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I love Ramel "Smooth" Bradley, but he's the type of player that Kansas or Louisville start against some genetic freak of nature Cal has just brought in, and Seth Greenberg and Doug Gottlieb slurp his nuts talking about senior leadership, grit, and toughness, and then we win by 14. I get what you're saying, but I'll take RJ Barrett, or even Rondo, try to hang a banner, and then be a backup guard short the next couple years.
I hadn't ever experienced jam on a sausage biscuit before until my trip back from the emerald coast this summer. Got one from whataburger and I'll be damned it was wonderful. Take into consideration that this is coming from a poor white trash manual laborer from jessamine county
I love Ramel "Smooth" Bradley, but he's the type of player that Kansas or Louisville start against some genetic freak of nature Cal has just brought in, and Seth Greenberg and Doug Gottlieb slurp his nuts talking about senior leadership, grit, and toughness, and then we win by 14. I get what you're saying, but I'll take RJ Barrett, or even Rondo, try to hang a banner, and then be a backup guard short the next couple years.

Ahem, learn "I'm using hyperbole here to make a point."

Of course I wouldn't take Smooth over Barrett. But we could use a Smooth or two, as well.

That's what Stacey Poole etc were supposed to be and it hasn't worked.
"In light of the decision by the University of Louisville, Adidas has terminated its personal services agreement with Rick Pitino, effective immediately."
Does Rick Pitino have a polygraph fetish? Didn't he go around when Whoregate broke and say he would take a lie detector test and Vitale was even telling people that Rick did take one and that story kind of disappeared and now today he's bringing up taking yet another polygraph. Just completely crazy, bizarre individual.
Joe Sonka noticed that on the text messages that Pitino published had one from 2 days after the FBI story broke.

Pitino needs to take $1-2 million and just walk away. Even assuming that everything that he says is true, regardless of how he instructed his staff, they didn't comply with his instructions on multiple occasions. So what if Pitino didn't know? The nefarious actions of his staff even despite his supposedly emphatic instructions to the contrary demonstrate his lack of control and authority over his staff. He was incompetent. And that's all the "for cause" UofL needs to bid Pitino farewell.

But we all know Pitino's innocent martyr act is a facade and Pitino's actual involvement in breaking NCAA rules will be supported by additional evidence and testimony, given time. And then, he will be lucky to settle for a dime.
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Exactly. What blowhard Vitale and others seem to fail to realize is that it doesn't even matter if Pitino knew or not. Too many scandals and he's the one in charge of the operation. Meaningful change in that situation means starting at the top. Same goes for TOM.
The reasoning behind a unanimous firing of Richard A. Pitino applies equally to TOM. Absolutely no reason to have a different result.
I really don’t care if TOM stays. In fact, it’s be kinda hilarious if he did. It would piss off the NCAA and aggravate their upcoming sanctions on top of the already bad whore related ones. Also it would be a total about face of their initial position which was widely applauded by the national and local media- leading to a bully seeking revenge which would be fun to watch. Finally it would be a clear statement of where the schools prioroty is at this point.

So yeah, let him rebuild a razed basketball program and an imploding football program as opposed to the school bringing in new blood and a fresh start. Let TOM be the face of the school for all intents and purposes when the state (and feds?) start nosing around finances and stadium leases. Please.
Our state and federal governments should offer pre-emptive immunity for anyone who assaults the members of that "band" with wooden bats.
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