had to do anything for it.

One of the more entertaining aspects of this Halloween is my wife torturing our cute little 9 month old princess for pointless and stupid photo ops. Getting the baby naked and painting her butt like a pumpkin? Check. Making me carve and hollow out a 40 lb pumpkin so she can sit in a cold slimy vegetable? Check. #BBC

These two months are the only months I enjoy cold weather. Drinking a bourbon by the fire with some holiday food, xmas lights eventually, good sports, even a little snow. Just fantastic. But that's it, January and February can EAD. Wish I could just skip those two months entirely.
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She probably thinks All Saints Day is evil too because it recognizes holy figures other than God.
Horehound candy and circus peanuts get a pass from me because my wife’s grandmother ate them nonstop and she was kinda awesome.

Think they are exclusively available at Cracker Barrel.
krazy was kind of right about something the other day (forget what but it was something I think) and might be the richest person on cat paw now besides B Rax.

is krazy Big Head?
Always wanted a pet monkey so I could teach him perverted tricks.

Feigning masturbation
Grabbing people's privates
Flipping people off
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