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Dayton isn’t on the way to Columbus. It’s on the way to Lima, Toledo and Detroit you stupid MFers. Learn I-75 and GGP.


1991 Geography Bee Champion
Brian McClure and Bowling Green beat Kentucky back when I was in middle school. So whenever I drive past the BGSU stadium on 75 it makes me remember typical Kentucky football. But then I remember the nachos and cokes and the dope 80s unis and that makes it all better. Also the end zone bleachers at the original Commonwealth Stadium were incredible.
UK will survive, imo.

One of my favorite items of the collapse of UL, is the courier reporting that the UL athletic assoc lost money. I've listened to those waterheads brag about being "the most profitable athletic assoc in the country", and now it turns out they weren't even profitable AT ALL.
What a sham that whole place was.
One of my favorite items of the collapse of UL, is the courier reporting that the UL athletic assoc lost money. I've listened to those waterheads brag about being "the most profitable athletic assoc in the country", and now it turns out they weren't even profitable AT ALL.
What a sham that whole place was.

This was pointed out on CatPaw a few years ago but glad its coming to light.

Pretty audacious to brag about being the most profitable/valuable program in the country when you’re taking subsidies, but that’s our Little Brother for you.
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Basically the journalists are catching up with GYERO.

I look for ketchup with steak to be a new thing and can’t wait to see the fashion preview for. The Keeneland spring meet!
Burgermeister Meisterburger’s main job was to get Blue Smith here and he failed at that. Oh well.
Brian McClure and Bowling Green beat Kentucky back when I was in middle school. So whenever I drive past the BGSU stadium on 75 it makes me remember typical Kentucky football. But then I remember the nachos and cokes and the dope 80s unis and that makes it all better. Also the end zone bleachers at the original Commonwealth Stadium were incredible.

October night games with empty bourbon bottles exploding on the concrete below and little kids dodging them while playing football is one of my fondest childhood memories.
Man, Forde is now taking gratuitous shots at Pitino from left field. From this week's Forde Yard Dash:

“After many discussions with Scott [Barnes, the athletic director], waiving my contract is the correct decision and enables the young men and the program to move forward and concentrate on the rest of this season,” Andersen said in the school’s release. “Coaching is not about the mighty dollar.”

Said Barnes: “Coach Andersen’s decision to waive his remaining compensation is unprecedented in major college athletics. His decision is made for the right reasons and values, and it speaks volumes about the kind of honorable person that Gary Andersen is.”

(It’s clear what kind of person Andersen isn’t. The Rick Pitino kind.)


Forde really trying to distance himself from his recent co-author. Apparently he has no more f*s to give.
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