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Look across the river into the hills and towns of NKY from grande American metropolis Cincinnati and try to tell me its not beautiful.

Picturesque right there. Surprised tourism hasn't surpassed NYC.

Cards fans getting little boners based off a text from Dawkins to a UL coach in which "Wes" is mentioned.
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Look, I’m all for small town life. I get that big cities scare some people.

Major American cities aren’t for everyone.
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-Saw a guy rocking a UNC shirt at the gym the day the ruling came out. I asked him if he was celebrating academic fraud and laughed. He did too and said, “Well you have to be good at something.” And then he laughed too. As in, he was totally okay with it just happy they didn’t get in trouble. Of course he didn’t go to school there, went to NC State.

-Went to CrossFit for the first time in years today. Was getting too complacent at the gym so switching it up for a month. Man, it’s the terminology the makes it’s so gross to others.
-“The Box”
-“Today’s WOD”
-Instructors are “coaches”
-Those working out are “athletes”

That being said it gets you a solid workout in an hour, while providing some cardio too. I needed the change up and good on anyone getting a sweat or “hitting the pavement”.

-Fantasy Fest starts next week, little bit of this guy[banana] and quite a bit of these guys [sick]. Who’s ready for a week of people walking around naked from dawn til dawn?

The real good news here is that we have a festival called Goombay the weekend before and it’s the Haitian part of town throwing together all the good creole, Haitian and Cuban favorites for your consumption. Arepas, gator, jerk chicken satay, (real) Conch fritters, real Cuban sandwiches, etc for blocks and blocks. Love that event.

Putting in a solid two days of work this week. Pool time for this guy.
Crossfit is basically a blatant attempt create a cult. Scientologists think they need to tone it down a bit.
Again, doesn't the FBI have Pitino on tape arranging deals with Adidas? All of this "Pitino knew EVERYTHING going on with the program" routine from his lawyers is really the opposite approach I would be taking.
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Headed to Italy on Thursday. Never been overseas and am kinda anxious and excited. My wife has put together what seems to be an awesome vacation. Como, Milan, little time in Switzerland, Munich and Rome.

Oh, and if any of you are bored, since f work this week, I'm taking on all the UNC fans on the CBB. It's actually quite fun even though I probably am as mature today as I was when I was 15.
Cross Fit:

$180/month for shameless social media self promotion and devastating, career ending injury.

Strong recommend. [thumb2][thumb2]
Yeah we paid $100 total for the month signing up together so exactly what you said minus $260, but you were super close. And just an FYI, I’ve been lifting for 10 years so I kind of have that form thing down. Not really looking to be on ESPN for those stupid games and I won’t be posting it on any social media. Just needed a switch up and I’ll still be going to the gym anyway.

Also, not taking advice from a guy slowly grinding his bones into dust leading to imminent surgery and months off of exercise.
I mean I played rugby (apparently laying the groundwork for a top 5 program) so I can’t really criticize CrossFit in terms of activities that mess up your back and shoulders and brain and such but whatever
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Again, doesn't the FBI have Pitino on tape arranging deals with Adidas? All of this "Pitino knew EVERYTHING going on with the program" routine from his lawyers is really the opposite approach I would be taking.

Yeah, the Tubby Smith approach of "Derp derp derp, wait is that a fax from Randolph Morris?" seems far better here.
I cannot get over the Pitino texts...basically acknowledging that Bowen's family was living at the Galt House (that cant help with the NCAA), putting out a summary of an "interview" with Padgett that he specifically says he doesn't want to sign off on because UL could get mad and comparing himself to the Duke Lacrosse team. For all his coaching genius, it never ceases to amaze me what horrible PR decisions he makes...but I don't think he cares or has anyone who will tell him to stop.

I talked about this on site and radio but UK is more confident about 2018 recruiting than they have been at any other point. Weekend went very well and they hope to be totally done by November. Would be a great accomplishment.

I honestly don't understand the pushback I have gotten from some fans (and a couple on here) about the Sypher interview. Every outlet in the state wants to have her, she calls us and specifically asks if I will do it and I am supposed to say no? That is insane. I am not sure what the interview will be like but she hasn't done one since before the trial and she never testified. She was the person who basically single-handedly changed the narrative on Rick Pitino and switched the idea of him from "legendary" coach to "less than 15 seconds" and started the notion of UL as a school loose with morals. Then she goes to federal prison for 7 YEARS for a crime that I to this day am not sure actually made sense. To turn her down, even if it has been a decade would be radio malpractice. I can understand if some individual wouldn't want to listen (although I do wonder why as the story is absolutely fascinating) but to act like we shouldn't talk to her because the Mississippi State game is this weekend and basketball recruiting is going on....that is laughable.

