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As long as you are dressed like this:


.........for either party.
-Not upset by the FG call. It obviously worked out. If you don't get the 1st down or score at best you're going to OT.

-Why on earth is a 55 year old dude blowing lines in his office and sending videos of it to his GF?

-UL fans think they're playing in the Tourney this season? Lol. I guess enough time has set in that we're minimizing whats happened.

-Bye week was perfect timing. Bourbon Chase on tap.

-BBall team is going to have some serious growing pains, IMO.

-Glad we celebrated it but I had nothing to do with the Doc P 20th anniversary stuff. That was all your girl and WS. Funny though.

-Beavis.. after walking by our tailgate every week we finally flagged him down and he stopped by. WTF, man? We've been friends for like 12-15 years. You can stop in and say a quick hello as you walk by. You're also not"too busy" to occasionally post.

-What a nicely timed torrential rain storm. Woke up yesterday feeling the effects of the tailgate.
- It could rain all day every Sunday 52 weeks a year for all I care. TS.

- For all the smack he talked, Harbaugh is 1-4 against his two biggest rivals. Their schedule is brutal down the stretch, too.

- Auburn is amazing. They’re either awful or awesome. No in between.

- Seventh straight year Oklahoma drops one as a double-digit favorite.

- Can’t believe I watched all two hours of that thing last night. Talk about hard up.

- Alexander looks like he’s going to be a steal.

- Recruiting talk is trending to us adding #2 and #3 (Zion and Bol). That would be a helluva combo.

- Gridiron Cats sure play to the level of their competition.
-Now we brag about avoiding hangovers. Speaking of, not sure how I don't feel terrible. Even went red wine last night at dinner.

-Saturday was a perfect little tailgate crew. Solid group. Not too busy. Sloot crushed the beef.
-Thanks to Jaimanthony for the awesome tailgate and hospitality yet again. My wife has gone from thinking I'm weird for hanging out with internet friends to being the one asking what time the tailgate starts because she loves going there. Only drawback is how easy you all make parenting look (I'm fully aware it isn't) which makes her think we're ready.

-Anth, the airplane bottle of fireball you slid into my pocket on the walk to the stadium was empty. Jackass.

-Sat next to Juice Johnson's dad at the game. What a nice guy. Anytime I tried to congratulate him on his son's play he'd just say how blessed he was and how the game is a team effort. Really cool to consider the game from the perspective of a proud father watching his son excel.

-Been stressed AF lately due to studying/taking my final board certification exam. Just found out I passed. Was the last step of what feels like a million and I'm walking on air today.
-Thanks to Jaimanthony for the awesome tailgate and hospitality yet again. My wife has gone from thinking I'm weird for hanging out with internet friends to being the one asking what time the tailgate starts because she loves going there. Only drawback is how easy you all make parenting look (I'm fully aware it isn't) which makes her think we're ready.

-Anth, the airplane bottle of fireball you slid into my pocket on the walk to the stadium was empty. Jackass.

-Sat next to Juice Johnson's dad at the game. What a nice guy. Anytime I tried to congratulate him on his son's play he'd just say how blessed he was and how the game is a team effort. Really cool to consider the game from the perspective of a proud father watching his son excel.

-Been stressed AF lately due to studying/taking my final board certification exam. Just found out I passed. Was the last step of what feels like a million and I'm walking on air today.
lol Chase sue u
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Reactions: buckethead1978
Congrats on passing, swimmer.

Don't you think having a wife that delivers babies all day might contribute to that as well?
Not to be a serial one-upper, but I'm headed to Odessa, TX next week.

Gonna hit up that Applebee's and see if Tyra is working. Short of turning that out post-20% tip, this is gonna kinda suck.
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Reactions: roguemocha
<- Owns that hat... or did. It's awful. But man, I loved it that night.

"Anth, I think we need to go home we have a 10am flight."
"Hold on, I'm singing Rack City with Rex. It's not even that late, what time is it?

^That convo ended our 1/2 month adventure in NOLA. What a run.
Barstool is just on another level right now. They're killing me.

Portnoy drunk after the Michigan game and after finding out he got the worst beat of all time is AMAZING.
These hillbillies don’t know a damn thing about the seventh most populated state in our union.

Lima or Toledo would have been acceptable.

He said Columbus, not Cleveland, Rand McNally. You ignorant sonuvabitch.

Grove City is the only acceptable answer for those coming from the Commonwealth.

I guess the Washington Court House Outlet Malls would be an acceptable answer, too.
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Expiration date on a gift card? Seems like bullshit.

The money that bought it doesn't expire.
Expiration date on a gift card? Seems like bullshit.

The money that bought it doesn't expire.


When currency is deposited with a Federal Reserve Bank, the quality of each note is evaluated by sophisticated processing equipment. Notes that meet our strict quality criteria--that is, that are still in good condition--continue to circulate, while those that do not are taken out of circulation and destroyed. This process determines the lifespan of a Federal Reserve note.

The lifespan of Federal Reserve notes varies by denomination and depends on a number of factors, including how the denomination is used by the public. For example, larger denominations such as $100 notes are often used as a store of value, which means they pass between users less frequently than lower-denominations such as $5 notes, which are more often used for transactions.

He said Columbus, not Cleveland, Rand McNally. You ignorant sonuvabitch.

Grove City is the only acceptable answer for those coming from the Commonwealth.

I guess the Washington Court House Outlet Malls would be an acceptable answer, too.

I was focusing on the Dayton part, idiot.
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