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The vast majority of on screen talent play-for-pay.

Heck, a lot of actresses supplement their income by spending summers as "yacht girls". Rich sheikhs and oil barons pay them for their "companionship".

That's part of the reason so many film festivals have cropped up; they give cover to all the extra-curricular activities.
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Mengus questioned the continued use of Ali's daughter for what basically accumulates to the personal gain of some local circle jerkers, and now Ramsey is accusing him of racism and sexism. Twitter at its best.
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The vast majority of on screen talent play-for-pay.

Heck, a lot of actresses supplement their income by spending summers as "yacht girls". Rich sheikhs and oil barons pay them for their "companionship".

That's part of the reason so many film festivals have cropped up; they give cover to all the extra-curricular activities.

I feel like kybobcat would know these things.
Pitino has a cheesy 1980's style yacht in Miami lmao. That was very funny to me before I thought about him paying ugly whores to join him on that stupid yacht.
Waiting for this guy to blow the lid off this Hollywood sexual harassment scandal:

Waiting for this guy to blow the lid off this Hollywood sexual harassment scandal:


So I actually have a black pleather couch in a spare room of the house and every time I see it I chuckle and I'm currently arguing with the wife to keep it despite the fact that it is terrible looking and she (hopefully!) doesn't know why.
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Rick Pitino seems like the type of guy who, in a stunning lack of self awareness, and with an overwhelming sense of vanity, rocks out in a Speedo aboard his luxury yacht. I guarantee there's pictures of this. Oiled up, too. For sure.
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HA! Mark Lynn. Pompous-assed blast from the past. He would be the head official for the larger swim meets and any traveling Kentucky team formed of swimmers from around the state.

One meet in Texas... I was probably about 16 years old... me and a couple other guys are being jackasses at 2AM. We had a bunch of rotten bananas in our hotel room and someone got the bright idea to open our 3rd story window overlooking the parking lot, punch a hole in the screen, and chuck handfuls of banana into the parking lot, seeing who could get the farthest and/or land in a particular pickup truck's bed. We do this for about 20 minutes and go to bed. About 10 minutes later we hear this loud banging on the door that does not stop. I open the door pretending to have been in a deep hours-long slumber when Mark Lynn barges in, grabs me by the neck and slams me into the wall. "SOMEONE WITH A GD MUSTANG SAW YOU STUPID TOUCHERS THROWING BANANAS ON HIS CAR." (true) We play dumb for a couple minutes til he informs us he called the police on the guy's behalf and they would like to speak to us. Marches us down to the lobby. Sure enough a couple guys who look barely older than us in police suits are waiting. They ask if we did it. We fess up and admit. They ask why. Buddy speaks up and said "well... they were bad." "Who?" "The bananas. We had to do something with them." Police officer starts laughing and tells us to go to bed and they'd smooth things over.

Mark Lynn proceeded to threaten us by banning us from the swim meet, banning us from swimming in any swim meets in the state of Kentucky for the rest of our lives, and (at the time was considering college swimming) calling potential colleges and telling them about our behavior so that they would stop recruiting us. Over throwing a banana on a car. What. A. Jackass.
Rick Pitino seems like the type of guy who, in a stunning lack of self awareness, and with an overwhelming sense of vanity, rocks out in a Speedo aboard his luxury yacht. I guarantee there's pictures of this. Oiled up, too. For sure.
With a Louisville tattoo on his back, sure
By the way- this gets overlooked a tad when talking UNC scandal...

This wasn’t just a couple kids taking a couple fake classes. They had THREE title teams littered with guys with majors in this fraud of a department.
By the way- this gets overlooked a tad when talking UNC scandal...

This wasn’t just a couple kids taking a couple fake classes. They had THREE title teams littered with guys with majors in this fraud of a department.
You don’t say...
According to UNC fan, doesn't really matter what the NCAA hands down tomorrow because they're going to sue them regardless and it's all going to go away.
According to UNC fan, doesn't really matter what the NCAA hands down tomorrow because they're going to sue them regardless and it's all going to go away.
This isn't the type of issue that I'd recommend enthusiastically opening the kimono to a bunch of discovery requests, interrogatories, and depositions.....

But, I sure as shit hope that they do....:popcorn:
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"This is media day not coach day" [pfftt]

Cue sports writers sucking off Tipton once is hits the national circuit.
tbh I didn’t think it was a bad question. Kinda the biggest story in the sport right now and it was media day for the biggest program in the sport.

Would rather have questions get asked than the media act like those Louisville bumpkins. Can’t have it both ways atkot
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It has nothing to do with the question and everything to do with Cal asking for questions about his team and Tipton immediately chiming in with "One more question about the FBI."
What media fail to realize or admit is they don't have a job without coach. Get over yourselves.
You know Tipton had that response in his back pocket going in.

I hope Cal skips over him from now on during pressers, and when Tipton tries to interject, Cal comes back with something like, "Hey, is it still media day? Let's look at the calendar. Hmmm....nope. I didn't think so. You had your little day in the sun. Who knows, maybe when "Miserable old life-hating codger reporter day" is declared, I'll call on you again. But until then, the rest of the year is coach's day, and I'd rather speak to reporters who aren't miserable bastards."

Paraphrasing, of course.
I was watching the stream when it happened. No problem with the question. But why is Tipton a hero exactly?

To me, it seemed like two grown men with conflicting interests, getting slightly annoyed with each other at work. Pretty common, almost a daily thing for most people imo.

Sportswriters are lame AF
Some jagoff with the Courier said this was one of the few times they had seen Cal "rattled."

I watched it again, and if that was rattled he's the most steely MF alive. I mean, this was slightly annoyed AT BEST.


To be fair, the dime store hacks who cover sports in that town haven't had much to crow about lately.

If this is what gets em feeling chesty these days, then whatever.
Yeah, it's media day. KENTUCKY BASKETBALL media day. At some point circle back to Kentucky basketball. You p*ssy ass hacks didn't have the balls to ask the actual questions and do the actual digging into the actual people when you could've actually broken this story, don't come around now pretending to be Woodward and Bernstein.
Cal’s not going to gloat about this ish. He’s really close with Sean Miller and it does him no good to kick Louisville when they’re down.
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