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[laughing] Ridiculous. Ok.
"Mark Stoops is going to take a worse job to eventually get a better job" sure seems like a reach for something to get worked up about. Especially when your justification for thinking that could happen seemed to be two coaches from Bowling Green who never actually did that. But LOLZ at me though.
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"Mark Stoops is going to take a worse job to eventually get a better job" sure seems like a reach for something to get worked up about. Especially when your justification for thinking that could happen seemed to be two coaches from Bowling Green who never actually did that. But LOLZ at me though.
I'm not sure UCF is a worse job.

You've got wires crossed with Bowling Green. PTI is the one that brought up BG. Im not trying to justify anything by using them. Other than the fact you can get a mid level job but not a top one.

I'm talking about jobs in the AAC, which in my scenario is where Stoops would leave for. It is beyond clear that coaches from that league have a much better chance of getting a Top 15-20 job than a coach from a Kentucky level job.
Mullen either goes to UT or Florida, especially with his old boss now AD at UF.

Frost might get the Nebraska job, in part, because HE WAS THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP-WINNING QUARTERBACK AT NEBRASKA.

Back to ignoring.
Did I not say Frost might end up at Nebraska? Yes. They don't have an opening yet.

And Dan Mullen could very well get that UF job like I said. He isn't the top candidate though per UF insiders on ESPNU radio. Frost is.
Do you really think ADs at top 15-20 schools are so shortsighted that they don't understand the difference between competing/winning in the SEC versus the AAC?

Again, it seems like a ridiculous scenario to get worked up over.
Do you really think ADs at top 15-20 schools are so shortsighted that they don't understand the difference between competing/winning in the SEC versus the AAC?

Again, it seems like a ridiculous scenario to get worked up over.
I've already listed 3 that got those type of jobs in the last two years. Fuente at VaTech, Herman at Texas and Taggart at Oregon. And you can add Scott Frost to that list this year - Florida or Nebraska. Norvell at Memphis and Morris at SMU are possibilities. Morris is very likely to A&M if they can Sumlin.

The only person I can think of that has moved up from the mid to lower level SEC lately is James Franklin.

So, no they aren't shortsighted. They are just hiring better coaches than what reside in the bottom half of the Power 5.

I wasn't worked up until you made up something I never said.
You listed coaches who demonstrated that they were good coaches at schools that were willing to take a chance on less established coach, and then advanced to better programs... which really isn't anything groundbreaking.

Either Mark Stoops is a good enough coach for someone to hire or he's not. Moving to a less competitive conference isn't going to change that... or trick people into believing that. And I don't think he'd take major pay cut just to try to pull that off.
You listed coaches who demonstrated that they were good coaches at schools that were willing to take a chance on less established coach, and then advanced to better programs... which really isn't anything groundbreaking.

Either Mark Stoops is a good enough coach for someone to hire or he's not. Moving to a less competitive conference isn't going to change that... or trick people into believing that. And I don't think he'd take major pay cut just to try to pull that off.
I don't think he would either but it is an option. As I stated off the bat, it was crazy. Maybe my thoughts come from when I lived in NYC during the dotcom bubble. Saw a lot of people leave really good jobs for a potential big payday in startups.

I personally don't think he'd ever land one of those jobs because he isn't a great coach. Lateral moves or a slight step up for him.
If I am Stoops, I'm not leaving Kentucky unless it is for Florida this year. (And he won't get an offer unless literally everyone turns them down.)

Why would he leave for a Nebraska or a Tennessee where fans expect their programs to return to former national title glory when he can just stay here, make a mint, recruit the hell out of Ohio and Florida, and have Kentucky fans thrilled to go 8-4?

I mean, unless the Bowling Green job opens up, I guess.
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-Hollywood like -> "Hold my beer!!" What a bunch of weirdos. Keep your impassioned speeches to yourselves. Losers.

-Grandparents are great. Basically laid on the couch being a fat loser all day yesterday. Did manage to clean up a bit and knock out a nice portion of my book. Shout out to weather for being so miserable.

