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Don't be a moron, anth.
God you’re a pussy. If some girl came up to you after a UK football game and started telling you about a routes, stunts and audibles you’d roll your eyes. Even if you didn’t outwardly, you would deep down inside. And there’s nothing wrong with that. If I went on Pinterest and started giving girls the business about eyeliner or something I’d get the same reaction.
I love how "racist" and "sexist" have become go-to nonsense insults. In a funny way, it is the same thing as calling somebody a "fag" back in the day.

That hag Lena Dunham somehow managed to link the Las Vegas shooting where a 64 year old white guy shot up a Jason Aldean concert as a racist and sexist event.

Kids these days, man.
John Clay, the prototypical knock your dick in the dirt middle linebacker, seems to do a pretty good job covering the sport. So I can see why everyone would think women would suck at it.

Also, Cam comes off like OJ 2.0, so I have no sympathy for any shit that gets piled on him even if the white knight sports hacks are annoying
The little media blitz Jurich staged has now settled down and and I don't think they were amused. The shots are coming now. that Dr Ricky is throwing haymakers.

With it coming out that Pitino benefited with 98% of the Adidas contract after Jurich said it was earmarked for student athletes is a major PR shitstorm that would never had happened under the Turtleneck.
Jurich is a combo of this guy
and this guy

And both eventually got theirs.
Oh look a bunch of white men are insecure about one of their own breaking rank and defending a woman. I've never seen this before.

A professional athlete admonished a woman, a professional herself and in a press conference, for asking a question about the sport because she was a woman.

No, I'm not really cool with that but I am a libtard pussy and you guys are the badasses!
“Hey, Cam. I think your teammate done did good. Do you like seeing your teammate be good? Please fully answer my very serious and nuanced question: ‘Do you enjoy your teammates being good?’”


“How dare you.”
I don't know that a dismissive chuckle followed by answering the question constitutes "admonishment."

But yes, she deserves to be treated the same as every male reporter, which is to say she should be mocked for taking herself and her profession way too seriously.
I don't know that a dismissive chuckle followed by answering the question constitutes "admonishment."

But yes, she deserves to be treated the same as every male reporter, which is to say she should be mocked for taking herself and her profession way too seriously.

I always found it amazing that each year there was a story about all the minor NCAA violations that UK had during the year. (like accidentally tweeting a recruit and not direct messaging or Tyler Ulis meeting Drake at after a concert) but there was never a similar story on UL. I always assumed that even though it was published under open records requests the Lousiville media never made the request to UL because they were scared of Jurich.


If my daughter gets her education, works hard, and pays her dues, I pity the mouthbreather who suggests that she "stays in her lane," because I'm not raising her to take that bullshit.
Unless she talks about something she knows not

Like running routes
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