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I had the 2014 UK/UL Sweet Sixteen game on today, and I told my wife that sometimes I feel a little guilty about what happened to Pitino only because it feels like something I willed to happen with my mind. Like maybe I wished it into existence with my hate.

If you would've told me when Pitino started at Louisville and was slowly getting them rolling that it would all come crashing down in an avalanche of sluts and dirty money... What a wild ride it's been.
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Hoping he didnt fall too far, want him to land a TV gig so he can compare future UofL squads to his 1989-90 UK team.
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Personally couldn’t be happier at Pitino’s fall from grace. Don’t think I’ll ever feel even the slightest bit of guilt or sadness. F*ck that asshole. He got EXACTLY what he deserved.
PSA: I don't actually feel guilty. That was a joke.

Also hope he winds up either on TV or somewhere he can be in front of a mic on a regular basis. Would love to see him drag Louisville and their fans through the mud with his backhanded compliments and hyperbole the way he did us. That fan base is hyper-sensitive to slights, it'll drive them nuts.
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A pariah, yes. There has never been a coach so universally loathed by two rival fan bases who hate each other with blood passion. If that's not correct, show me one.

He thought he'd unite the state when he went to U of L. Well, it took 16 years, and didn't happen in the way he intended. But yes, it's unanimous. The entire Commonwealth hates him, and he didn't even have the guts to hang around Louisville while the dust settled.
Didn't win the inaugural B2BC but we had a good time. Birdied the first hole, bogied the 4th, pars the rest of the way.
I did win a bike in a drawing. So, good times.
The first Cal - Pitino game where Rick knew his team sucked and tried to bully the Cayts and Cousins almost decapitated Swopshire with an elbow and Calipari yelled at Jerry Smith (iirc) "Eric Bledsoe will kick your ass Jerry! You're f***ing with the wrong guy!"


A man's game pays a man's price and Rick Pitino can have a coke and a smile and shut the f*** up.
Reading the HAM against UL, streaming NFL RedZone from Sling, drinking a craftie, grilling while watching the wind blow through the old ass trees in backyard... now you’re living the #smuglife, MaxPowerrr.

If the fightin’ TmfH can pull their heads out of their asses next week gets prettay, prettay, interesting in the ol’ AFC North
Remember watching the teams warm up before that game. Pitino has his team full of goons fng with our layup line, and Jerry Smith even elbowed Cousins when the teams passed each other on the way to the lockerooms.

Pitino told them to do that crap on purpose. No doubt.

Thanks, wcc. Wetzel is the best out there, IMO. I really like how he uses the asterisk, not when mentioning banners or titles, but when he uses "University*". Great stuff.

Also liked:

To defend the basketball team, the university had to claim it wasn’t really a university;

-Did you say Jerry Gallo? No, I'm Jerry Callo! [laughing] Perfect.

The outrage seems to be almost universal, even among national writers who don't focus on sports. So at least there's that.
Yes, that 2009 U of L game - I don't think I've ever been as mad during and after a game as that one. Rick's bush-league tactics enraged me, and even the win didn't do much to settle me down.

Good point to bring up this memory now. Just another example of that prick reaping what he sowed.
UNC fans think this ended Friday. It didn't. They'll never hear the end of this and in some ways, being punished would probably have put a more definitive end date to this.

Never. Goes. Away. Ever.
I listened to about half of the T'd Up pod on our drive back from Fl and had to turn it off because of Tate Frazier. Titus wasn't much better, which was disappointing.

I get the "smart fan" humor. I get it. They didn't bother me a bit on KSR and I regularly listen during the cbb season.

But goodness, talk about tone deaf. I would like to think if this happened at UK I would just say, "shew wee, got away with one there."

But that dude was in full gloat mode. Even went as far to compare his experience with the AAS classes to those of athletes. Said, "yeah, I took that course and got a B. That paper was hard!" Or something to that effect.

That furthers the point idiot! You write for a living and got a B on a paper that you wrote and all these athletes were getting A's on papers they didn't write.

He's almost making the special benefits argument against UNC as he is sitting on his high smart fan horse.

...or am I the crazy one? Sorry, still haven't recovered from that 10 hour drive.
Man, I legit thought MJ had a on air commit or something of the sort lined up for Tuesday as much as it was being pumped up. Turns out it's an interview with Sypher.

Who. Gives. A. Touch.

There is way too much positive going on in UK basketball and football right now to need to fill the show with Karen effing Sypher.

If I've gotten this info wrong sorry in advance, but if Sypher is the big deal on Tuesday then that's absolutely ridiculous with all the other good stuff happening within our programs. Mags can do MUCH better, and I think he will.

