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Cant believe they have that million dollar throw at halftime from 25 yards out. I want a shot.

After watching Adrian flounder multiple attempts through the big hoop, I threaded the needle of the baby goal at the Schem’s post game.

Gyero QB champ.
~ Late but if you are still looking for suggestions BKH, maybe throw in a "insert player just told insert player to keep the 'za."

"Speaking from a position of knowledge" would be a nice touch as well.

~Don't follow The Sheriff on Twitter and don't want to so thanks to the peeps who RT him/copy and paste his best work.
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Took my big rowdy sons to the game. Whole day Saturday all they talked about was getting a poster from the game. I had no clue if they'd even be selling posters or what but luckily they handed us some with a complimentary BBN rag. They were walking in tall cotton by the time we got to our seats. Oldest had a blast. Stood on his seat and berated the poor referees and told them they "sucked nuts". Some of the girls in front of us looked at me like I was raising a lunatic but tbh I kinda am. My 6 year old damn near froze to death. He fell asleep in my lap and I checked a few times for a pulse. I woke up him with about 5m to go because my ass was completely frozen. All in all, it was a great memorable night for me and my big muscular boys.

Speaking of, as I'm sure you've seen on all the various social media accounts I subscribe to, my oldest scored a game winning td as time expired in his game that morning. I know my running gag is boasting about my boys athletic accomplishments, but this was a really legit cool dad moment. He's got a lot of social anxiety and even trying a new sport makes him extremely nervous to the point of crying, so seeing him being practically carried off the field by his teammates was just cool. im sure he will have several more moments like that because he is a superstar but it was still really cool.

Something females do that grind my gears: when one of their friends makes a baby announcement "Facebook official" and 9 different hens fall over themselves to post something like OMG SO GLAD ITS FINALLY OFFICAL like ok Sarah you already knew Allie was pregnant before she posted it WOWWW WHAT OTHER INSIDE SECRETS DO YOU POSSESS?? No we don't give a shit. You knew your friend was pregnant here's your damn cookie lol

I REALLY hope Tennessee hires jeff brohm. God, UofL fan would SHIT
A recap of my trip aboard if anyone cares.

- Flew out to Milan last Thurs. Headed up to stay with friends in Como. The area around Lake Como is something you can't put into words but I'll try. If Louisville had a challenger for topography, it's Como. Villas draping the side of the mountains, a quiet and inviting piazaa aside from the rally car race thing going on. Tons of little restaurants, shops and places to check out. Definitely nicer than any city my redneck ass has ever seen. We went up the mountain to have an authentic Milanese type meal where they just bringing you giant entres of pork, roast and some other shit I don't know what it was and was bland. But you're sitting in what used to be a home with a fire burning, sipping wine and stuffing your face that I'm not sure life gets much better.

- Took an afternoon trip to Lagano, Switzerland. Whatever my first impression of Lake Como actually was bested. Drove up the side of the mountain and walked down through the shops down to the edge of the lake. Unbelievable. Not sure I could be more jealous of people living there. Our friend lived there for a year before marrying her eyetalian and settling in Como.

- Flew from Milan to Munich. First impression was crazy because there were so many middle Easterners that I felt like there was an ISIS casting call. Checked in the hotel and walked down to the Glockenspiel. Probably 2,000 people just watching in the cold and rain. Can't imagine how crazy that area would be during peak season.

Took a train the next day to Bavaria and toured the Neuschwanstein Castle. Aside from it being freezing cold and rainy, just jaw-dropping. There's a side trail you can go to the bridge and see the castle and the valley down to the lake. The bridge is about 100-150 feet above a little river and puts you right in the middle of the castle. That was alone made it worth it for me. The castle itself is unbelievable with the wood work, mosaics and art.

- Went from Munich to Rome the next day.

Rome is...just incredible. The history, the ruins the piazzas, the statues and the women. It's overwhelming. You just get to the point your eyes and brain can't keep up with all there is to see.

First day was the Colosseum, the Forum and in the afternoon the Pantheon.

The Colosseum is remarkable. They had just cleaned the outside and they're recreating/resorting some the seats because it's pretty much all gone now. Just imagining that place being filled with 50k something people watching Gladiators gives you chills.

The Forum is not as mind-blowing to the eye but the history is. Here's where Julius Ceaser was cremated, this is where they did this, this is a 2,000 year old this and on and on. So many little cool things going on and we went ahead and walked up to the Palestine to get a great view of Rome.

In the afternoon, we went to the Pantheon after doing some touring through the streets and by their unbelievable fountains. There was actually a political protest going on right in front of the Pantheon that was pretty crazy but nothing violent. The Pantheon is another magnificent place with more history than my brain can process. Standing in the middle looking up and around is breath-taking.

