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having a really hard time not mocking this #metoo

Rob, can you do it for me?

I feel like we can all operate under the assumption that all the women and probably most men that you know have had somebody say something to them that came off as creepy to them at some point. No need to hashtag it.

Nothing. People are still thraxing with randoms regularly.

So, do you text girls that you'd like to hook up with your intentions (even ones sitting next to you) and get them to confirm their consent? Because apparently that's a thing (per the kids on campus up here) and I, not being a lawball, have no idea whether that would actually protect you from being accused of rape.
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-I rarely use cash so I never have change. Honestly I feel like we should be rounding up/down at this point. Coins :grimace:

Get the app Acorns. It takes your purchases and rounds the difference up to the next whole dollar then deposits that "change" into a mutual fund. Can transfer the money back to your checking account anytime you want. Not to humble brag, but got a cool 1k in my account AND earned $4.22 in dividends last month.

Also, if you want to quench the salty/sweet urge at McDonald's for breakfast, and don't mind feeling like ass compounded by the self loathing, the power play is a fried chicken McGriddle.
My favorite thing in Twitter replies right now is Louisville fans claiming that Postel is a UK fan.
The ass eating szn guy in my office is a little 23 yr old f*ckboi. He spends most of the day on his phone with young loose women who constantly send him notifications through various apps that they are DTF. It's actually amazing.
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Get the app Acorns. It takes your purchases and rounds the difference up to the next whole dollar then deposits that "change" into a mutual fund. Can transfer the money back to your checking account anytime you want. Not to humble brag, but got a cool 1k in my account AND earned $4.22 in dividends last month.

Also, if you want to quench the salty/sweet urge at McDonald's for breakfast, and don't mind feeling like ass compounded by the self loathing, the power play is a fried chicken McGriddle.
I used Acorns to pay for half of the Grand Wagoneer that I bought a few months ago.
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So, do you text girls that you'd like to hook up with your intentions (even ones sitting next to you) and get them to confirm their consent?

Never heard of this nor have I done it.

One of my buddies did get accused by a girl for sexual assault, at the first school he went to. Brought a girl back to his place after a party, said it was 100% consensual and she even asked to go back to his place. Later on, she accused him and 3 other of his teammates of taking advantage of her w/o her consent.

Nothing came from it, but he still got kicked out of the school. Really messed him up for a while. Great dude too, have no reason to think he'd ever do
something like that.

Things are different, for sure, but a majority of people are rational. Just have to use better judgement and roll the dice accordingly.
Tom was complicit in several levels of corruption, oversaw and was encouraging at least 3-4 major scandals, at one point accused and paid someone off for sexual misconduct, negotiated a deal with an arena that he knew would go bankrupt forcing the city to pay and likely to try and buy the arena for pennies on the dollar, rehired a guy that put his side piece on the government payroll, covered up a shooting, covered up several incidents with TWill, hushed the dorm death, hushed the Chris Jones stuff, turned Kevin Ware into a folk hero, bullied the media into swallowing all this and promoting him as the best AD in the country(when he really wasn't the best AD ever) hired his son to a ghost position, got his daughter on at Adidas to monitor the UL deals and on and on. We're talking unprecedented corruption.

The fact these idiots are so distraught over him leaving is unbelievable. The desperation is amazing. I would be packing his shit for him.
Tom was complicit in several levels of corruption, oversaw and was encouraging at least 3-4 major scandals, at one point accused and paid someone off for sexual misconduct, negotiated a deal with an arena that he knew would go bankrupt forcing the city to pay and likely to try and buy the arena for pennies on the dollar, rehired a guy that put his side piece on the government payroll, covered up a shooting, covered up several incidents with TWill, hushed the dorm death, hushed the Chris Jones stuff, turned Kevin Ware into a folk hero, bullied the media into swallowing all this and promoting him as the best AD in the country(when he really wasn't the best AD ever) hired his son to a ghost position, got his daughter on at Adidas to monitor the UL deals and on and on. We're talking unprecedented corruption.

The fact these idiots are so distraught over him leaving is unbelievable. The desperation is amazing. I would be packing his shit for him.
Vouched for Willie Williams. Allowed Davonte Fields to transfer in. Hired Clint Hurtt.

Basically, your run of the mill, POS.
Yum! Center refinancing $450,000,000 for an arena that cost $238,000,000 nine years ago so that seems to be working out well.

I don’t know guys, keeping Rupp as is for awhile seems like a pretty good idea but I’m no finance ball.
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It's the f***ing TIF DISTRICT'S fault, Max. You got that? I mean Christ if you knew the economy was going to collapse and the projections for Patrick O'Shea's, Bearnos, and El Nopal were going to fall THAT short, it sure would have been nice if you had come forward with that information before now.

I had to google "Bryce Love" to see what shade he was while thinking "Do Mormons name their kids 'Bryce' or something?"
Happy Wednesday

-the basketball story has overshadowed it, but UofL's lacrosse coach is also in the midst of a player abuse scandal. Apparently, a player on the team was late to get on the team bus to catch a flight back home, so the coach just left her behind. Girl had to get her own flight back to Louisville. Just one of stories I've heard.

Yet another example of corruption under Jurich.

-the part in Jurich's contract that covers country club dues and food/bev minimums has been harped on quite a bit. Buddy of mine is currently auditing Ohio State's athletic program and says country club expenses are included in quite a few of their coaches contracts. So that might have been the least ridiculous part of Jurich's contract. That or tOSU is crooked too.

-UK football is incredibly mediocre but fortunately so are almost all the teams left on our schedule. There is an extremely real possibility we go 9-3.

-MSU-32 UK-20.

-The NBA is dope.

-Hate to bring up the LeBron/Jordan debate but was watching LeBron last night and noticed how in tune he is with his teammates. He just seems to always know exactly what to do to get the most out of everyone on the floor. Just wondering if Jordan was also kind of this "ultimate teammate" that LeBron is.
Wait, you mean someone posted the content only, and not the article or author? [laughing] I assume it's circulating on Facebook and Twitter too then.
I do this because I had no aptitude for the math required for an engineering curriculum and WTF else does one do with a political science degree?
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