....but if this is all correct, then it's a major swing and miss for KSR. Even BJW is like wtf srsly bro?
Well, fug guys....

I can't believe what happened this weekend.

Woke up saturday feeling good. Decided to go to the bar for the first time ever. Walk into bar. Half the bar turns their head to look at me. Stiffly walk over to a open seat at the bar. Before I can open up my mouth the bartender says "OK...let's see some I.D."

I scramble looking for my wallet. I can't find it.

"Maybe it's in your coat that you put behind you on the chair" he says

"Haha yeahh your right" I say

The friggin chair falls over as I try to grab my coat from it. Everyone in the bar looks directly at me. I finally find my wallet. hand over my id to the bartender. He looks back and forth at me and the id.

"Hmm, okay," he says

He hands it back. I juggle the I.d then it falls on to the ground. think to myself that I'm such a screw up I can't even go to a bar correctly. At this point I don't even want a drink. I order a fruit punch instead. Thank that while I'm here I should try to talk to people and make friends. spot a group of 3 guys and 2 girls. Walk up to them and say "Hi hello there, my name is (namelessone)"

The girls look at the guys. One of the hot guys says with a smirk "uh hi there bud, are you lost?"

I say "Haha noo, I am just looking for some buddies to hang with"

one of the girls busts out laughing, "I have to go to the bathroom" she says.

I say "safe travels"

Her friends "I really can't take this weirdo anymore, lets leave"

They all agree to leave. As one of the guys walk past me, he puts his hand on my shoulder and says "Don't worry bud, keep trying."

They leave. I sit in the same spot staring at the wall for an hour just thinking. Finally leave.
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-Bourbon Chase Randoms:

-Been a few years since we got in but what a fun weekend. Few of the peeps that did Kili with us came in, Legal Beagle. PTI and several others. Crushed it. Team was laid back and everyone hit their times. LB can run like a mofo. Not even worried about rankings we finished top 90 overall and 37th in our division of of 245, So much better when you have a great group.

-Stanford and Danville are awesome. They totally embrace 800 vans full of self absorbed goobers rolling through town at all hours of the night smelling like shit and laying all over the place. Sheriff of Stanford met each van at the edge of town to welcome and give us directions to the reception. The out of state folks ate it up. Really good look for us. They also loved how beautiful the state is. She was really showing off this weekend. We f*ck a bunch of stuff up but man we have a gorgeous state.

-The new Makers additions are amazing, that place is like Disneyland.

-Pottershop Hill :confused:

-CApped it off with a Keeneland Sunday and dinner with drinks last night. Lolz.

-Actually unplugged for most of the weekend just catching up with old friends. So UNC got off, guess that shouldn't be a surprise, but I really expected them to get smacked.

-UL and UT are dumpster fires? Well, ok then.

-Jurich is still working his connections to save his job? Lolz.

-Tend to agree with Will on the Sypher thing. For me it's actually kind of awkward but I get why they're doing it. That story launched Matt and it will obviously be a huge audience.

-Just take care of the teams that we should beat and it's a hell of a year. Ole Miss, UT, Louisville and Vandy. Anything else is icing.

-I'm never going to feel guilty about our schedule opening up or being weak. League can stay down as long as it likes. Keep firing coaches, guys. UL has benefited from that shit for 20 years while the SEC has been kicking our teeth in.

-PTI orders a sausage biscuit at McDonalds. No egg. No McMuffin. No cheese. Just sausage on a biscuit. Of all the things I hate about him, that is by far #1. Not even close.
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-Stanford and Danville are awesome. They totally embrace 800 vans full of self absorbed goobers rolling through town at all hours of the night smelling like shit and laying all over the place. Sheriff of Stanford met each van at the edge of town to welcome and give us directions to the reception.
Good old Curt Folger. Used to cut my hair when I was a kid. The dude pulled my chair out of my car when I wrecked it. They would have had to bring out the jaws of life if it wasn't for Curt. Least I can do is vote for him every time.

If Stanford ever votes wet (LOL!) it's going to grow at a rate that will make the Louisville and Cincinnati folks jealous.
- What’s wrong with a sausage biscuit? Classic.

- Future MIL and niece were in town so we did some fun sober things, including the farm/pumpkin patch.

- Blink was pretty cool despite the crowds. Downtown was basically Thursday night Two Keys circa 2000, which I can only handle for an hour or so before wanting to GTFO. But Cincy’s buildings are dope.

- Speaking of, when are parents going to ever learn to leave the stroller at home for crowded events? What a clusterF. Have seen it too many times and can’t be enjoyable for them.

- This is a huge game Saturday. If you’re a good squad, you win this one. If not, we’re just a typical decent Kentucky 6 or 7 win team.

- Jared Vanderbilt has some swag.
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