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I'm going to refrain to looking back on Tubby and BCG. Wait...who? There's a blackout period of UK basketball that I filled with reruns of Seinfeld and highlights of my brother and I playing 1 on 1 then me beating his ass for quitting halfway through.
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The cut in the hill where Cincy just appears out of nowhere is pretty great. But the "OLD" cut was :eek: You were praying to God all the way down hoping to live to cross the river.
Rivals has Telfair at 6 and Rondo at 25.

Of course looking at that list for that year makes me want to cry

Green 105, Noah 75, Horford 36 and Brewer 31 for Florida while we were crowing about our # 1 class.
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I mean, you have to take the Sypher interview. I’m sure you will handle it well. And if she volunteers details about the 15 second blaze of glory, well...

I’m just gonna laugh.
How did Telfair's career end up?


Former NBA point guard Sebastian Telfair faces multiple felony weapons chargesafter New York Police Department officers discovered three loaded firearms, a semi-automatic rifle, significant amounts of ammunition and a bullet-resistant vest in a car driven by Telfair last Sunday. If convicted, the 32-year-old faces three and half to 15 years in prison.
People with Narcissistic personalities probably have a way of identifying others like them and know the impending conflicts therein. Like looking into a mirror, if you will.

Rondo and Pitino would have been combustible.
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If I had to choose a player from that class (and this is not an assessment of relative skill) for our current program, I'm taking Ramel Bradley.

4 year kid. Could play both guard sports. Very, very smart. Told Bogut to have a coke and a smile and didn't back down. Basically Dominique Hawkins on steroids.

Loved that guy.
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Patrick Sparks might also be fun just to watch him and Calipari attempt to play mind tricks on one another.

Those two would either get along like two cats in a flaming bag or have an incredible bromance.
I sat through every day of the trial...I was honestly surprised she was convicted. The whole case came down to three phone calls an utility man named "Lester" made and a letter that looked a lot like a pre-filing settlement offer from her lawyer. I thought she would walk (as did most of the others in there). Her getting 7 years surprised me.

I'd say the itemized list of demands as consideration for her promise to "protect Rick Pitino's name for life" sounded pretty extortiony to most people.
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Bottle of bourbon each. Mid-shelf.

No more and no less.

Yeah considering that- some good stuff in the $40 range. Also- those UK steal GameTime coozies are pretty cool.

Lass is spending like $100 a person. F that.
Bottle of bourbon each. Mid-shelf.

No more and no less.

I think I let the wife jew* me up to including a personalized copper mug or something or some other knick-knack with initials on it that no one gave a shit about. So the answer is start with $25 and don't let her talk you above $40. The guys literally don't care.

Women can't throw a f***ing wedding without putting everyone's f***ing initials on every visible f***ing surface in the f***ing vicinity.

*Why is the verb "jew" considered a slur? If anything it is an homage to the negotiating abilities of The Tribe.
I mean, you better offer your groomsmen some goetta and eggs. None of this plain sausage biscuit and jelly nonsense.
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I mean, you better offer your groomsmen some goetta and eggs. None of this plain sausage biscuit and jelly nonsense.

For once the good doctor and I have common ground.

I once attended a vegetarian wedding. Everyone absolutely despised the food, especially the women, so everyone got drunk. Plus they were hippies.

I woke up looking at the lass asking why in the hell she had a butterfly painted on her face. And not in the Cap'n Stabbin' sort of way.
Also, another pro tip on planning the wedding -- you absolutely have to have one honest to God, we might actually call this off or at worst have to elope and hate other fight very early on in the process.

It will save you multiple thousands of dollars and is absolutely worth every single penny and lack of having to listen to nonsense details about nonsense.

Let her go unchecked and she'll be contemplating the particular type of light bulb that meets "her unique style" and bitching at the venue about wattage availability if you don't get out in front of that bullshit.
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Makes me wonder about a question some lawyer friends and I had at the time....before you file a lawsuit, what is the real legal difference between a pre-suit filing asking for something not to file (which happens all the time) and extortion. There may be a legal answer but I am not sure if there is....Sypher's lawyer argued it was the former. He lost that clearly to the jury, but I never heard a compelling case that there is a legal difference

It's the fine line between whether or not the person asking for the money has a good-faith belief that he/she is entitled to the money or at least has a somewhat viable claim to the money.
-I would think $40-50 is a nice gift. Bourbon is good. I still use the Leatherman 80 got me.

-So you're taking Bradley over Rondo? Um no.

-Jelly on a damn sausage biscuit? For **** sake. I don't say this lightly b/c we have probably a million posts in the 15 years this sucker has been going and at least 40% contain food takes. However, that is the worst food take in the history of this thread. You order a bland ass biscuit with sausage then add a condiment that in no way should be mixed with the meat. PUKE.
Bradley over Rondo? Um yes.

Learn reading comprehension.

4 years of good hearted Ramel Bradley slaying co-eds, being a great wingman, working his ass off over 2 years of scowling Connect 4 and DRIBBLEDRIBBLEDRIBBLESCOWLDRIBBLE?

In an era where we can, actually, recruit?


Not saying Bradley was better than Rondo. Was saying that Bradley would be a huge asset right now and Calipari might actually have Ryan Harrow and Rajon Rondo fight with a broken pool cue, Joker-style, to see who lived.
To go full on hyperbole mode: I'd rather have Ramel Bradley right now than RJ Barrett if I knew Ramel was going to be here 4 years.

Calipari can recruit his sweaty Italian nuts off but seems to have some bizarre defect of always being one guard short. Give me Ramel Bradley any day of the week to fill out the backcourt.

We are always going to have one of the top two or three best point guards. Every year.
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