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Only downside is that Willy himself is the most qualified to create it.

Nice wings!

Little insulted... (sorry Willy!)

I love Stoops acting like planning to have Benny Snell hit CJ Conrad out of the wildcat is effective.

You know, Stoops has some Trump in him -- someone I think is slightly stupid but keeps on winning, so maybe the problem is my perspective and not reality.

Keep it up, you salty redhead.
Also, I'd use Kash Daniel as my backup tailback. Sihiem King sucks and we are basically using our running back as a battering ram anyway.

I'll take the Pikeville bastard who will dog cuss your mother and streetfight you to back up Benny. Why not?
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I think that winning close games is a skill. I'm not sure how to distribute the credit for that though. I think the bulk of it goes to #15. Do we have a special coaching staff, or just a coaching staff that's brought in elite talent and a special QB? Much more likely it's the latter.
Willy has quite a bit of tricep jiggle where there's supposed to know...tricep.

Seriously though the way he talks about himself you'd think he weighs 300lbs. Lookin good, Williamstein.

Stephen Johnson is just one of those guys. Wins big games, will rarely blow you away w numbers but manages to get it done no matter what. I would rather him call plays when we get up by 7-14 than Gran or Blockhead.

We're going to miss him more than we realize next year, like Toth.
Also, I'd use Kash Daniel as my backup tailback. Sihiem King sucks and we are basically using our running back as a battering ram anyway.

I'll take the Pikeville bastard who will dog cuss your mother and streetfight you to back up Benny. Why not?

King doesn't suck, but he sucks when used as a bruiser. One game, one, we got him in space and he shit all over whoever it was we were playing.

If Gran had Kash on offense, he'd have him running wheel routes and catching swing passes out of the backfield. On a positive note he'd be better than a few of the OL we have in there at pass pro.

Really hoping this storm turns severe and kills me in my sleep.
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Agreed. King doesn't suck, he's misused. He's a weapon waiting to happen.

Also, the only player I want to see running the Wildcat is Bowden. He's elusive, always seems to gain positive yards in tight quarters, and is an actual threat to pass. Hell, I want to see more Bowden period. Play him like Cobb. He's ready!
King doesn't suck, he's misused. He's a weapon waiting to happen.

Well he can join the club.

I shouldn't have said King sucked because I hate making fun of a college player and Will is correct that King is being asked to do something that he really can't do and that is not his fault. My point was more that if we are just going to run it up the gut every time, then Daniel is a better option as a backup.

There wasn't a chance in France that Daniel wasn't going to convert that fake punt. He also played a little QB and RB in high school.

If I really wanted to force the other team to call a timeout, I'd put Bowden and Daniel in the backfield in the wildcat just to screw with the defensive coordinator.
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Also, we only had to go 2 yards to ice the game completely. Just a stupid pussy move to kick that field goal. There is no rational explanation for doing it, unless you are 100% sure you can’t beat them in OT.

In OT, we had a huge advantage in the kicking game. That has to be a huge factor in going for it there. It worked out. If you are kicking on 4th down play action on thrid down would be the way to go.
The camera loves me. Don't be a hater. To be fair, I pretty much did that the entire review. It may have been Red Stagg and Fireball fueled, but that was more cardio than half of you slobs have done in a decade. So suck it.

Will, you would be in the hospital with 6 broken bones if you had attempted a graceful athletic maneuver like that.

Thank you x 1 million to my RUDDer from another mother for the seats and company. Had a blast, my man.

Extrav also featured visits from the legend that is Beavis, Swimmer and wife and Fylm!

Good seeing all of you plus the usual suspects.

Major thanks to Dr. Robert for the place to crash. Anth did a fab job with the Pope Homecoming Theme party. The sash was a nice touch.

5 and touching 1. I dig it.
-no worries, willy. Thanks for the soda and snacks. Nice lil quid pro quo.

-enjoyed seeing folks yesterday. Tired and didnt feel like going...but willy needed a ticket. Glad I got off my ass and went.

-really enjoyed the 1997 20th anniversary dr bob homcoming king cake.

-what jaimanthony does for home games is fantastic. It's a lot of work. Much appreciated.
Huge shout out to the Schems, the lass, and everybody that made yesterday such a great day.

From the framed picture hanging on the walls, the cake, the sash, and those hot drip beef sandwiches...oh yeah, and the W.

Seriously though, those hot drip beef sandwiches were :fire::fire::fire:

Great seeing Rudd, Fylm, Geese, Swimmers, Beavis, Richie, Sutros and the usual suspects. Willy didn’t snore too bad either.

I’m fine with getting Bowden the ball at least once per series. That kid is a freak. Can’t wait till he finally breaks one.

Stephen Johnson continues to impress the hell out of me.
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