The second day we did the Vatican City tour. The tour takes you through the side of the city and you walk through the museums building up to the Sistine Chapel. They say their collection of art is "top 5". Couldn't even fathom what 4 collections would be more vast and rich in history. You see well over 1,000 Greek, Egyptian and Roman statues. Then you walk through galleries covered with art, mosaics, tapestry, maps and statues. You couldn't even list all the things you see if you wrote them down for a day straight.

Once we made it to the Sistin Chapel, we almost felt like there wasn't anything better than what we just saw. Nope. Words can not describe. We stayed in there for about 15 mins, they ask everyone to be quiet and even though it's ridiculously crowded, the hair on your neck stands up and you know you will never see a more beautiful piece of art in your life. Even if you're not very religious like me, there is literally no way you can't be amazed by seeing it.

At this point, I don't think anything can be anymore impressive until you walk over to St Peter's Basilica. If it's not the behemoth size of it that blows you away, it's the art, the decoration, the is just amazing. Went all through there then took the steps down to the bottom where they have the tombs of some of the past Popes.

Then you go outside to the square and just turn 360's with your mouth wide open. So beautiful.

We were so gassed up until this point and from all the walking we did that I don't think we stayed up past 10 but for our first and last nights.

We went from Rome back to Milan. Milan was the least impressive, which sounds ridiculous to say because it's rich in it's own history. By this time, we got off the train about 1 pm, walked a few miles to the Doumo and I think we started to crash hard. The walk to the Doumo is fun but not crazy. But walking out of the Galleria to see it, I mean, words can't describe. It was definitely the craziest and most interesting visually maybe right up with the castle. The line was really long to get in and I couldn't go any longer. The wife had already been there so after a brief meltdown by her because it wasn't geared up still to wait for 2 hours, we cabbed back.

That night, our friends came down from Como and we had what I enjoyed as the best dinner. Actual Italian pizza, not the thincrust style they serve everywhere else. So much cheese, sauce and whatever you throw on it that if you ate 2 pieces, you would legitimately feel like the fattest POS on Earth.

From there, 10 hours of flying, dealing with the shitfest that is JFK airport and back in my recliner in time to see us beat UT

If you ever had the slightest interest in going to Rome, go to f'ing Rome. And, do paid tours if you do.

Ciao, bitches.
From my time in NYC, I can tell you that I've seen a lot very talented people leave great jobs like Purdue to try their hand at fame and fortune at start-ups like Ball State.
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Evidently Shabazz Muhammad is going to legally change his name to just Bazz and that is all the currently on his locker.

Looking for Montrezl to legally change his name to MEGA.
catlanta your trip sounds like a real letdown. Probably should have taken a nice jaunt to Myrtle Beach, or perhaps REALLY crushed it in Gatlinburg to get you ready for prime time. Very few people make the leap straight to Europe, and now we know why.
It is kind of nice to listen to a UK game on the radio with Dave Baker and Mike Pratt on the call.

Still ridiculous that this game isn't on tv though.
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I think it goes without saying that for anyone who's a college basketball who was able to go to this game, some breakdowns that are more in depth than usual would be appreciated.
The Halloween programming has fallen off to basically Hocus Pocus on whatever Fox Family is called now and the Halloween series marathon on AMC. And this year they don't even have Halloween III on. Sad!
Possibly bc Halloween has been going on for a month already? [sick]

Called this Baker deal a month ago, btw.
Maybe in your henpeck world with 3 minute facebook Halloween treat videos or whatever, but there was a time not long ago when you could catch some awesome rarer horror movies in rotation and maybe even a few shows analyzing horror movies and Halloween. Hell, History Channel used to have a dope mid 90s, corny history of Halloween show.

Sorry I like tradition!
I unabashedly love Tom Leach. We have a *voice of the Wildcats* who spent his whole career working to realize that dream.
I think he does a fine job. He loves UK, but he can also point out issues and problems. He helps me better understand what is happening on the field and the court.
I listen to his call over any of those network waterheads whenever I can, and I never enjoy a game as much if I have to listen to the TV announcers.
Yes, I am a proud UK homer. :100points::sunglasses:
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Dave Baker sucked tonight. I love the guy, but he sounded like a spaz. Had no business being the lead man.

WTF were you listening to?
Chad, once again, acting as the voice of reason for GYERO. Everyone else needs to grow up
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Dave Baker sucked tonight. I love the guy, but he sounded like a spaz. Had no business being the lead man.

WTF were you listening to?
The few minutes I listened to it was a barrage of mistakes. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to expect in a fill in role but it wasn’t any good.
Tom Leach hate is the GYERO Man hot take that I'll never understand. He isn't Don Fischer and he isn't Paul Rogers, but he's still very good and better than who most teams have doing play by play - just not Indiana and Louisville.

He also probably knows as well as anybody where the best steak in Lexington is. Or anywhere else. Or any other food, anywhere else.
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