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Everyone’s dirty as hell.

But so far UL and UNC are the dirtiest and they’ve set some high bars.
Pretty devastating blow for drxman, being in a foreign land for only a limited amount of time, and only one real shot at dining glory, only to be disappointed and walk away unsatisfied.

Food rec fail.
Rec harder, bro.

Actually, taking food recs from Rogue he got exactly what he deserved. Probably should have got food poison on top of shitty food TBH. I mean he never even dined there and recd it. I would think the Dr. would only take recs from a exclusive few.
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This guy is the biggest criminal in the game outside of Louisville.

That building is a Louisville landmark. It was designed by a protege of Frank Lloyd Wright and is supposed to be based on a Wright design.It had the first glass elevator in Louisville, and used to be and maybe still is, lit up at Christmas time like a giant wreath or tree or something in celebrating the season.
-The past six weeks have been from hell. Between my brother's passing and the suicide of one of my best childhood friends, I've just been looking forward to something, ANYTHING to get the calendar pages turned quicker. Was counting on the Indians having a long postseason run to help make that happen. Thanks, Tribe. That streak, which was unbelievable, masked the fact that up until that point, they were 4-5 games above .500. They got hot and expectations got inflated. Truthfully, it was a push between them and the Yanks, and the Yanks outplayed them. It happens.

-Along those same lines, I've registered for my first 10K and by this weekend, I'll have registered for my first half. Am I ready for either one? Nope, but having those kinds of goals is helping me have something to work towards and is helping me focus on positive things. So even if I have to walk half of the race(s), just crossing the finish line will be enough.

-Jessica Mendoza is really, really good on the ESPN Radio broadcasts of the MLB playoffs....better than she is in three-person booths during the TV productions. Doesn't force it.

-I've been scared to death about the recruitments of both Zion and BOL, because something just seemed a bit *off* about both situations. But now that the hammer has dropped and everyone's puckering up, the fact that Cal is still ALL IN on these two puts me at ease a bit. It's like traveling right after a terrorist'll still be on edge, but the security will be 10x more ramped up, so there's probably not a safer time to do it. Not a great analogy, but you get my point.

-Hate politics being in GYERO, but Ben Sasse is a great Twitter follow. He's thought-provoking and has a sharp sense of humor. Not the usual account being run by some PR guy that simply spouts off the usual partisan talking points. And Sasse interacts with his followers too, even(maybe especially) the ones who disagree with him. I'm a fan.

-This post was too long(ANY POST BY YOU IS TOO LONG, LLAMA LOLZ!!!), but GYERO has been a needed sense of normalcy during a time when everything has seemed upside down. I mean, I'm currently reading a book on plant-based diets, for pete's sake. No more shots of Ranch dressing for Dad.

Trust me, I researched the Charlotte steak game. Downtown it’s all Chains. Of those, I’ll pick RC.

Interesting I just walked past Rock Bottom brewing on my way to Einstein’s. Always makes me think of Tommy.
That building is a Louisville landmark. It was designed by a protege of Frank Lloyd Wright and is supposed to be based on a Wright design.It had the first glass elevator in Louisville, and used to be and maybe still is, lit up at Christmas time like a giant wreath or tree or something in celebrating the season.

I love when small towns have peculiar little traditions and stories. Weird but cute.
The circumstances suck but that’s really cool you’re signing up for the 10k and half. Love when people challenge themselves. You’re going to kill it.
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Funny seeing "GAMBOL" post on KSR, even though it is Barry Slice.

"Gambol" started as a legitimate misspelling by stg 10+ years ago, and then everyone just started spelling it that way, right?

Glad to see stg left an enduring legacy.

Speaking of, wonder how Wilbers is doing?
Speaking of Louisville being an odd little shithole, how about that Paul Hornung canvas randomly draped on the side of that building?
Speaking of Louisville being an odd little shithole, how about that Paul Hornung canvas randomly draped on the side of that building?
Very odd.

I guess Cincinnati needs a Roger Staubach banner downtown.
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UNC report coming out tomorrow, as long as it's okay with UNC and they don't have another fundraiser or somebody's birthday or Carol from accounts payable is going through some unrelated personal stuff.

UNC fans on Twitter seem downright excited to "take this thing to court and have any competent judge carve it up."
I’m not really reading much into the Kansas deal yet.

The FBI's response to the FOIA request suggests to me that KU is not currently in the FBI's crosshairs, but is merely providing information to the FBI at this point. If KU and/or its coaches are being investigated by the FBI for criminal wrong-doing, and that fact is not public (which it's not), then the FBI would've likely given a "we can neither confirm nor deny the existence of responsive records" response to the FOIA request.

That said, it's almost a lock that KU's administration lied when they stated they have not been contacted by the FBI.
Using a motorized scooter ONLY because you’re fat should be a crime punishable by multiple years in prison and vigorous public humiliation. If Trump wants to make America great again, he can start right in the heart of Disney.

You really do need to keep your head on a swivel in the parks because of all the motorized scooters the fats are riding on. They dgaf about anything but getting to the next stop, your feet/legs be damned.

I have seen at least 50 people in UK gear here this week. Nice to give a GBB and get a knowing nod back.
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