-If Stoops were to leave seems like now would be as good of a time as ever for both sides. I like him, he just seems to have a standoff-ish relationship with the fans.

-I'm never apologizing for or criticizing a victory over UT. Period.

-Someone mentioned it but the sentiment for a few seconds after the game were like, "ok where is the flag? where's the penalty? why are they putting 8 seconds back on the clock? here we go again." Snake bitten.

-Monday night game coming off Friday night game, UK w over UT. Bleh:angry:
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Cold/grey/rainy days. This weather is amazing!

Fall back an hour needs to get here with the quickness. This extra few weeks of light at the end of the day really makes it difficult to get up in the morning. Especially on cold/grey/rainy days.

Baseball game was amazing, but damn...ending well after midnight. Should've started that at 5pm EST.

Nashville is on fire. Construction EVERYWHERE. 3rd city I've visited in recent weeks that is blowing Louisville out of the water. I mean, we're growing too...but not at the exponential rate of our neighbors.

Hockey in Nashville? I mean, who would've thought, right? That downtown was absolutely hopping on Saturday night for the Predators game. Yeah, Louisville needs a pro sports team in the worst way. And I'm not talking 4th level minor league soccer.

Kentucky beat Tennessee. [cheers]
-pumpkin carving day yesterday. Tried some new techniques w/drill and paddle bits. Turned out well.

-planned on doing the parade/thriller. Didnt make it. Its a good time if youve never been.

-binging the 1st season of stranger things so i can watch the 2nd with mrs rudd1 and the eldest. Like it so far. Nostalgic, as the kids in that show are exactly the age i was at the time. Still remember getting the millennium falcon for xmas.

-god knows I am not judging...definitely dont have the right to do so. But i cant tell you how nice it was to be 100% on a sunday after a big uk win.

-jesus, cheif.
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Being hungover on Sunday during bad weather is one of life's most interesting situations. The anxiety & feeling sucks, but the seemingly free license to be a complete loser & binge-eating POS on the couch for 12 hours is also pretty special.

-The peeps that got mixed up in the Florida fight were back in attendance Saturday night. As mentioned, the one guy tore is ACL as they fight barreled onto them.

His UK fan next door took that opportunity to get some licks in of his own and proceeded to have part of his nipple bitten off, Gator fan was pretty desperate it seems.

-I haven't given thought any 'new' video game in probably a decade+, but something about that Super Mario Odyssey makes me want to have it, looks unreal.
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I’ll tell you what’s unreal and is the hot game on these streets right now is Cuphead if you remember the days of throwing your controller at your brother/friend/kid/TV
The luck this staff received when Stephen Johnson fell into their lap may have saved some careers. I mean look at the product we wouldve had to roll with in Barker. He was the savior when he signed, and man he is just tough to watch when he gets snaps. Injury was a big set back but he doesnt look any better now than the he was when he took his fist snap.

It took me a few minutes before I felt like it was safe to get excited about the win. I kept looking at the game clock thinking they had one more play or something else was going to happen. Also got 4 of the exact same text "Jesus Christ" which was an accurate response.

Driving 6 hours home always adds a little something to the hangover. Shout-out to Dough Daddy's which is a must before hitting the BG Endless Parkway.

Hey, good to see all you sons of bitches. Respect knucks to whoever made that bread-bowl artichoke dip.

"Conspiracy against the United States" sounds severe. TwitterBook is going to be shittier for the foreseeable future.

October baseball.

The Colts of the Gentlemen's Academy of St. Francis DeSales going undefeated in the regular season- not bad at all for a little south end school.
Someone tweeted it, but Barker has legitimately (hard) failed basically every opportunity he's been given...which have been numerous (on and off the field).
Getting knocked out cold by a sucker punch in front of his teammates who then proceeded to do absolutely nothing about it was probably a big red flag.

No doubt Landon Young would spit some beech-nut in a dude's eye if they even looked funny at SJ
Someone tweeted it, but Barker has legitimately (hard) failed basically every opportunity he's been given...which have been numerous (on and off the field).

Ready to see Gunnar Hoak get that 2nd String opportunity next time it arises.
You misspelled Lynn Bowden
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