I worry Mississippi State game could be a rough one...UK is 11th in offensive yards per play in the conference and 11th in Defensive yards per play allowed. Only Vandy is worse in both categories....I love SJ and think we are MUCH improved...but is it possible that we are in for an awakening? We will find out this week
The article in the courier about how firing jurich is very difficult, is unbelievable.
His contract states that he gets paid out even if he gets fired "for cause".
I can't imagine there has ever been an employee in history who had that in his contract. Ever.

What, Tom Jurich got caught stealing millions from the University? Sorry Tom, we have to let you go, but here is your $10 mill severance package.
These waterheads deserve everything thing get.
Quick jaunt up to No Indiana/Chicago Friday and Saturday to visit a sick niece. Went in to Chicago and took the wife to Pequod's. Outstanding, per usual.

First trip today to Good Foods Co-op. Shit is expensive.

I honestly don't understand the pushback I have gotten from some fans (and a couple on here) about the Sypher interview. Every outlet in the state wants to have her, she calls us and specifically asks if I will do it and I am supposed to say no? That is insane.

You would have been an idiot to turn that down.
I mean Karen Sypher clearly at least attempted to extort Rick Pitino. Kinda what got the ball rolling.
I mean Karen Sypher clearly at least attempted to extort Rick Pitino. Kinda what got the ball rolling.

I sat through every day of the trial...I was honestly surprised she was convicted. The whole case came down to three phone calls an utility man named "Lester" made and a letter that looked a lot like a pre-filing settlement offer from her lawyer. I thought she would walk (as did most of the others in there). Her getting 7 years surprised me.
So, we’re looking at:

Keldon Johnson

I would assume, and then maybe add Grimes, as well?

Are we completely out for Barrett?
Judge TOM is a tough but fair man. If he thought she deserved 7 years, then I trust him.

I am not talking about the sentence so much...under the guidelines, I am sure that was what was what it the conviction itself. The Government's case was relatively weak in my view. But I wasn't on the jury so it matters little
What I have always wondered about that letter is why it was on UL stationary...she claims (and I have no idea if that is correct) that Pitino/Tim Sypher asked her to right down what she would want to stay quiet and not file suit. That may be false, but I remember she had some evidence of the sort.

Makes me wonder about a question some lawyer friends and I had at the time....before you file a lawsuit, what is the real legal difference between a pre-suit filing asking for something not to file (which happens all the time) and extortion. There may be a legal answer but I am not sure if there is....Sypher's lawyer argued it was the former. He lost that clearly to the jury, but I never heard a compelling case that there is a legal difference
I sat through every day of the trial...I was honestly surprised she was convicted. The whole case came down to three phone calls an utility man named "Lester" made and a letter that looked a lot like a pre-filing settlement offer from her lawyer. I thought she would walk (as did most of the others in there). Her getting 7 years surprised me.
COUNTER POINT: I read through all of your coverage of it so you tell me who knows more about the case. I’ll wait...
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Wonder how those big ole' titties look fresh out of the slammer? They appeared to be at 1/2 mast before she went in.
I don't think you should turn it down and I'll certainly listen. I totally get it. Just think that horse has been beaten into the ground.

Argue all you want, but when you hit the top of that hill driving North toward Cincinnati and you’re looking down on the city, that’s pretty cool.

Yeah, I love the view for the 35 minutes i sit in traffic on that little stretch wondering if the rusted out shit bridge is going to fall into the River when I eventually get to cross it.

Looking back, how in the hell did Tubby manage to land Rondo, Morris, Crawford, and Bradley all in the same class? (With Sparks as a transfer.)

Honestly, how did that happen?

The year before we had Shagari, Woo, etc.

Morris was a dog fight. Crawford decommitted from Michigan, right? Or state? Hmm. Bradley was a prep school year delayed and not really that highly ranked. Sparks wanted a UK offer out of HS and got one after beating us at WKU and Pitino took Telfair over Rondo.
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Its amazing how many Cross Fitters (including 3 of my immediate family members) I know that have ended up in surgery with devastating injuries. There are certain moves they do that are just outrageously stupid and indefensible.

Running is high impact, but there are lots of measures you can take to remain healthy as long as possible. The same can be said of Cross Fit, but i think the competition and peer pressure backfires.
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