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*Joe Bucks has some damn good wings. Then again, everything seems a bit better during those trips.

*"Save Tom". It's been said, but I don't think I've called anyone by their first name if I don't, well..... KNOW THEM ON A FIRST NAME BASIS? If I do say their first name, you can sure as hell bet the last name is coming up next.

*Check's. Been a while since I've been to Germantown. Need to get back now the weather is turning.

*2nd golf scramble in two weeks coming up Saturday. I won't be on the winning team this time either.

*Getting caught up on Vice Principals. What a hoot. Go on then you old dried up queef!
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Could be worse I guess, Kansas and Missouri are restarting the Border War for their no TV allowed charity scrimmage.

Huge rivals that haven’t played in 5 years and when they finally do only 18,000 people can watch it.
If you have to actually make a sign saying "Save Tom" about your Ad, well, that is all there needs to be said. Pathetic that you have to beg people saving your corrupt AD from getting shit canned. LOL, only at Louisville.
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Look looks like the Dow will have its first official close above 23K. Wonder when PTI will inform us that it is just approaching that mark?

I'll notice it the next time I check out my 401(k).

Unfortunately for you, you're required to have a job before you can invest in one of those.
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I’m glad I’m these trying times, we can put our differences aside and come together to appreciate something together.
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