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Karma, Nats. You pick a world class asshole to be your manager, you reap the results.

Spare me the bullshit about dusty "doing it right." Ask any reds fan about 2012 and they'll tell you he's a piece of shit of the highest order.

(Cool dude, though[sick])
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Look, man - Cincinnati sucks. The town, architecture, food, newspaper, accents, sports, colleges, people...

...all of it. And the pizza is especially embarrassing.

Their Casino is called 'Jack' and they don't even have an airport.
Can’t hear you, to busy hanging out with my kids in Cincinnati at the EFFING HALL OF JUSTICE

@roguemocha's (my) Cubbies keep chugging along. Best team in the NL since the break.

Re: Dusty Baker. That toothpick chewing fool can GGP as far as I'm concerned. He basically ruined Prior and Woods. I'm not sure there is a fan base, which team he managed, that has anything nice to say about him. I guess it was cute when little Darrin ran onto the field and what's his name grabbed him before Bonds, or whoever, plowed him over. Other than that, as far as I'm concerned, he can choke on that damn toothpick,

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Went to one of those indoor go kart tracks last night with a group of olds and apparently my body isn’t built for racing into walls and other cars at 40 mph
It's looking to be a glorious day at Keeneland.

Tyler Childers tonight.

I'm setting my mind that UNC mens basketball walks. Everything else is gravy.
So in furtherance of my renowned #smuglyfe I’m cutting cable this weekend.

Anyone have any tips on literally cutting the physical cable so I don’t have 6 feet of junk sticking out of my walls?
Take the cover plate off, tuck it back into the wall and replace with a flat cover plate.

May need to have it for resale down the road, unless of course you are only willing to resell the house to other #smuglyfe cable-cutters.
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UNC 100% skates.

My favorite part of this is all the tough talking the NCAA tried to do leading up to this. This is a red-letter day when the history of the NCAA's death is told. With their influence and authority in question, with the college athletic world wondering if they had the kind of clout or constitution to control and police their members, with the FBI at the door, ready to move in and set up shop in their kitchen, all eyes on them in the highest profile case in decades, the NCAA just gave all of the college basketball world complete permission to ignore them.

Louisville should just tell them to f*** off, and they're leaving the banner up. Maybe add a banner for the year they self-imposed the postseason ban, because why not?

This is the end of the NCAA.
Or maybe we should just get busy closing deals and winning F'n titles.
Let's start with the creation of an academic department dedicated to fake classes to remove the issue of academic eligibility for our players and take the academic work completely off their plate so they can focus entirely on basketball. It's a huge advantage that's just been legalized. I'm not remotely joking.
Step 1: UK announces a “play ball, get paid” curriculum (working title, may need work) with class schedules that work for football and basketball players

Step 2: RJ Corman announces the creation of a “PBGP Scholarship” wherein he sponsors in state tuition for a student to attend UK free of charge on the conditions a) he/she not play varsity sports and b) major in playing ball and getting paid.

Step 3: ???

I mean that’s legal now isn’t it?
Gotta love the fact that UK’s two cloest rivals in terms of titles both cheated for decades, directly benefiting them with multiple titles...with no punishment whatsoever.
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The only thing that matters now in terms of NCAA compliance is plausible deniability. And it doesn't really even have to be that plausible.
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